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Post by Haplo »

Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i3-41-Ind (#532)
Faction: Indoril
Parent claim: TR_3-16-Ind (#120)
Claimed by: Parted User
Status: Not Available (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(3322, -3584):0
Files: TR_i3-41-Ind_Jule_1.esp; TR_i3-41-Ind_Jule_2.esp; TR_i3-41-Ind_Serric_1.esp; TR_i3-41-Ind_Thrignar Fraxix_1.esp


Almalexia 21,-29 Gondola Service Offices

Exterior in M3A6 http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=21206&start=360

#2 http://i.imgur.com/eCe8R.jpg

Post by Anonymous »

Ima gonna put in a nice sized tower, different levels for each different need... Training leading to quarters with a vault underneath of MT style and a few Indoril pieces of equipment needed incase of a seige or whatever...
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Post by Hermit »

Sounds cool. Check out [url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/claims/566/i3-57-Ind.rar]Sniper's Indoril tower interior[/url] for inspiration. Also, use the OoT packages.

No NPCs, Creatures, Scripts, no uber items, no meshes other than OoT meshes or game meshes, and no imperial/com meshes. Also, use the OoT packages! They have two direly needed indoril interior pieces. I have no clue how the devs managed to build Tribunal without these.

Anyway. Granted, and happy modding! :)
Recommeded OoT packages:
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/bot_2_5.zip (1.3 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/OoT_ActivatorsV4.rar (5.1 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/OoT_ClothingV1.rar (578 KB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/OoT_Containers_ingv3.rar (2 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/OoT_DrinksV1.rar (59 KB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_OOT_Main.tar.gz (31.4 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_OOT_Main.esp (806.5 KB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_WoT_v1_2.zip (3.4 MB)
Last edited by Hermit on Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starcrunch »

Revoked as per Kenshin's request. Up for grabs again.

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Post by Indoril »

I would like to claim this. I read the info. Anything special I need to know? I've not modded since May.

Last edited by Indoril on Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Hermit »

Check the header for basic info, the map for location, the map 3 file for location of windows and stuff on the exterior, and sniper4's call castle for an idea of the layout (yours will be a bit smaller, so you cannot use snipe's as a shell, but it can still give you an idea of what you're going for).

Use the OoT packages below, though, not the ones I linked to Kenshin, because those are way out of date.

Granted and happy modding!
Recommeded OoT packages:
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_EoT_datafiles.rar (7.6 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_EoT.esm (112.6 KB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_OOT_Old_v1.tar.gz (56.7 MB)
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Post by Indoril »

I am posting the completed 3-41 (T5) mod for review.

Important info:

It is three stories tall, and has a two story deep basement. The upper three stories are the guard-house area and entrances. The bottom basement is a House Indoril Vault. I assumed that that meant it was like the vaults in Vivec, full of expensive things. It has some rather expensive items within it, so the door leading into it is locked at lv. 85 with a trap. There should be at least two Indoril Guard NPCs in the Vault. The middle floor is a room equiped with items for Indoril guards. The top floor is equipped with morag tong items since the tower is to be manned by Morag Tong in case of siege.

The Plugin requires the EoT and OoT master files and meshes/icons/textures/etc..
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

again, i dont know why this wasent compleated yet. submitting
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Post by Nomadic1 »


Fits exterior: No

This appears to be only 3 stories high with two small basement levels. This interior should be 5 or 6 stories high. There are also two doors; neither where the door should actualyl be. The door should be in northwestern corner facing north, whereas the doors for this interior are in the middle of the western and northern walls (by following the northmarker).

Northmarker set: No
Loading errors: No

Review: The interior is dirty. The items added for this claim as well as the interior cell itself are named incorrectly. It also doesn't fit the exterior.

Starting at the lowest floor:
- light_de_lamp_03_128 bleeds into the wall and floats slightly
- Furn_museum_display_01 bleeds into the wall
- orcish_towershield bleeds into the display
- TR_w_orcish_mace bleeds into the display
- orcish_bracer_right floats
- The shafts of the silver staves float
- Gold_100 bleeds through the paper. It also confuses me as to why the gold is there in the first place
- ebony_shield floats
- tr_w_ebony_katana floats on both ends
- bookskill_long blade3 bleeds into the display
- furn_com_tapestry_01 is out of place in a Dunmer interior

Next floor up:
- nothing

Entry level:
- TR_in_MH_Wall_KL02 should be used instead of in_MH_3way_01 (at the stairs)
- in_MH_int_corner_01 should be used instead of in_MH_corner_01 (at the stairs) - both cause a weird error on the offending column.

First floor:
- misc_de_bowl_redware_02 rests on the bottom point. Bleed into the display
- light_de_candle_18_64 floats on the shelf
- TR_a_ind_cuirass floats at the torso end
- TR_a_ind_shield_02 floats on one strap
- TR_a_ind_pauldron_left_01 floats on one point
- TR_a_ind_pauldron_right_01 floats on one point
- both TR_a_ind_gauntlet_left float on one end
- both TR_a_ind_gauntlet_right float on one end
- TR_a_ind_greaves need to be placed entirely on the shelf because one can see through them from the bottom side
- TR_a_ind_cuirass floats on one end
- TR_a_ind_shield_03 floats on one strap
- TR_a_ind_pauldron_right_02 bleeds through the shelf
- TR_a_ind_pauldron_left_02 rests awkwardly
- bk_RealBarenziah1 bleeds into the table
- silver shardslayer and steel flamescythe float on the ceiling
- All five misc_de_goblet_02 bleed into the shelf
- misc_de_lute_01_phat floats and bleeds through the shelf
- TR_bk_LegalBasics and TR_bk_HealersTale seem out of place for a Dunmer interior

Second floor:
- light_de_candle_18_64 floats on the shelf
- light_de_candle_18_64 floats on the bookshelf
- bleeder dart floats on one end
- steel spear bleeds into the wall. Also, spears are usually stood on the shaft to prevent the point from going blunt
- chitin_towershield isn't resting against the table
- light_de_candle_18_64 floats on the table
- TR_a_stud_leather_greaves float on a point
- chitin greaves bleed into the shelf
- Two of the chitin helmets rest on one point only
- TR_a_stud_leather_pauldron_left floats on one end
- both chitin pauldron - left and chitin pauldron - right float on one end
- both cloth bracer right and cloth bracer left float on one end
- All four misc_de_bowl_redware_01 float. They should be bled into the shelf slightly
- bk_tamrielicreligions, bk_fragmentonartaeum and bk_varietiesoffaithintheempire don't really fit with the other books
- bk_manyfacesmissinggod bleeds into the shelf
- misc_de_pot_blue_01 bleeds into bk_ChangedOnes
- Both misc_de_bowl_redware_02 should be bled into the shelf slightly
- misc_de_bowl_bugdesign_01 should be bled into the shelf slightly

Most of the lamps float slightly. Bleed the very bottom of the point on the bottom into the ground on all of them

Comments A lot of small errors. This interior doesn't fit the exterior, the items added are named incorrectly, and it is dirty. A lot of fixing is needed.

Rating 6 / 10 (more once fixed)
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Post by Resadyn »


Fits exterior: No

Should be 4 by 4 or 5 by 5.
Missing all of your windows on the top floor.
Door misplaced.

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: Yes

A whole lotta missing textures and models, which im not really sure how to copy/paste them.

This will affect my reviewing most likely.

Review: Nothing is gridsnapped.

Top floor-

Potion_Cyro_Whiskey_01 slightly bleeds into table.
chitin_towershield does not touch the table and lokos strange.
morag_tong_helm should probably not be there. Its also floating on one end.
merisan_cuirass bleeds into the table
lbonemold brace of horny fist and rbonemold bracer of horny fist bleed into each other.
bonemold long bow floats
iron arrow floats
cruel spark bolt floats majorly
steel frostsword floats
bookskill_spear3 floats
your stack of sc_paper plain bleeds into each other

2nd from the top-

all of your misc_de_goblet_02 bleed
TR_bk_LegalBasics bleeds into the bookcase
silver shardslayer flaots
steel flamescythe flaots
misc_uni_pillow_01 bleeds
bk_RealBarenziah1 bleeds

3rd from the top-

There is...well....no detailgni on this floor, what so ever.


ebony_shield floats
Gold_100 bleeds into the table
orcish_cuirass bleeds
orcish_boots bleeds
orcish_pauldron_left bleeds
orcish_bracer_right floats a lot
orcish_towershield bleeds
sc_supremedomination floats
exquisite_amulet_01 bleeds
bookskill_long blade3 bleeds

Comments Very nice, lots of little bugs though.

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Post by Indoril »

Here's the fixed copy.

Just as a note to reviewers, it requires the OoT (current) plugins.
On another note, I was told that the morag tong items didn't fit, but it is describes as being manned also by the Morag Tong if the city were to be invaded. Since that is the case, the interior required some morag tong items and relatable pieces.
Last note, the last review told me to add two floors. I did so and furnished them, but the top two floors were not covered in the last review. Please informing if anything needs fixings.
Remember, requires OoT.
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Post by Indoril »

Um, Why hasn't this been reviewed yet?
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Post by Lud »

Moving to review.
Use the file in Indoril's post for reviewing.
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Post by Lud »

Indoril, I looked at your file, and it's severely mis-fitting. Make it 3x3 and 5 or 6 stories high, as Nomadic said. Resadyn was severely mistaken.
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Post by Lud »

Indoril, I looked at your file, and it's severely mis-fitting. Make it 3x3 and 5 or 6 stories high, as Nomadic said. Resadyn was severely mistaken.
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Post by Indoril »

Right. I'll work on this. Sorry I haven't gotten to it sooner. I actually didn't your post until just now. It'll take me a little while though. Give me about a month and I'll have it done for you.
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Post by Indoril »

By the way, just an update, my finals are done with, so I'm going to get this finished. Thankyou for all of your patience.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Revoking as Indoril does not have modder status
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Post by Serric »

Hmm, think i'll have a go at this one...I do find the Ind tileset quite easy to work with. A nice description, so i'll just do as it says; a vault at the top, barracks, storage, training room and armory...you get the picture.
As this is Morag Tong, would it be ok to make a small, modest shrine to Mephala somewhere in here? I'm only meaning tucked in a corner somewhere.
Probably 5-6 floors and basement (i'm guessing the height here and now btw, only going on past reviews of towers like this i've done, but i'll check it with the ext) I'll try to make it utilitarian more than pretty.

Can't think of anything else, the description sez it all really :P
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Post by Nanu »

Sure, have at it. I don't know about the shrine, though. The only one I've seen was in the canton in Vivec, and it was just a plain alter. So, yes you can do this, but no to the shrine.


Recommeded OoT packages:
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_Data.bsa (115.5 MB)
http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/files/oot/TR_Data.esm (2 MB)
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Post by Serric »

Well, the structure for this is complete, just gotta detail the thing now...i've made it 5X5, with 5 floors plus a basement level.

The layout (from top floor to bottom) is:
Secondary storage and eating area
sleeping quaters
training room
main storage

I've designed layout of the beds in the sleeping area so there are 8 guards, which is a decent amount IMO.

For the detailing, i'll probably start at the top and work down...
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Post by Serric »

I've as good as finished the basement level (just gotta stick a few more things on a shelf) and i've started the detailing of the training room, vault and sleeping area.

Just a thought for this: I've got a rather large armory, too large just to be filled with weapons and armor (i could supply a small army with the stuff that it'd take to fill the room currently), so i was thinking of maybe have it as a armory shop as well? if i swapped it to the ground floor it'd be ok (could be locked off from the rest of the tower), and there's precedent with the number of forts and places that sell stuff in Vvard.
I could then put a forge in the back and split the room, it'd make it more manageable.

Anyway, thoughts please; i've got enough to detail before i need the descision, but it'd be nice to know soon.

Also, sorry this is going slow, i've got a stupid amount of work to do for uni this semester, so i can't devote as much time as i'd like to this.
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Post by Serric »

Just to let you know, i am still working on this, now i've got the two weeks free for easter i'll get it done.
Currently, i've finished the basement, training room and bedroom, and 95% the vault (got one more thing to put in, but can't decide what).

Anyway, they say patience is a virtue....:P
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Post by Nanu »

Post the WIP at least. If you'd like this or your other claims revoked, feel free to PM me about it or say so here.
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Post by Serric »

Heres the WIP as requested...i've only got half a room to detail now so it's not really worth revoking.
I've still got quite a large amount of work to do for uni, but if i do a bit of work on it every day it'll get done soon.
With it being map3 i suppose there's not a rush to get it finished though...
Clean TR_i3-41_3.esp
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Post by Serric »

Well it took me a while (damned uni assignments...) but its finally done...
Thanks for waiting...

Now i guess I'd better go and pick up some reviews before TF shouts at me for not doing any in ages... :oops:
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

hehehehe. To review it goes.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: basement
-the stoneware bowls bled into the shelf a bit too much
-lowered and rotated goblets and pitcher
-one of the green urn things floated slightly
-a lid bled very slightly into a broken crate and the half barrel floated slightly

ground level
-didnt find anything

upper level
-rugs floating out in space, deleated them

bottom floor
-netch leather boots floated
-i locked the door to this place with a lvl 40 because i feel that the l00t here is substantial

middle floor
-nothing that i noticed

upper floor
-nothing here either

Comments over all good, minor errors (unless i mised something...)

Rating 9.5
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Approving, use top file for merging
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Post by SamirA »

Revoked for repurpose.
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Post by SamirA »

Unlocking for claimage.
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Post by Jule »

Claiming, de_r, top (entrance) floor 3x3 and three lower floors 4x4.
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Post by Stryker »

Sounds good. Grant, have fun!
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Post by Stryker »

Haū! Omochikaerī!

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Post by Jule »

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Post by Jule »

This is done! A few offices, a common room, a small shrine, a waiting area, and a lost&found room on the lowest floor, with all kinds of stuff people might forget on a gondola while going about their everyday business. Stuff that doesn't get claimed after a while gets stuffed into boxes and sold; any profit is then donated to the Temple.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

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Post by Seneca37 »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: Ambient/Sunlight/illegal-to-sleep-here: ok/ok/yes
Used file TR_M3A6_Nemon_aug2013.esp to check exterior

Cell Name changed from TR_i3-41-Ind_jule to TR_i3-41-Ind

The following have been corrected.

light_de_lamp_02 (-182, 367, -762)
TR_furn_com_rope_01 (-844, 227, -896)

misc_shears_01 (-55, 345, -563) into paper

Minor Float
chitin guantlet - left (-559, -452, -769)
ex_de_oar (48, -101, -809) - not resting on bookshelf
Furn_De_R_Bookshelf_02 (-11, 309, -559)
Furn_De_R_Bookshelf_02 (-546, -446, -815)
Furn_De_R_Bookshelf_02 (48, -208, -815)
TR_de_r_desk_01_Indoril (-304, 295, -354)
TR_ex_com_plank_pile (-710, 310, -896)
TR_furn_de_r_chair (-193, -249, -347)
TR_furn_de_r_chair (-323, -142, -347)

Minor Bleed
ex_de_oar (-505, 387, -806) into barrel

Fixed file below

Comments Very well done. Nice job with the planter and the shrine area.

Rating 9.5 out of 10
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Post by Seneca37 »

Moving to N/A until we decide what to do with Alma claims.