Another gift for TR from Resdayn Revival Team

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Another gift for TR from Resdayn Revival Team

Post by daedriclord »

TR team could use this for plainstrider, wasp's riding and some alchemist quests.
I've developed a script of riding or turning player into a creature(changing the model), you can see the demonstration in this two videos, its working principle differs from the technology used in Pegas Horse Rancho Mod

Resdayn Revival's Riding Technology:
Player's X = Mount's X
Player's Y = Mount's Y
Player's Z = Mount's Z + 200
Wherever player looks an invisible NPC falls down in-front of player's face (about 4 meters), the mount always follows the NPC

I call it Dunky carrot principle

you can see the demonstration Videos here


and also script which changes SIZE of player so you can be bigger or smaller, player can crawl under some obstacles. see the demonstration

If TR team is interested I can upload files with the scripts
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Post by Yeti »

These are all very impressive developments, daedriclord. The first one isn't really the kind of thing we'd be able to use; incorporating mounts is outside the scope of our mod. I'm less sure about whether the shrinking potion would be useful or not -it might be fun to have as a special potion the player gets to use for a unique quest. At the very least, I'm sure our scripters would be interested in seeing how you got it to work.
-Head of NPCs: [url=]Skyrim: Home of the Nords[/url]
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Post by daedriclord »

Okay, there is nothing special in potion script, just using player->setscale function in it, I've attached the file, there are still some bugs there but potions work.

I want to give some ideas for dwemer development watch this video
[img][/img][url][/url] and check out the images attached, ofcourse if somebody asks I will upload the files

If someone will be interested using this out of TR - the Carrot Dunky script is also useful for poly-morphing player into some creatures or NPCs

scale potion with dwarven centurion unassambled.rar
Scale changing potion with dwarven centurion unassembled
(180.71 KiB) Downloaded 107 times
Resdayn Revival5.jpg
underwater tower concept
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Resdayn Revival6.jpg
underwater tower concept
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Resdayn Revival7.jpg
Dwarven experiment
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