Comments and suggestions from someone (me) who might not know what they are talking about.
1. We should add a link to our Stirk mod in the downloads section, along with a link to our Hammerfell art book. The second of these in particular is a testament to our project's creative juices at work, and a towering artistic achievement in its own right. It is definitely something we want to display up front for people who are forming an initial impression of Tamriel Rebuilt to see.
It would also give us a chance to address the history of our Hammerfell mod quickly and concisely. Ideally, there should be a definite and readily available explanation of what happened to it on our website, if only for those who might be confused about that part of our history.
2. The about, downloads, join sections could use some visual elements. At the moment they feel kind of empty compared to the News section and its fancy latest images column.
3. I'd suggest a bolder color for links. Right now they don't stand out visually from the normal text much.
4. The text on the site might look better if it was justified. This might just be my personal preference, but I've always found justified text to have a cleaner and more professionally appealing appearance.
5. It would be nice if the about or faq sections provided a little more information on what the world of Morrowind is like. Why should people be interested in possibly helping us build this land? What makes the Dunmer a distinct culture, and their homeland a compelling place to explore? Obviously anyone who has ever played Morrowind likely already knows the answers to these questions instinctively, but it would still be nice to remind everyone what makes Morrowind a fascinating work of fantasy genius.
I'm thinking of a brief overview highlighting what province's key identifiable features; something similar in style to the release statement I wrote for [url=]the first Skyrim Home of the Nords release[/url]. And yes, feel free to consider this a shameless plug.
6. Speaking of other province mods, I don't think it would hurt to mention our more prolific cousin projects somewhere on the website. Perhaps under the "Why 'Tamriel' Rebuilt when you are really only building Morrowind?" section of the FAQ, so people know other parts of Tamriel are also being worked on to some extent.