Duplications - map conflicts?

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Duplications - map conflicts?

Post by Huskobar »

Hi, can you help me? For some time I've been working on a grand compilation which combines a number of popular mods into just a few super plugins. One mod included in the lineup is Tamriel Rebuilt Map 1.

Running through the compilation, I was surprised to find a great deal of doubling in Map 1. Also, a number of quests were broken. I don't fully remember doing so, but I suspect I did a Construction Set merge of the newest Map 1 version over top of the old one. The symptoms are suggestive of such and resemble what is discussed here:


If this is the case, I will have to manually pick through the compilation to eliminate the obsolete elements of Map 1 and retain only the 'definitive' version.

I want to remain as true to the grand vision of Tamriel Rebuilt as possible so my question is: what should be the guiding template to use? Objects germane to some quests (notably NPCs) seem to have been removed from the world - is there a reason and are some quests now passe? Should non-used NPCs be deleted altogether or can they be reactivated and the quests reinstated? Where cells seemingly duplicate (e.g. 'Firewatch, Cornelia's HOME' vs 'Firewatch, Cornelia's HOUSE'), is it safe to delete one? How about if one is seemingly altered (e.g. 'Gah Ouadaruhn, Bal Gernak's Chambers')? There's one where someone (possibly a third-party mod?) has changed a cell 'Gah Sadrith, Cabrinth Dven: Jeweler' - two cells with the same name but one has no entrance marker. In another instance, I seem to remember two closely-aligned entrances to an interior; in one case it's a house, in the other it's a business.

I am aiming for accuracy, lore-friendliness, and the elimination of redundancies. Could you please direct me about what might be way to go? I might include Map 2 later. Is the Sacred East package the one to go by for both Maps 1 and 2? Is this a final release and the proper one to use?

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Re: Duplications - map conflicts?

Post by arvisrend »

The Sacred East package (in the version that is to come out in a few days -- so please don't do anything right now) is the most recent one and contains everything. Forget about the old Map1 and Map2 downloads; they have nothing of value that isn't in the new files.

Your other problem seems to be that you have some third-party mods for TR which rely on old versions of TR and which cause bugs when you merge them with a new version. I can't help you with that, other than advising you to inform the mods' authors that there is a new TR out (or will be in a matter of days) and an update would be rather beneficial.

Anything containing the words "Gah Ouadruhn" is extremely obsolete. The place has been called Llothanis in TR for longer than I have been on these forums.
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Post by Yeti »

For what reason are you making these "super plugins" for Huskobar? For personal use or distribution?
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Post by Huskobar »

Okay, arvisrend, I shall wait for the newest release. Thank you. (Whew, a lot of 'unbaking' to do!)

Ultimately, Yeti, I would like to distribute them but I realize that's a very long road with a lot of hoops to jump through. That might or might not come to pass. For now, it's personal.

Simply put, the (stupidly overambitious) idea is to re-build aspects of Morrowind the way I feel it should have been built in the first place and to overlay many popular mods all working in concert together.

As this post implies, the great difficultly arises when mods are constantly evolving.