TR Sections-in-Dormance Download (Map 5 / rest of Map 4)

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TR Sections-in-Dormance Download (Map 5 / rest of Map 4)

Post by Swiftoak »

This file contains a temporary merge of all remaining exteriors outside our current sections, and the claims 5-7, 5-10, and 5-29 which will be merged in once their respective claimants are ready to part with their claims. This replaces the now-obsolete Map 4 and Map 5 Downloads.

To master the alpha, you must take this file and combine it with our current section files. Repeat, this is NOT the full Alpha file, which is only mastered at release. For public downloaders, this is not the alpha and we do not offer any support for this whatsoever, this file is meant for internal use only.

The purpose of this file is to facilitate work on bordermatching and bugfixing. Do not claim this file for any other changes. Only developers may claim this file. This will eventually be re-split along sectional lines once we determine what those will be.

Latest File.
"Idleness and lack of occupation tend - nay are dragged - towards evil."
Developer Emeritus
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Location: Kah-nah-duh

Post by Swiftoak »

Latest File (same link as top)
Requires TR_Data: 26 Aug 2014

Minor update, fixed two errenous cell names.
"Idleness and lack of occupation tend - nay are dragged - towards evil."