[Quest Design] - Fear & Loathing

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[Quest Design] - Fear & Loathing

Post by sasquatch2o »

Fear & Loathing:

In a small town somewhere in Morrowind a gang of thugs has taken up residence. The hooligans have been harassing locals, getting drunk in public, pissing in the street. They are a general public nuisance. In addition to making fools of themselves in public they have been accused of petty theft and assault. The local guards are afraid to deal with them. Throughout the town townsfolk are speaking about the pests. Since their arrival several drug dens have also appeared. It is believed they have connections with skooma smugglers. The town is a place of limited means. Speak to the leader of the guard, He explains they lack the manpower to deal with running them out they fear reprisals. As it is they have at least been relatively manageable thus far, however things have been slowly become increasingly worse. Open action against the gang is not an option. The jails in town cannot hold the number of miscreants in town. There is fear that if something is done the headache may evolve into the town being fully overrun by criminal elements. Being an outsider the leader of the guard asks that you attempt to infiltrate the gang by brokering a deal with them and gaining their trust. Gain their trust, eliminate their leadership and they will likely dissolve any organization and be more easily run out of town. to be continued (TBC)

my opinion.