CTD when loading cell "Thalotheran Quarry 27,-28"

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CTD when loading cell "Thalotheran Quarry 27,-28"

Post by Kalon »

I'm playing with the latest release of TR (map 3) and having a lot of fun exploring it, but whenever I try to load a specific exterior cell in the Lan Orethan region, Morrowind crashes. The cell in question is way east of Meralag, and appears to contains an open air mining site. Cell ID is "Thalotheran Quarry 27,-28"
TR is the only mod I have installed on this playthrough, so I have no idea what is causing this CTD. Has anyone else encountered a problem in this specific area ?
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Post by Dragon32 »

I seem to remember some talk here a couple of years back where there were problems loading certain cells if they were named. They could've been named anything and it would crash. Hrnchamd was asked about it and he added a fix into the Morrowind Code Patch.

Have you got that installed?
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Post by Kalon »

I installed MCP with the fix for expanding the map for TR and it solved my CTD issue. Thanks! Sorry for the late reply.