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Post by Doom_Carrot »

So, I was just reading a book in morrowind called "On Lyncathropy" And it mentioned that there was a were beast called the werecrocodile that lives in southern Morrowind and Black Marsh. I think it might be a neat idea to include them somehow. Is this a yay or nay idea?
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Post by Gnomey »

It's come up a lot before, with no real conclusion other than 'we'll wait and see when we get to that part of the map'. One of the large issues with werecrocs is that they need to be visually differentiated from [url=http://michaelkirkbride.tumblr.com/image/84785783218]Argo[/url][url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131112055430/elderscrolls/images/9/91/Argonian_Male.jpg]nians[/url], [url=http://home.comcast.net/~mjonesgraphics/mwddrth0.gif]Daed[/url][url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512225740/elderscrolls/images/c/c7/Daedroth.png]roth[/url], [url=http://tamrielvault.com/photo/tsae-sci]Tsaesci[/url], [url=http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/9109/2011/08/Argonian_Arena.jpg]Kothringi[/url], [url=http://lastdwemer.rumor.ru/Morr/daedra/clannfear.JPG]Clann[/url][url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/105/5/2/A_Clannfear_by_Ashkihyena.jpg]fear[/url] and any number of other critters I'm probably forgetting, but I'm starting to think that may be possible with the right combination of traits and visuals.
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Post by Biboran »

Can be somthing like this?
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Post by Gnomey »

To my eye that looks a lot like the Daedroth. I'm thinking more along the lines of making it look [url=http://img11.deviantart.net/f51b/i/2004/10/0/b/were_croc_gray_scale.jpg]more like a crocodile[/url] than a humanoid, while trying to avoid it ending up looking like Godzilla...
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Post by DestinedToDie »

When I read crocodile, the first thing my mind was this:


No idea why it has to be bipedal. Besides, how many games let you play as an actual crocodile?
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Post by Biboran »

Some references pictures can be useful


werecrocodile (I like face of this guy)
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Post by Doom_Carrot »

Biboran wrote:Some references pictures can be useful


werecrocodile (I like face of this guy)
Hmm, idk, that looks a bit over the top fantastical, more suited for an eso kind of style. Although I think that multiple limbs would be a cool idea, and a way to differentiate them from other creatures. :)
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Post by uno Dos Dres »

For me werecrocodile is perfectly painted here

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Post by Gnomey »

To me, the proposed pictures still aren't clearly differentiated from the creatures I linked. Aside from the idea of using four arms, which I don't think Biboran was suggesting, but crocodiles aren't six-limbed, so that wouldn't really make any sense.

The issue, as I see it, is that the other creatures look so generic; the Daedroth is essentially a werecroc. The werecroc has the limitation that it needs to look like a cross between a crocodile and a human, while the other creatures don't have that limitation. But they have already been created, while the werecroc has not, which limits the possibilities as far as the werecrocs are concerned.
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Post by Biboran »

but crocodiles aren't six-limbed
Who said this? :)

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Post by aRenfrow »

Perhaps we're focusing too much on the crocodile face; what if the face/head was much more humanoid than crocodile?
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Post by Biboran »

aRenfrow wrote:Perhaps we're focusing too much on the crocodile face; what if the face/head was much more humanoid than crocodile?
Then we get deathclaw, or killercrok from batman, or Kothringi or something like this
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Post by aRenfrow »

Honestly I think that might be a more suitable way to go.
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Post by Glisp »

The design is indeed the main issue here. The only Werecroc mod for morrowind has a Daedroth's head pasted on a werewolf's body and retextured with a special skin that behaves like an outfit. I have a picture of that on my photobucket actually but I'll only post the image if people are curious. However, that design would be idiotic to use.

As Gnomey mentioned, we don't want it to look like a Daedroth. Though I don't think it should look humanoid either. It should be somewhere between like the werewolf is. Personally, Uno Dos Dres's design is closer but effort should be made to make it look more humanoid. We don't want it to look like Oblivion's Daedroth for instance.

Let's take a look at the Werewolf's design in Morrowind for a second:

Note that it looks neither human nor animal but a weird combination of the two.

For the sake of it let's look at the wereboar in its only known appearance, Daggerfall:

yet again, a balance between humanoid and animal.

Let's take a look at other known Lycanthropes that have officially appeared in TES games:

Werebear in Dragonborn:
Notice a pattern yet?

One last Lycanthrope which isn't mentioned in the book "On Lycanthropy". This one appears in TES online:

The werebat. However, it's debatably Lycanthrope because a skill in online that you can use to track Lycanthropes, doesn't work on it. If it is one though, it follows the same pattern as well. (albeit it can fly)