How well would this laptop run TR with MGE:XE?

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How well would this laptop run TR with MGE:XE?

Post by Arramu »

Laptop -

If I were to only use MGE:XE long view (ie no shaders, bloom etc.. just long view at around 20 cells) would I get a steady 60fps in some of the lag heavy areas of the mainland? (sacred forest region, velothi mountains, almalexia etc..)
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Post by Aeven »

Getting 60fps in Morrowind is hard in general. Also, a view distance of 20 cells is generally considered very high. That being said, having a more modern computer doesn't seem to benefit the Morrowind engine very much.
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Post by 10Kaziem »

Probably not, to be honest, as Morrowind is notoriously badly optomised. You're going to get framerate drops in certain places, pretty much no matter what you do.

That said, with a nice computer and well-chosen MGE settings, you can usually run 40-60 fps in most places.

20 Cells is really long. I usually run no more than 6 or so and I have a fairly decent computer.