May i claim 4-18?

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May i claim 4-18?

Post by presidente »

Hi i am new here, and i ask, that may i claim this one. I know kingfish(this cell has borders with his) so he can help or give some advices. Bye
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Post by Noirgrim »

Claim Granted: 4-18 - ShaddamIV

Make sure you do the following:

-read all the sticky threads in the exteriors forum
(make sure you are using the right textures,statics, and building approved for your area)
-download group map 4 (in the members download forum) to line up your claim
-download your neighbors claims (PM them or ask them to send them to you)
-update the status of your work in the group map 4 forum (start a new thread)

Happy Modding!
"Noirgrim, (who is accused of working too hard) is the worst kind of modder this project can get." -Ender