Faction Proposal: The Hunters

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The Mad God
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Faction Proposal: The Hunters

Post by The Mad God »

This faction is dedicated to the erradication of werewolves (and other lycanthropes). Joining this faction is largely a matter of learning of their existence. All of the faction members should seem like filler NPCs until the player is on the inside. This faction is more secretive than the Blades.

If the player is a known Lycanthrope, the player will eventually (depending on a number of factors) recieve a message from a throw away messenger (some commoner who was payed a few gold to deliver a sealed message to the player in human form). This message will offer the player a chance to cure himself (or be hunted). If the player takes the chance to cure himself, a series of quests are triggered. If the player follows the cure quests propperly, he is offered the chance to join the Hunters at the conclusion (either way once he is cured, the known status will be cleared).

If the player is not a known Lycanthrope, he will need to essentially stumble on one of the faction quests. A certain low level werewolf is hiding out in a bandit cave. If the player happens to kill him, then speaks to one of the faction members, he will be offered the chance to join after a test of loyalty.

Their Quests will center around hunting werewolves down. Some quests will involve following up on rumors of werewolf like creatures causing trouble, investigating suspected werewolves, investigating Witches' Covens for links to the Glenmoril Wyrd, delivering messages to known werewolves (offering a chance to cure themselves), curing cooperative werewolves and killing uncooperative ones, recruting new members, etc.

I have a lot of ideas for this faction, including some party based large scale hunts, friendships and comraderies with a real basis (you cured them/saved them from werewolves/convinced the Hunters they were dead). This faction has a lot of potential. As a secret society made up largely of fanatics, there is a lot of oportunity for moral ambiguety, and cleaning house type quests (based on the Fighter's Guild for example).

As to services, they will be able to offer bribes to officials to clear your name for crimes committed in the faction's name. There will be members from all walks of life, so if you find an innkeeper who is a member, you can get free food and lodging. If you find an armorer in your faction, he might offer you the chance to buy from his "private stock".

I need some suggestions on the favored skills and attributes, as well as the nams for the varius ranks. I think the ranks should be like a kind of mockery of the werewolves themselves. (ex. Hound, Claw, Fang)

If this Faction is accepted. I'll start in on writing quests begining on the cure quest and the test of loyalty to get you into the facton.
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Post by Assassinace »

Probably for Skyrim not morrowind
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Post by Stalker »

This Vampire Hunter faction was present in Daggerefall and it was Tamriel-wise. So why not Morrowind with it's vamp clans ?

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Post by Assassinace »

Vampire hunter?
He was talking about werewolves. Since there are no werewolves in Morrowind I didn't see a reason for a guild hunting them.
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Post by Maklir »

What, can suddenly everybody cure themselves of Lycanthropy? I think it should be only one unique way of curing that (the Glenmor Witches I think :? ), but if it not against lore then it should be expensive cureing one (the cure should cost much, all the material or an very tough spell, can't imagine these hunters performing a ritual).
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Post by Assassinace »

I would think it would center more along the lines of killing the local leader of the werewolves (Assuming that's a legitimate way of curing yourself). Or the guild could get thier hands on on of the glenmoril potions or something if that's what you want to do. However those are dubious ideas. regardless no known werewolves in morrowind.
The Mad God
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Post by The Mad God »

Assassinace wrote:Vampire hunter?
He was talking about werewolves. Since there are no werewolves in Morrowind I didn't see a reason for a guild hunting them.
I thought that was just Vvardenfell.

I had the impression from numerous ingame books from Daggerfall that there were Lycanthropes in Morrowind. On Lycanthropy led me to believe that though certain kinds of Lycanthropes existed only in certain provinces the Werewolf was supposed to exist all across the Continent. This would include the Morrowind Mainland.

Here are some quotes from On Lycanthropy which supports my ascertion that the Morrowind Mainland at least should have Lycanthropes.
In Black Marsh and southern Morrowind, werecrocodiles stalk the swamps.
As I mentioned before, the werebear is the most common lycanthrope in Skyrim, and is also found in the northern parts of High Rock, the Imperial Province, and Morrowind.
The werewolf can be found in every province.
As to the presence of multiple cures, There were actaully two cures in Daggerfall and two others in Morrowind. In Daggerfall, you could either get a potion which cured you (kind of an easter egg) or you could go on the Hunters' Quest. This involved infecting the last of a hereditarty line of Lycanthropes with your Lycanthropy. You esentially transfer your Lycanthropy to a dying man who takes it with him. In Morrowind, you can either do the Witchs' Quest or you can uncover their hidden scroll.
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Post by Assassinace »

Good point however for the most part there aren't vampires in morrowind. The werecrocs are only in the swamp to the south. which covers only a very small amount. The same can be said with were bears to the west. The are NO werebeasts that live in the ashy areas. And very few that are in morrowind. So yes there are probably a few werewolves in morrowind but not many.

Post by Anonymous »

How are we gonna add werediles? Man, beth should release the sdk, bitch!
The Mad God
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Post by The Mad God »

Bladmand wrote:How are we gonna add werediles? Man, beth should release the sdk, dog!
Well, if Cortex ever finishes off his Transformations esp, that should let us script the rest of the Lycanthropic Transformations.

And what is sdk?

Post by Anonymous »

Sourcecode thingy :)
Anyway, does were-form implies biped? I could imagine a creature abit similier to the daedroth to be a weredile :)
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Post by Assassinace »

Yes it seems were implies bipedal at least to us since it would be really really difficult to make otherwise.
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

No, it wouldnt really be impossible, but difficult- get an activator, and script it so that at night the object is the creature, but at day an NPC. This is possible, right?
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Post by The Mad God »

It can be done. I'd be willing to do the scripting myself once we get the go ahead. I can't animate, but with a Daedroth like mesh, I could probably modify Cortex's code to trigger a transformation for PC and NPC alike once the neccessary conditions are met.

Also, on the subject of Lycanthropy, what is TR's official polocies on this condition? Is the every night transformation from Bloodmoon now the standard or are we going to say that normal werewolves change at the full moon, just not those who came to be during the time of the Blood Moon?
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Post by Assassinace »

which full moon. Morrowind has three moons. I think every night as well as the possibility of changing and reverting on command is the way it's being handled. If you have a better idea please speak up.
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Post by Haplo »

I'd have to say the smaller white one.
I thought it only had 2 moons?
I've only seen two moons...except of course if you mean the moon Vivec stopped that is now hovering over the temple.
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Post by Assassinace »

There is the "hidden" third moon that's only in lore. I don't know about the jail though.
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Post by Haplo »

yeah according to lore it's a moon as well.

a hidden third moon? a white one, a red one, and then a hidden third one...maybe black? thats a lot like Dragonlance if you ask me. DAMN Bethesda took stuff from a LOT OF OTHER FRICKIN PEOPLE!!!!!!!
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The Mad God
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Post by The Mad God »

I think it's important that the BloodMoon Main Quest be agknowledged as something special and out of the ordinary. If we make our werewolves, werebears and werecrocodiles change only at the time of the full moon (either of them), and have the knowledgable NPCs you talk about it with suggest that you are different (if a BloodMoon Werewolf) because Hircine was particularly involved with your infection (it was his time to shine).

As a result, we shore up a slight lore inconsistency created by BloodMoon.

I understand where you guys are coming from when you say that werewolves shouldn't be living in the ashlands, but I think you're missing the point that most werewolves are people most of the time.

Here's an example of how a werewolf would be found. Perhaps you hear rumors of an excentric shopkeeper who disapears for a few days every month. A little investigation reveals that his disapearences coinside with the full moon. Shadowing the shopkeeper, he leads you out into the wilderness. He waits there until nightfall when he transforms.

If we make the wereceatures as NPCs with the same level of background we give everyone else, it will make our environment more beleivable.

If we further added a werewolf to our bandit leveled lists, we can vary the encounters a little more because if you encounter him in the day, or when the moons aren't full, he's a bandit, but if you encounter him on the night of the full moon, he is a werewolf.

I know a lot of people here think that Werewolves don't fit with the feel of Morrowind. I just want to remind you all that we aren't just making Morrowind right now. We are setting polocies for the creation of the rest of Tamriel. The lore suggests that werewolves are all over Tamriel and this includes Morrowind.

I agree that lycanthropes shouldn't be the focus of our work in Tamriel-Rebuilt, but they should be a part of it. I just felt that the Hunters would be an ideal way to incorperate the werecreatures into Tamriel-Rebuilt without making Lycanthropy either an overwhelming force or a minor easter egg.

Post by Anonymous »

I agree with you, Bethsoft took a alot of liberty with bloodmoon to make it doable, Hell, I'm using a plugin that makes me change only at full moon..

But, why.. why do they have to be more secretive as the blades?
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Post by Assassinace »

I shouldn't say there are no werewolves in morrowind just fewer. One or two per region should be enough. As for the random bandits definitally. However one thing I question is how we should do our transformations (based off one moon or two or what?)
The Mad God
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Post by The Mad God »

I thnk it makes sense that both moons should be involved. I think that we ought to do is so that if either moon is full, they transform.

I got the impression that something like that was going on in Daggerfall, since the Full Moon times were kind of random.