Factions on High Rock

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Factions on High Rock

Post by Oblis »

Are there any clues about the names and the origin of any faction in High Rock? In daggerfall there were no any factions except the various knighthoods. Maybe these knight guilds represent their factions?

If the people of TR haven't thought of it yet let me suggest to make an organization of factions based on the states of high rock.

Sugg. 1) Every state will have its own governor (under the Emperor of course and maybe the governor of all high rock province). The states will have a number of counsilors living in large cities or towns of hight rock. Their role will mostly commercial and potitical.

Sugg. 2) Make no factions. Just give their power to the nobility of high rock being represented by the kighthoods. (See: Knights of the Flame, Knights of the Candle etc.) The influence of Emperor to these knighthoods will be strong as their leader will be elected from emperor itself to keep his will and laws there. So their role will be political and through armies.

Honourably, Oblis
Templar of Ur
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Post by Assassinace »

Actually there were a ton of factions in Daggerfall. Some of which may have more or less power now. There were the three kingdoms (Centinal, Waywrest, and Daggerfall) with Daggerfall controling most of High Rock. These of course, were broken up with Dukes and whatnot.
Also there was the fighter's, thieves, mages, knights, temples, and assassins guilds and orders.

For the most part think of medievil/dark ages europe as far as political goes (with a little mesh of late roman period).

Most of the intrigue comes with the three main families but there is also a lot going on outside as well (The main quest stuff, Orsinium, and probably some other stuff as well.)