Great House Redoran

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Post by Nomadic1 »

I wouldn't write off open war; it may be upon them whether they like it or not. For me with warfare between houses, it seems to go on two levels. The lowest is fought between the nobles only and is what is normally considered to be House warfare. House Redoran almost never uses the Morag Tong. Instead their nobles make an official challenge to another noble. if the challenged noble refuses to fight, they consider them to be a coward and House Redoran send in people to finish them off (if the other house doesn't, that is). If the challenged noble after one year still lives, then the challenge is officially ended. Obviously, a noble would seldom last that long. The other form of inter-house warfare is open war, and it happens when all alternatives are hopeless.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

I believe that this is somthing that could go on forever there fore I summit my vote for a lesser council at Kragenmoore, though I think that it will hurt Redoran but then again what doesn't hurt these day? For Redoran's survival I side with you now.I apoloigize for wasteing time. Let us work on this joint council Redoran age. :cry: Though it makes me terribly unhappy it is the law now and the law is not mocked. So this means now it likely that TR will have two coucils for Redoran?
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Marauth Alaí-Raán
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Post by Marauth Alaí-Raán »

Not lesser, equal, the Redorans aren't the kind who need to stamp authority on their lesser members, they'd be trustworthy enough that a council in Kragenmoore would always cooperate with that in Ald'Ruhn as they know that infighting would lead to further losses for the House.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

Excellent!!! :D That makes me feel much better I was under the impresion that Redoran was about to be hopelessly divided! yes very well I am all for this Idea an equal not lesser council, yes that has my full support. :D with an equal council, that would be lesser of two evils if the TR project choses Ald Ruhn to have absulute soveriegnty and not Kragenmoore then I think that an equal council on the mainland wouldn't be such a bad idea after all, however this should NOT give either Ald Ruhn or Kragenmoore stamping rights over one another. They must each respect each others EQUAl power and authority as to keep the balance stable.[/b]
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Post by Túrelio »

When I meant lesser I meant that it would be smaller, as it would just be started up. THe other Houses have lesser(smaller) councils on the mainland, in respect to their normal council, this would be the same way only reversed.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

:? could you possibly explain that please?
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Post by Túrelio »

Ok all the other Great Houses have a Council on the mainland and a council on Vvardenfell, but their capitols have remained the same. Redoran moved the capitol, and their Council to Vvardenfell, in a last ditch attempt to save itself. Now that it isn't working out as well, they are going to want to cover their tracks, and to do so they form a council to run things on the mainland. It will not be as grand as the Vvardenfell council, but it will work.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

ah ha, but why not as grand??? should they not be equal in power and grandure?
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Post by Túrelio »

Because it is just starting up, it might even be up to the PC to form the council from Nobles still on the mainland. The other council has been around for long time, this one is just starting up, it wouldn't be as big or grand.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

very well, I see what you say but shouldn't something compensate for the mainland council as to give the impresion to the other houses that Redoran has no intention of leaving Vvardenfell?
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Post by Nomadic1 »

House Redoran cannot move their capital back from Ald'Ruhn. They invested too much in Vvardenfell to just pull out. But the effectiveness of the Ald'Ruhn council has waned, due to travel restrictions caused by the blight, and Telvanni and Hlaalu land-snatching.

House Redoran council then decides that what is needed is a lesser council on the mainland to help run things there (when the player defeats the MW Main Quest perhaps, and is in charge of House Redoran?) so they send the player back to organise the foundation of one, which reports to the Ald'Ruhn council. The details are a little sketchy at best, all this talk about it is an attempt to make it clearer (which it has). Maybe the councillors each pick one person to be on the lesser council?
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

Good, Thank you mongoloid cow that clears thing up well enough. I know very well that Redoran has invested to much in to Vvardenfell, and moving the capitol would be very bad but what happens when the house wars break out on Vvardenfell? And say Ald Ruhn is captured. Of course the odds of this happening are rather slim, but not out of the question. Were then does power revert to? would it go to the mainland council?
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Post by Marauth Alaí-Raán »

If a full scale House war broke out on Vvardenfell they'd only really have to fight the Hlaalu who, without the protection of the legions (such a war would not happen with the legions present) would be in no state to capture any Redoran territory, most of their people would be on the first boat back to Cyrodiil to avoid being massacred by Dunmer mobs. As for Telvanni they've got no real beef with Redoran, only Hlaalu so they'd likely say 'you leave us alone and we'll leave you alone' to the Redorans and that'd be that, both would wage war on the Hlaalu, the Redorans to retake anything they'd lost and the Telvanni to take that Odirniran place and presumably some more stuff just to be nasty to Hlaalu.

As for the PC forming the new council - well who else is gonna? What I'd suggest is to go with the Ald'Ruhn councillors nominating people they think are deserving of being councillors and then you would go to talk these nobles (who could be initially scattered about the mainland cities) into serving on a second council in Kragenmoore. Possibly even have too many nominations so that you could choose who goes on the council out of the nobles available?
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

That solves it then you have proven your point very well. I now think that this new mainland council is a great idea. and could there be the possiblity of your player could leading the mainland council?
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

However, due to the incomprehensibly stupid rule of not touching vvardenfell, even for quests, all of your redoran quest ideas must be thrown out the door and beat with a sack of bricks.
sorry for the inconvenience. :P
(runs away really fast)
"Crashing the game is an innovative way of alerting the player that they've finished the quest, but I'm not sure that's the kind of innovation we're looking for." - Sload
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

:evil: what on Earth!!!! That means then that we have to get our quests from the mainland???
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

this rule is abused all the friggin time, and is way too strictly enforced. too bad we cant do nothin about it, except minor protest and hints that it should be loosened up - like this! :D


guess that wasnt too subtle. oh well.
"Crashing the game is an innovative way of alerting the player that they've finished the quest, but I'm not sure that's the kind of innovation we're looking for." - Sload
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

:evil: Hmmmmmmph!!!!!! well then , ok, why don't we have an informat form Ald Ruhn waiting in Kragenmoore to give you the quest from the Ald Ruhn council?
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

that works.
good boy.
in fact, why cant all our other members just come up with solutions on their own? everyone asks too many questions these days :P .
i like the idea of an informant anyways, makes it seem urgent.
"Crashing the game is an innovative way of alerting the player that they've finished the quest, but I'm not sure that's the kind of innovation we're looking for." - Sload
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

:twisted: ah thank you I agree riping the system makes life all the sweeter!!
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

now how do we put this into action?
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

we write a super-detailed summary of this entire quest - EVERYTHING that happens in it - and post it in the finished quests forum. I think.
"Crashing the game is an innovative way of alerting the player that they've finished the quest, but I'm not sure that's the kind of innovation we're looking for." - Sload
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

ok, then who writes the entire quest? one person?or is it a combination of submited quests from people?
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Marauth Alaí-Raán
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Post by Marauth Alaí-Raán »

Well this mainland council quest (which shouldn't be the be all and end all of the Redoran quests BTW) should be developed a bit more I think before one person goes off to write it all up, I mean all we've posted in this thread is a vague outline. Also while it is one big overriding quest it would have to be made up of the individual quests of getting each noble to agree, in time-honoured RPG tradition they'd obviously want you to do some annoying chores for them before agreeing just like getting councillor support in the original game. Man that Caldera quest got on my tats LOL.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

I agree. It should be talked through more by all of us before its writen out, However I think that it is a good idea to have an informat from Ald Ruhn to deliver the quest to you ( thus solving the problem when you can't go to Vvadenfell to get the quest from Ald Ruhn.) Yes and of course you have to find and do little chores for the wouldbe councilmen/women. But their missions should be alittle more chalenging then some of the ones on Vvardenfell's council. Not that some of those quests wern't a pain. Like the Caldera one. that one ticked me off big time. but imean somthing a little more chalenging then getting taxs from Gnisis. but all in all I think that the quest could be a rather good one.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

Good call with the informant on the mainland. 8) The no-touching Vvardenfell makes sense when talking about adding stuff, rearranging stuff, moving stuff, etc. but not with quests. Oh well. Now all we need is some ideas on who and where the promising councillors are...
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

I say that one of them be some broken down Dunmer drunken bum in Riverbridge with little left to live for, near the brink of suiside. you offer him a new life and at first he refuses you but then you must do things ( Quests) ( i dont know what) and then he will follow your new redoran council mabye to add some wierd twist he can be Venims brother or somthing, this is both a good stratiegic move and add some bizarreness to the quest. as the stratigist you place a Venim on a seat of the mainland council make Redoran more united. and under control. And maybe just maybe you will finally see a smile crack on Archmaster Venim's bitter face, now thats bizarre, useually I see him with a slit throut with a Sour frown lying dead on the arena floor :twisted:
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Post by Túrelio »

I don't have time to discuss it further but you write up the idea and put it in the Quest Discussion thread, that is where it would go. Then the rest of the Team will rip it up and put it back together till eventually it is acceptable.
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Post by Stalker »

I wonder one thing. Redoran is the one of three Houses present on VF which doesn't have mainland Council. So if you become the grandmaster on VF - you become the grandmaster of the WHOLE Redoran. So what we are going to do with this ?

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Post by Marauth Alaí-Raán »

The idea behind this is to create a new 'lesser' council of sorts that will operate to run the mainland territories, and hopefully retake what has been lost to the Hlaalu, in other words to reestablish their power on the mainland which has been disappearing thanks to the Hlaalu. This is a kind of 'return us to glory' type quest and the council that you'd set up while under the dominion of the Ald'Ruhn council would be able to project Redoran power more effectively throughout the western mainland, and increase their influence back to what it was before the Hlaalu began 'Operation Massive Land Grab'
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