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Post by Anonymous »

Problbly be mentioned but what about the Dres vaults? Those are gonna be awsome.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

I agree, I believe I read somewhere that the Dres' wealth surpassed that of Hlaalu. How much fun they wll be to rob :twisted:
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Post by Túrelio »

That is if you can find them, remember how Telvanni's Vault was? Imagine that and having to find it, I doubt it would be easy.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

Ughhhh, suddenly I think my thief is gonna go broke... No mater. I will simply have to do without the vaults....for a time :twisted:

Post by Anonymous »

Tellvanni vault had like 8 gaurds. This will have like 13. Also the redoran vaults were 2 parts sort of. So the could be 2 buildings. Also there could be another Hlallu vault in Narsis. It would make sense. So thus more Hlallu wealth so..... DRES has even bigger vaults. but imagine raiding every vault overnight! That is what morrowind was mad for. If they had newspapers it would say Dres, Redoran, Hlallu, and Telvannis coffers have been emptied! 43 gaurds found dead! A reported 8 million septims in wealth is gone! The vaults have been emptied!....then it would say, "some guy who calls himsaelf the Neverar reborn has purchased the city of Narsis."
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

better pack alot of Sajumma and Mazte to kill 43 guards and buy out that packrat service in mournhold to ship it all. Yeah thats not obvious. The house banks were all just robbed everyones in panic with one drunken fool runing around with 16 packrats following him. Nope, I haven't seen anything unusual officer. :lol:
Last edited by Suhn Tarsis on Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jacurutu »

Only the prospect of death makes life worth living.

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Post by Túrelio »

When I was refering to Telvanni Vault I was refering to the fact that it was designed as a trap. You would pick the lock and enter to find yourself in front of 3 storm daedra, if you could'nt handle them(like a noob trying to get rich fast) then when you turn around you find the door is locked still, also if you die you think that htere is no treasure because you didn't see any in the room. Dres will likely be traped as well, to catch noobs off guard and maybe even higher level characters. We will of course make it known that the vaults are the richist, just to encourage them to try. :twisted:
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

ahh hha yes :twisted: spill the blood of the innocennt :twisted: but Dres wont jip you like Telvanni right? I acually built my character, defeated the atronarchs, had spells to get away, and right about then i thought I was about to be the richest man....Argonian in Morrowind, expecting to find soul gems worth over ...oh you could only imagine. Then I see three little chests backed up in the corner with emeralds and rubys in them..... Humph!!!!!!! :evil: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEN i COULD JUST HERE ALL THE Telvanni council simaltianiously laughing at me, Just laughing and laughing and laughing. Make it stop :cry: ...

Dres will not be that way right????

Post by Anonymous »

I've decided long ago that when Morrowind is finished that I will join House Dres. So it would be cool if you were in House Dres if you could purchase your own little storage vault. Very expencive I might add, and spacious but not to large. Whatever.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

Actually... I could imagine the Dres with tonnes of jewels. My take on what I reckon their vaults would be like are:
1) You enter the vaults
2) Just a few chests full of gold and jewels, guarded heavily of course
3) But under the giant palace in Tear is another vault, more secret
4) Even heavier guard, maybe even had it so intervention and recall don't work (I'm evil :D) and the guards can always see you, no matter how much you sneak or use chameleon

Maybe not, but it would be a load of fun.
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Post by Zalzidrax »

Hmm... does giving a guard CE detect creature allow them to 'see' invisible and sneaking foes?
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Post by Arthmodeus »

Wouldnt all the great houses also have their vaults on the mainland? I know three of them have vaults on Vvardenfell but that cant be all of it.

Post by Anonymous »

Sorry it seems like a hassle to have to put a .jpg file to .rar but it wont let me upload anything else.

Blue-Secret door
purple-treasure, loot
black-normal door

This is my version of the Dres vaults. You keep thinking you've found the real treasure vault untill you see the hidden door and get into the next one. And it keeps going on until you find the real vault
(7.76 KiB) Downloaded 84 times

Post by Anonymous »

looks good but the hidden doors will have to be very secret very hard to find. And, the map will have to be disabled so you can't look at it for the any kind of clues.
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Post by Túrelio »

Well pesonally I don't want it to be a big dungeon like that, it can be deadly and confusing while much smaller, trust me. :twisted: Also we can make each room a seperate interior, so the map isn't a big deal.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

perhaps place the hidden doors behind tapestry or somthing along that line. Very good though, very evil :twisted:
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Post by Zalzidrax »

And remember to give the guards the tools to thwart "cheap" tactics. Like dispels to stop those potion chugging psychos.

Post by Anonymous »

Túrelio wrote:Well pesonally I don't want it to be a big dungeon like that, it can be deadly and confusing while much smaller, trust me. :twisted: Also we can make each room a seperate interior, so the map isn't a big deal.
if you do that you will be able to see the little squares that signifies a door that loads.
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Post by Túrelio »

there is also always the option of putting a large black object over an are, that might work but i am not sure.
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Post by Psyborg »

Hm... perhaps you could script it so the doors were actually walls until you found a description of where the doors were. Such as a 'thieve's helper' that you get after completing such and such a quest for joe schmoe the elder thief. Just replace the walls with doors
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Post by Túrelio »

Or secret doors that are activated by a switch. You might be able to tell there is a passage behind a wall(tapping on the walls) but you wouldn't know how to open it without looking around.
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Post by Zalzidrax »

One torch bracket opens the wall, the others fry you or paralyze you and summon daedra or something else evil...

Post by Anonymous »

I like that idea with the torch daedrea! But, you would have to make somthing where you can find it easier.
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Post by Nairb »

use activators as doors. the acttivators would have no name.
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Post by Arthmodeus »

I hate to have repeat my posts but here it goes.

Wouldnt all the great houses also have their vaults on the mainland? I know three of them have vaults on Vvardenfell but that cant be all of it.
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Post by Xen »

I remember taking my mage-thief on Xbox into each of the Great House vaults and robbing them blind. Up until that point, I had been using Hlallo and Nerano Manors in Balmora to store all my stolen stuff, but after ripping off the vaults, they couldn't hold it all anymore. Especially when you factor in all the loot I was getting from Daedric Shrines and Dwemer Ruins. Lots of fun!

Post by Anonymous »

Arthmodeus wrote:I hate to have repeat my posts but here it goes.

Wouldnt all the great houses also have their vaults on the mainland? I know three of them have vaults on Vvardenfell but that cant be all of it.
That's what I thought, friend.

Post by Anonymous »

Hmmmm.... Glad you like my crappy MS paint drawing. One door could be trapped and have a huge pile of crates infront of it. Hard to see.

Post by Anonymous »

How would you move the crates?

Post by Anonymous »

youd look at the to corner of the crates.
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Post by Veet »

Yes Arthmodeus I think it rather likely that you would find some vaults in Port Telvanis and Narsis as well perhaps even more in Almalexia.

And everyone....when thinking of how to make the Dres vaults dificult to rob do not forget the fact that the faction is secretly run by vampires. Theres tons of fun stuff you can have go on with that little tidbit.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

What?!?!?!?! :? Dres? :? Vampire administration? :? ! I did not know that. this has taken me completly by surprise, but then again I knew very little about house Dres before coming to TR, so. But wait how is that possible? Morroindians hate vampires, they clam they burned them all out, but instead one of their houses is administrated by vampires. You are right though, we can have tons of fun with that. :twisted: hehehehe,
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Post by Garinator »

yea they kept it a secret from the temple and besides i dont think the temple would dare challenge a great house over rumors and hearsay. Theyd have 2 have some solid evidence and how they gonna get that with vamps guarding it? 8)
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

ahh haa, well put, It really is bad to be the temple. its prophacy is wrong its gonna be proven wrong, it can't stand up to the houses, many people hate it, and Azura wants you to bring its destruction. Nope being the temple isn't an assuranse of a bright future.

Post by Anonymous »

Howbout their vaults are stuffed in the bottom a a big labrinth 6 stories underground where you cant see anything.
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

yes, yes, good idea! and put a big minotour in it like in that Greek legend.

Post by Anonymous »

And, then put vampires in the maze with invisiblty on. so when they jump out to attack you will sh!t in your pants!
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Post by Túrelio »

Suhn Tarsis wrote:ahh haa, well put, It really is bad to be the temple. its prophacy is wrong its gonna be proven wrong, it can't stand up to the houses, many people hate it, and Azura wants you to bring its destruction. Nope being the temple isn't an assuranse of a bright future.
What are you talking about? What prophacy? Cannot stand up to the Houses? The Tribunal Temple is MADE of the Houses, especially Redoran and Indoril.

If the Temple knew of the vampires they would certainly take it apon themselves to do something about it. Also, their are not Morrowidians, they are called Dunmer, you know the Darkskined Mer of Morrowind. And for the most part Vampires are NOT looked apon very well in their cultrure. Notice, House Dres is SECRETLY run by vampires, so it is not very well known, and at best a far fetched rumors.

The thing is that the Temple does not need solid evidence, if it thought there were Vampires. However, Dres is on good terms with Indoril and the Temple, they have done them great deeds in the past, even though they do not worship the Tribunal, Dres respects it a great deal and Temple Priests have great respect in Dres territory.