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Post by Xen »

Sounds like a good quest hook to me. Infiltrate House Dres, find the evidence of their secret vampire masters, take it to the Temple and watch the fun begin. Better yet, take it to them and blackmail them. Remember Orvas Dren, anyone?
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Post by Túrelio »

You would be a fool to try that, I doubt that they would readily give you evidence or let you take it alive, plus there remains the fact that Dres has been allowed to worship Daedra, they may be allowed a few more things, as long as they respect the wishes of the Tribunal.
Suhn Tarsis
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

Forgive me, I was thinking foolishly. You are correct, it was after the fact that I had found that I was deeply mistaken about the Tribunal Temple. and its place in the whole of Morrowind.
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Post by Túrelio »

You are forgiven... :P
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Post by Nairb »

ok heres my 2 cents:

to enter the vaults, you have to find a hidden entrance (an activator) in a house or big important dres building. once you go in, you enter a maze. a BIG and dark maze. the map will be disabled (black squares over it). in order to help you in the maze, there will be a "map" or book hidden or on a member of the dres. you have to kill him/her or pick-pocket him/her.the maze will be populated by invisable vampires that have a 25% charmeloen. the 25% is so when they attack you have to squint to see them, because invisablity wears off. when you get to the end, there is a door. you enter that door, taking you to 5 flights of stairs going down. once you get there, you have to make it through a fairly big under water maze populated by dreugh warlords. once you make it past there, you come to one of my favorite mazes: door mazes. you enter the maze, and then there are 3 doors nears you. you enter one door, transporting you to a small section with only 2 doors. then you enter on more door, and it becomes a dead end. thats how a door maze works. then you come to a level 100 trapped door. you go through there and you enter the dres vaults. every one there attacks you, because your not supposed to be there. the mazes should be trapped to, like step on a certain thing you lose health or something.
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Post by Túrelio »

Well I think you guys are all missing something here. This is NOT suppose to be designed with Thieves overly in mind, or to be an adventure dungeon.

IMO, the REAL vault will be with the Dres Councilors, or atleast the ones in Tear. So the only way you will get to it will be if you are a very high up member of Dres, other wise you will not even know about it, or even be able to get in.

It will probably be hidden with an activator somewhere. For the most part it will be the Dres Council House/Underground, so I expect it to have a few of the Vampires, and Dres Guards. The vault itself, will be hidden as well. It should require a special key to deactivate it, if you don't do this then there will be a host of traps, pitfalls and spikes, along with trigger traps. No one will be inside.

Finding out about the Vault will only happen after you are a Vampire of Dres. If there is a maze, you can only get the map and key after being one.

Post by Anonymous »

A useful 'key' trick is to create an iten ,say a wardrobe, that acts normally unless you have a specialy scripted item, say a statue or a empty potion when you use the wardrobe with the secret key it slides back to reveal a dooru or trap door, remember this vault is designed to store money and stuff so dres might no want vampires and the like when they want to make a withdrawal, so perhaps more puzzley but easy for people who know the way like dres but difficult if you don't.

I like the 'think you found it but theres more' idea

perhaps you could follow someone down there so they show you where the gold is

Post by Anonymous »

How about the vaults are nomal and if you take somthing youre teleported to a dark room and you have to fight youre way out.
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

better yet, you get teleported to the arena in tear and have to fight many savage beasts... maybe even a senche, knowing how the dres work.
"Crashing the game is an innovative way of alerting the player that they've finished the quest, but I'm not sure that's the kind of innovation we're looking for." - Sload

Post by Anonymous »

Now that I like, you think 'this vault seems a little unguarded' and a soon as you loot anything your in an areana with hoardes of enimies :shock:

but if you remeber to deactivate the security system your safe

that would be fun
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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

yes it seems interesting. Sounds like iit would be fun, similar to the romans punishing thieves by throughing them into the Collosieum. turning an execcution to a sport event. But say you defeat the "gladiators" in the arena? and you escape wouldn't you be an outlaw? Not that you wouldn't already be, you just tried robbing a house vault :lol:

Post by Anonymous »

try to keep in mind the the people who made these vaults have to be able to access them for themselves so the must be a secret way to get around