the camona tong- hopefully the last thread

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the camona tong- hopefully the last thread

Post by Anonymous »

i do hope this is the last thread. pleast post ure ideas. no more "unecessary comments". I am through with FEP. just want to start the faction. i PMed Inferno, cuz he is the one in charge of bolt-ons, or so i heard. he has not yet replied. please look at my previous posts before u post ure ideas. i PMed many of them. we seemed to come to an agreement. screw FEP, this is for TR.

and now the important part. the camona tong. please people. i do not know were all the "they only like staying on Vvardenfell" rumors are from, but, i've checked over many things, and it seems to be just a rumor.
every thing is cleared. when Inferno and Yinnie respond, we will start modding. TO MAKE IT CLEAR, IT IS A BOLT-ON!!! now, in the mean time. i would like it if every one posted their ideas about wut the guild should contain for quests and stuff, possible bases etc... please no "there should not be a CT". anyhow, post the ideas. when we have enough, ill set em together and then we'll start organizing.
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Post by Graff »

It seems like a very cool project to work on, D_M, if you stick to lore and work hard, it could be a good mod at the end of your labours.

However, before you expect others to join you, you've got to give them more details, what you've posted here is sketchy at best. Take some time to write out why this mod should be built, what you're going to do with it, etc...

Good Luck, Dude...
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Post by Graff »

...wait a second, I forgot to say something.

In the long run, many people on TR, already working hard on this project, may not be interested in helping to make it, despite being interested in the final result.

Don't take this personally, the more work you do on this yourself, the happier you'll be with the final result.

Post by Anonymous »

i agree. to answer your question, i think it should be a faction because it would offer alot of interactive content to TR. The reason i made the sub-guild thing was to:

1- make it more exiting for a stealth oriented character.
2- to recompinsate for the other factions that u will miss out on (not aloud being in the imperial stuff, or, sadly, the thieves guild)
3- i loved the idea. and i think it should be exploited.

so, give all your ideas. when we have enough good ones, i'll bolt em together, and then we're off!

PS: I am not posting any more until i get the o.k

Post by Anonymous »

sry about the double post... but before i go and wait for a reply, i have to state an idea: i really do not feel like there is enough content in the war between the CT and the Thieves Guild. Tell me if i'm the only one thinking this.

Post by Anonymous »


we will start on the Vvardenfell branch. well make it, furnish it, and when thats done, the rest of morrowind should be complete enough so that we can build and install all that branch. now, first, even before we get to all the quests and npcs and dialogues, we need possible locations for camonna tong's bases. now, unlike may other guilds, the CT will ONLY (or at least on vvardenfell) have presence in hlaalu cities and towns. this doesnt meen that there are not spies in other districts. please do not flame me, i've checked the lore and it would make no sence to have them in a telvanni or redoran city.

anyhow, here are the first two main bases:

-the council club in balmora. (this will be home to spying CT branch)
- and, of course, the Dren Plantation.

while the plantation is big enough so that all of the main camonna tong quests (those that do not have to do with spying) will be all given there. there will be several quest givers, but they should only be in that area. there will be 3 quest givers in the plantation, and orvas dren will be the last.

now, see, the spy bases will be doted across the map. each spy will give u a total of two or three quests. the council club is the main spy base. the others will compose of one or too people. after, ure done all the missions of a spy, that spy will give u a document, which u will hand in to the spy master in the council club. one report is worth one rank. orvas dren is the one that will apoint u to spy master of the CT. i think that should be no more spies in the hlaalu districts because Dren has an influince on them. and is high enough that he knows whats going on.any how. post ure ideas for possible bases and existing npcs that could serve as spies. REMEMBER, ALL NPC THAT ARE PART OF THE CT MUST BE DUNMER! NO EXCEPTIONS!!
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Post by Garinator »

you can have a base in the underworks of the hlalu canton in vivec, an additional room in the big manor buildings in suran and gnar-mok. Also a secret room leading down from one of the store rooms in ebonheart would be quite cool although i dont know if it wud be intune wiv lore...
have fun and i hope it gets completed

Post by Anonymous »

thanx for all those ideas. well, i think that covers all the bases in the hlaalu areas and southern places. now, we need more bases in the north, east, and western parts of vvardenfell.
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Post by Garinator »

well i know that ald-ruhn already has a ct base and its also called the council club.
i suggest that you make another council club in sadrith mora just to complete the large bases in all the house capital cities. I think this would fit in with lore because the telvanni do not like the imperials and wouldnt have anything negative to say about the cammona tong setting up shop there. Along these lines im just thinking on how many more bases you want to set up within house telvanni and redoran territories. I would suggest one in khull, tel branora, tel mora and gnissis. Although individual operatives can be added to any city.

Post by Anonymous »

too true, too true. but remember, its not like telvanni and them are best friends. they do not hate each other in anyway, making one in sadrith mora would be reasnable. BUT!!!!!! garinator, i placed u ,and i think u mensioned something about argoth, in charge of the secret bases. ONLY make them in the towns that i said. except in ald'ruhn. for they already have the council club. see, this is how it will work. since there is already a council club in both ald'ruhn and balmora, we wont need secret bases. now, there will be a kinda master in each base. he will tell u to go spying on such and such, or kill such and such, or gather info on... u get the point. but REMEMBER GARINATOR. YOUR WORK IS ONLY ON THE SECRET BASES! nothing more and nothing less. and if u wanted to know were they all are, here it is: Vivec's hlaalu underworks, ald'ruhn and balmora council club, sadrith mora should have a council club and caldera (thats up to garinator to decide, please make it a secret base)

oh, and for the regular CT bases, (the regular CT that involves smuggling and fighting and NOT espionage), the Dren Plantation will be the one and only.

now that all bases finding is done and dealt with, we need quest ideas. remember, a player cannot get into the spy faction of CT unless he or she is at least at rank three of the regular faction. so first we'll focuss on the regular CT. then, when thats done, we'll go on to the spying faction. i was thinking that all quests for rank 1 up to rank three should be a line of quests with the same story line. here is wut i came up with:

u have to intercept a smuggler gang that stole a precious, ruby amulet from the CT. when u kill them, there will be a letter on them. when u return the letter to the quest giver (yet to be decided) he will read the letter, and give u a journal update with your reward. the next five quests until rank 3 will be rooting out the conspiracy against the CT that the letter indicated. quest after this, u will change quest givers. the next quest giver will HAVE TO give u about ten quests. there will then be another quest giver that should give u another 10 to 13 quests. and then Orvas Dren will give u the last ten quests. the tenth being killing him and gaining ure rightfull possition as kingpin. so, add all quest ideas now. please. and when i have at least 35 good and unique ones, i'll organise everything and we can start modding!!! REMEMBER!!!!! I REALLY NEED MODDERS!!!!!!!!
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Post by Garinator »

ok first dagoth the trader bolt on that me and argoth are making does NOT come under your juristiction. Maybe im wrong but i thought you were telling where to put bases for secret entrances and not where to put them.We are collaborating and where there are large bases run by the CT they will also serve as secret tax free entrances to the city. So we will probably collaborate the ones in Vivec, balmora, ald-ruhn, sadrith mora and caldera. Ok you also mentioned that you put me in charge of these secret bases. Now then does that mean i add npcs? ALso if i am in charge of creating these then can i add the secret tunnels for the trader bolt on that me and argoth are doing? these will be secret entrances going from outside the city and coming out in the secret bases. As soon as the npc comes out of the tunnel into the secret base he will be taxed by in these cases CT personal. But at a much lower rate than if they were going through the official tax system at the normal entrances to the city.
I think this collaberation between the projects wil benefit both parties. E.g there will be an insentive to join the CT and miss out on thieves guild and imperial quests in order to gain access to the tunnels in these cities.

Now onto ideas for the quests. I think there should be a lot of conflict between the thieves guild and the cammona tong as well as a lot of quests helping out fighters guild mercenaries to get the thieves guild out of morrowind. The first quest sounds good. I think that the note should be coded however and the note should not surface again until the player has completed 2 other unrelated quests. Ideas for these could be.
Getting a writ to build another council house in sadrith mora from dren in ebonheart
Collecting debts owed to the CT from various people in order to fund the building of the council house. Maybe around 2-3 people would have to be killed/intimated to get the cash.

Oh and dagoth please please please dont allow the player to become king pin of the cammona tong. That sort of thing would NEVER be allowed by the CT and where is it going to leave you when we come to the mainland CT quests?

ok the balls in your park now for further ideas on how the 3rd quest is related to this misterious coded note.

Post by Anonymous »

u got it garinator. yours with mine. and i do agree with the "ure not alowed to become ther kingpin" thing. at least on the vvardenfell branch. thanx garinator. now. we have to get the first part of CT up and running. I'll work on the first quest giver. when i am done. we'll devide into making the spies, and making the regular. i think that we should make the regular first. then go on to the spy one after. oh, and when i am done, i'll need a scripter to insert the proper scripts. i think u menshoined argoth did scripting? anyhow, fixed the problem at Dren plantation. now all dunmer are Camona tong. it will be the first person up the docks, wearing chitin armor, mavus ules, that will be the first quest giver and he will be the only one that will menshion that u can join. and he'll ONLY menshin this if ure not dunmer or thieves guild, or in any imperial guilds.

Post by Anonymous »

well, i am again sry for the double post, but i really am getting used to it. anyhow, i am done the first two missions for the CT. Oh, and another thing for the first five quests, there will be nothing to do with the thieves guild. BUT, there will be many thieves guild related quests for the second quest giver, but first thing is first. here is wut the first five quests will look like:

1- go and kill a group of smugglers just on the path between moonmoth and balmora. get a ruby amulet and a coded note from thir bodies.

2-Run in the mill, go kill this orc dude in the manor district of balmora (do not worry, he will attack first!)

3- kill a khajiit that is trying to run away from the camonna tong (he will have amazing athletics and speed and he will run away when u attack him. he will be placed somewhere south of the plantation.)

4- now we get more into depth about that coded message. Mavus (hes ure quest giver) tells u that it was written by an imperial mage from the mages guild. he tells u that he payd the smugglers to steel the amulet. he tells u that the mage is at the house of earthly delights in Suran. He tryies to kill u. u kill him, and u report pack.

5- Mavus Ules confirms that the man u killed was indeed not the man u were looking for, but a body guard. He informs u that he must of gotten away somewere in either ald'ruhn, gnisis, or maar gan. he informs u that u should check in with the camonna tong council club in ald'ruhn for more info. when u finaly kill the mage, u get a grand sum of money for ure troubles. that ends all the missions for quest giver 1.

anyhow, this is just to give u an idea. ill have to find someone to insert the proper scripts when i am done.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Anonymous »

Are you talking about how my spelling is bad? Well, if it bothers you so much, I will just write normaly. Besides, it took me a while before I finally learned how to chat with chat spelling.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Vegor »

Lol. Perhaps he's talking about using the edit ([img][/img]) button instead of making a new post if the previous post is yours as well. Just a wild guess.

Post by Anonymous »

Yes, stumpy, I understand. And please do nto post in this topic unless it has something to do with the CT. I love it that every one is giving me tips and stuff, but please, PM me for that sorta thing.
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Post by Vernon »

5HE35h, wH4T'$ j00R Pr0BLEM 5TUmpY?

Post by Anonymous »

LOL! Vernon! You really know how to "diss" people! But please, keep to the CAMONNA TONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A POST WERE PEOPLE WORK ON THE CT!!! So please keep to the subject if you're going to post! I am sorry if I sound mad.

Sincerely, dagoth_mishka
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Post by Vernon »

I wasn't dissing him, I was making a joke, but the humour is now dead, so...

Post by Anonymous »

This is just a warning:

well, it is defenetly for fighters or warriors and because of its spy branch its for stealth oriented PCs too. But to get to the spy branch, you must succeed the first five quests. now, i think a player should be at around level seveen or eight when they join. Now, this is not the sort of guild that you go in, and expect to get all experience needed as you go along. Even if you start on level eight, you will have to be at around level 12 to beet the fifth quest. After this, it will become one of those factions that you can breese through. Anyhow, here is what you'll need to get through the first five quests:

1- Pure brute force.

2-Nothing more then a simple killing (watch out for your green bar)

3- Speed is not the easiest way, you can also use marksman.


5- All the above

now, i am almost done these, just have to finish, test and script.
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Post by Haplo »

you need to like put some actual meaning into those quests...if they're supposed to be quests...I can't really tell.
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Post by Anonymous »

Well, since you have not seen the quests, you can not judge them. Besides, they are the first quests. After them all the rest will be more interesting. Especially if you are in the spy branch.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Anonymous »

well, by low I ment you dont start off with The Camonna Tong when you just get out of the census office. When I mean low, it is usually around 1 to 6. Now, I know we can all get to level 20 in no time, but I am just stating the level.

oh, and for the optional quest thing, I thought of that too. But this is just the first quest giver. He will not be all cool and interesting. Although, the next quest givers will. And there will be many optional quests. But, not when the baby is first born.

Post by Anonymous »


But now I have to script or find a scripter, and then add the advancement option. But seriously! I really need people!! I am double posting in hopes that someone will see this and answer! Please!!! I need quest makers! And scripters!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Kasan Moor »

There is also a bar in Vivec (forgot wich canton) called the No Name Club (I think). There is a locked door in there, with a rather large CT base behind it. The main person there could give you quests. I personally won't join this project, because I always hated the CT. Also, Orvas Dren is the head of the Camonna Tong. And you might want to involve smuggling things for the Sixth House in your quests, because Dren made a deal with the Sixth House.
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Post by Anonymous »

dont worry. I know these things. there will not be an immense amount of content on the sixth house, but there will be missions. In the mean time, the only reason peopl seem hate the CT is because they think they are all smugglersand moon sugar addicts. Well, they WILL have a spy section. Do not worry.
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Post by Kasan Moor »

No, no, no, that's not the reason why I hate them. I just hate them because of their arrogant reactions and the Orvas Dren character. I was happy to murder all camonna tong members in balmora council club when I was asked by Larrius Varro. And to kill the two bodygaurds of Dren for the Morag Tong was cool too.
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Post by Anonymous »

GOOD NEWS FRIENDS! I am now done the first quest giver and all his quests and dialogues, all that is left to do is insert the proper scripts, then test it!


I NEED SCRIPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE ANSWER MY CALL!!!!!!! I NEED SCRIPTERS BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Negrodomous »

Aaron is a good scripter, pm him and see if he'll help.

Post by Anonymous »

Well, now, here is a test version of it. Now, since i lent the playing disk to one of my friends, i can not test this myself. Could some one please test this and give me feedback? It is fully scripted. I was not sure wether i should add a dialogue script right after u got off the silt strider from Gnisis. And please, if there is a problem or two, do not FLAME me!!

NOTE* THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST FIVE QUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and have not yet put in all the proper greetings. So u could probably join the Thieves Guild after u join CT. i WILL INSERT THAT LATER.
The Camonna Tong, Test version 1.esp
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Post by Anonymous »

Um... Heres my new download. It is still the first five missions. I fixed the Scripts. So now it all works. Now, I am trying to get the advance rank thing to work (and i think i know how) but that will be part of my next package. The next package will consist of ten new quests all dealing with the thieves guild.This will include guild wars, alot of them. The last one will involve brining a gang of Camonna Tong Members to a thieves guild hideout (a cave) and therefor kill the entire squad. Now, this will not be the last of the Thieves guild Missions. There will be others. Anyhow, heres the first few quests. Fixed all the type-Os (or at least the ones I have found).
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Post by FatalChaos »

Well i think waht would be a cool idea for this mod would be to make it interact with what other factions you are part of. For examale, you should be able to join the thieves guild and the camonna tong, but at one point you must backstab one or the other. The comonna tong should also have wars with the morag tong and thieves guild. Also, if you are part of house redorn and part of the camonna tong, you should have to do special things to "conceal" you being part of the camonna tong. For ex: you have to get to the location of the assasination without being seen, and once you have been seen on 3 missions, then rumors will start to spread that you are part of the camonna tong. Then you have to prove yourself to house redoran. Also, you must have albi's to explain why you were seen at a camonna tong guild hall (a piece of paper saying for buisiness reasons or w/e)
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Post by Anonymous »

What? redoran have nothing to do with the camonna tong. they dont despise them. they dont mind them at all. why do you think they have a council club in ald'ruhn? and even if they were against the CT, the CT would probably call them murderous traitors and would not let you join. they even said that one day they would rise up and kill all the "false" dunmer. or stab them in their sleep or something. I appreciate your ideas but please, keep to lore. Redoran haven't a grudge on the CT. And none of the houses really do. Telvanni dont care. Indoril i am not sure, but its not like they're at war with them. I wouldn't be surprised if the Archannon used them secrectly several times to get what he wanted. redoran has no grudge. Hlaalu is greatly influenced by them. And Dres and them are like brothers. so the only real enimies are the imperial factions and the thieves guild.and the only reason the fighters guild or the morag tong kill them is because thats there job. they dont start open war with them. and the camonna tong understands this (in some cases they may not like it that their members were killed)

EDIT: The thieves guild idea was a bit wrong. Both are stealth oriented factions and both are at war. which means both are spying on each other at ALL times. The camonna tong would know who youare and also would the thieves guild. Interactive, perhaps. but please, please! READ MY POST IN THE GUILDS AND FACTIONS!!!!

HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!


and also. why would ANYONE wage war against the Morag Tong? I have seen way to many of these suggestions! First the Thieves guild waging war with them, then the CT? please! the CT is a strong power, but the morag tong is undouptidely stornger. while the CT only occupies Morrowind, The Morag Tong occupies the rest of Tamriel (well maybe not all of it). the morag tong isn't the type of faction that you would be wanting to mess with. even if the camonna tong is planning to one day rid morrowing of outlanders, that day aint gonna come any time soon. and ridding morrowind of the moragtong is just as hard, if not impossible. and from the lore that i have been pulling out, they dont mind each other. Please, before ANYONE posts another word about guild wars, REASEARCH LORE BEFORE HAND! YOU SEE THIS! READ SOME THINGS IN THERE BEFORE POSTING!! PLEASE!!
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Post by FatalChaos »

alright srry i didn't mean that that the thieves guild should go to war with the morag tong. Okay, so they should interact with whether you are part of the imerials and thievs guild i guess.

One last thing though, like you said the morag tong and fighters guild kill them. Eventually they have to do something about it, and while it may not be an open war, maybe you can just have quests where the camonna tong secure a few cities for themselves.
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Post by Anonymous »

yes. but the fighters guild doesn't "keep killiing the". only when orders are given. and many smugglers they kill arent CT. and its not like its the fighter guild's fault. they will tract down the person who gave the orders and kill them. not the fighters guild. Same thing with the Morag Tong. But there is a difference between a morag tong killing and a fighters guild killing. MOrag tong are more proffesionnal and there for caust more to hire. Fighters guild are less profeshionnal and are not usually hired to do undercovered assasinations, if you can even call the assasinations. You caan tell that if your hunting down a morag tong client that he'll be more powerful than a fighters guild client because the morag tong is more expensive.
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Post by Inferno_str1ke »

glad to see this is going well. ill add it onto the list now im here again.

Post by Anonymous »

um... what list exactly?