Map 1 Guild Quest Discussion (Mages Guild)

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Map 1 Guild Quest Discussion (Mages Guild)

Post by Veet »

This thread is to coordinate and discuss ideas for the Mages Guild quests on Map 1.
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Post by Rian »

how about a quest involving the ooghma infinium.
or was it destroyed after arena?
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Post by Veet »

Like I posted in the signup forums we have only a few days untill the maps are ready for us to begin questing so we need to get some conversation going about the quests, and some outlines started.
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Post by Veet »

I think that a good way to jump start some ideas with mages and magic users would be to design certain quests around a certain spell effect. Like perhaps a merchant who wishes a mage to magicaly lock some of his chests. Just one example but I'm sure there are many many more posibilities there.
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Post by Sniper4 »

If you read TR's new brown book for HT, the telvanni have recently learned how to summon a hearne. Attempting to steal this secret and/or kill the creator of this spell might be a good quest idea.

Post by Anonymous »

O.K. For you first quest the leader of whatever local mages guild doesn't really belive you that your in the mages guild (Information doesn't really travel to the mainland that fast), so they take this oppertunity to cheat you out of some high priced guild dues. If you pay they then send you to play "taxman" and collect from 3 other members who are avoiding the guild. Do this and they'll like you so much thell be willing to send you out to do all their "dirty work".
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Post by Veet »

Posibly the Mages Guild and the Telvani could be in direct competition to recruit some young talented magic users...
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Post by Anonymous »

As Yinnie put lets rip it to shreds and then put it back to pieces.

Quest title: Assassination attempt

Quest maker: Lounorte

Quest purpose: This quest is a way to get the player involved in the conflict between the mages guild and the imperial legion.

Quest outline: A two-part quest.

It starts out as the second quest you’ll get in the mages guild. After completing the first quest for whatever mages guild your in the guild leader will say they have no more quests. So the player will leave but the next time they enter the guild (By teleporting or just coming in the front door) the game plays a sound of a person scream and then the player enters the area where the guild leader was and they see 2 assassins. When the player gets close enough the assassins disappear. Dropping an item that symbolizes that they were in the imperial legion.

Now you talk to the guild leader and they advice you to check the nearest imperial fort. When you go there the player will have to recognize the 2 men (This part will be easy because both men will be standing beside each other and the both where the same shirt (the red one with a black vest)) and confront them. Then the will each be carrying a locket so when you kill them you take the item, return it to the guild leader and then you get paid.

NPC’s and dialogue:

Guild leader- this can be the leader of any mages guild in map 1 I suppose but preferably the one where you get the guild dues mission that I thought of. But the leader has a great disrespect for you and this quest gives the player a chance to prove himself or herself to the whole guild. Dialogue;

When you first talk to her after the assassins leave: You %pcname… your good at tracking people down I want you to find the fetchers that tried to kill me and teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget! Do this and I’ll pay you. Go!

; From this point on the guild leader wont talk to you until you have the two assassins lockets in your inventory.

When you have the two lockets this is what the guild leader says: I see your still alive and what’s this you have on you? Two lockets containing pictures of the assassins and their sisters? This is excellent; you have proved yourself very useful new man. Here is the gold I promise.

Everyone in the Imperial fort: This is everyone in the fort that the assassins are in. When you talk to them they say, “What are you talking about! I’m no murderer now get out of here before I have you arrested.â€Â￾

Ghelt (Assassin 1) and Fhelt (Assassin 2): These are the two assassins, they are brothers. They are in the lowest floor of whatever fort they’re in and there wearing very noticeable clothes and are dressed the same.

When you ask them about assassins they say, “Oh I think I may have a helpful bit of evidence for youâ€Â￾
; This is when the lead you to an empty room then say
“Oh yes here’s the evidence it looks like the murder weaponâ€Â￾ at this point they both draw their swords and try to kill the playerâ€Â￾

Locations: Any mages guild and it’s nearest fort.

Im also posting this in the mages guild vs imperial legion thread.[/b]
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Sniper4 »

hmm.. maybe I got the name wrong... lemme check something...
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Post by Morden »

Why would the mages guild and imperial legion be in a conflict with eachother? The Telvanni would more likely be in a conflict with the Mages Guild.
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Post by Sniper4 »

I found out the creature I was thinking of: Herne or hernes or something :P

That's what I got off the brown book we wrote.
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Post by Indoril »

Here's a classic thought: Some fool, a young apprentice in one guild hall, attempts to summon a greater Daedra, say, a golden saint, but screws up, summons about 5 of them, and they have taken over the guild hall. Resultingly, 3 or so guards are injured, the hall is in disaray and abandoned, and all of its mages are outside complaining and scolding the foolish aprentice, comparing it to the time that those two in the Balmora Guild Hall summoned flame atronachs to fight eachother over a bet. You, as the player, have to kill it. 8) :D

During the fight, lots of nice valueable things are left unattended, including, perhaps, a key to the entire hall. The player can steal this stuff, but only while fighting. The moment the 5 G.-Saints are dead, the mages return to inside the hall.

Reward: Whatever you can take from the golden saints. :D
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Yinnie »

Stumpytheguar wrote:
Sniper4 wrote:If you read TR's new brown book for HT, the telvanni have recently learned how to summon a hearne. Attempting to steal this secret and/or kill the creator of this spell might be a good quest idea.
What's a hearne? And how will you be implementing this spell? Using the empty spell effect slots will cause clashes with other mods... and scripting is alot of work for something as little as that. I mean I can write you a working script (Not to good with playgroup though) and all, but it'll take some time.

It doesn't have to be a fully working spell. It still needs touching up. The spell.

BTW, its the Duchess of Firewatch :)

this s*** is bananas...b-a-nan-a-s..

Post by Anonymous »

Sorry heres the revised version Quest title: Assassination attempt

Quest maker: Lounorte

Quest purpose: This quest is a way to get the player involved in the conflict between Telvanni and the mages guild.

Quest outline: A two-part quest.

It starts out as the second quest you’ll get in the mages guild. After completing the first quest for whatever mages guild your in the guild leader will say they have no more quests. So the player will leave but the next time they enter the guild (By teleporting or just coming in the front door) the game plays a sound of a person scream and then the player enters the area where the guild leader was and they see 2 assassins. When the player gets close enough the assassins disappear. Dropping an item that symbolizes that they are members of telvanni.

Now you talk to the guild leader and they advice you to check the nearest telvanni headquarters. When you go there the player will have to recognize the 2 men (This part will be easy because both men will be standing beside each other and the both where the same shirt (the red one with a black vest)) and confront them. Then the will each be carrying a locket so when you kill them you take the item, return it to the guild leader and then you get paid.

NPC’s and dialogue:

Guild leader- this can be the leader of any mages guild in map 1 I suppose but preferably the one where you get the guild dues mission that I thought of. But the leader has a great disrespect for you and this quest gives the player a chance to prove himself or herself to the whole guild. Dialogue;

When you first talk to her after the assassins leave: You %pcname… your good at tracking people down I want you to find the fetchers that tried to kill me and teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget! Do this and I’ll pay you. Go!

; From this point on the guild leader wont talk to you until you have the two assassins lockets in your inventory.

When you have the two lockets this is what the guild leader says: I see your still alive and what’s this you have on you? Two lockets containing pictures of the assassins and their sisters? This is excellent; you have proved yourself very useful new man. Here is the gold I promised.

Everyone in the telvanni headquarters: This is everyone in the area that the assassins are in. When you talk to them they say, “What are you talking about! I’m no murderer now get out of here before I have you kiled.â€Â￾

Ghelt (Assassin 1) and Fhelt (Assassin 2): These are the two assassins, they are brothers. They are in the lowest floor of whatever area they’re in and there wearing very noticeable clothes and are dressed the same.

When you ask them about assassins they say, “Oh I think I may have a helpful bit of evidence for youâ€Â￾
; This is when the lead you to an empty room then say
“Oh yes here’s the evidence it looks like the murder weaponâ€Â￾ at this point they both draw their swords and try to kill the playerâ€Â￾

Locations: Any mages guild and it’s any telvanni contolled building.
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Post by Rian »

so what about the ooghma infinium, or was it destoyed after arena?

i relly think that that could make for a sweet quest, some mage/sorcerer sends you to get it, and you could choose to use it or give it to him (like with the bitter cup)

hows it sound?
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Post by Haplo »

wait before you make any quests involving the stealing or destroying or meddling with that spell, as I've involved it already (in my head), with the main quest for telvanni, and I was thinking to involve it with the legion. I can easily switch it to the mages guild with some cooperation though.
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Post by G.M.K. »

What about a quest that involves you having to infiltrate one of the telvanni strongholds through a forgoten underground tunnel system. To make this more of a mages quest you'll need a variety of spells to get through the old magical traps. I'll think of something more if the idea is liked.
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Post by Haplo »

thats an excellent quest idea. please expand upon it. I'm very interested.
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Post by Graff »

I've got an idea for a major quest series.It's not finished yet, but it'll involve an investigation into the airship wreck in Solstheim, and perhaps actually building an airship.

Basically, the quest'll start start off with rumors among certain low-level guild members that the original airship builder (his name escapes me for the moment, that crazy guy in ald-ruhn) was an expelled mage guild-member, and a travelling imperial agent (perhaps a blade) asks you to confirm this before the blades (or imperial legion) investigates whether it was reckless manslaughter(?). The Guild-Master of firewatch Mages Guild confirms that this was true (not that he was necessarily a member of the Firewatch Mages Guild) and decides to begin his own investigation into what happened. As the air-ship builder (Guy in Ald-ruhn) is clearly mad, his input is unnecessary (therefore avoiding change to original game), so you will need to consult various alteration experts, as well as a craftsman (to give an engineers perspective (perhaps an armorer)).

After bringing this conflicting information/theories, the Guild-master asks the player to lead himself and his right-hand man (a high-ranking member of the guild, possibly an expert in alteration himself) to the crash site. Upon reaching the crash site, the Guild-master will announce he needs to study this airship, and you will be required to guard them while they do so. (I think a script, such as bringing a creature(s) from another cell to within a few units of the PC every few hours could be made, I think it was done with that Lost Heir Mod) After 2 days of walking around the site while you protect them from wolves and bears appearing at random intervals, the guild-master will tell the PC he has finished making notes, and asks you to take them back to Firewatch.

Upon the PC (and Guildmaster) arriving back at Firewatch, you will be approached by the same imperial agent who sparked off the quest, by some unknown means, he has procured the airship plans used to make the original wrecked airship. He wishes the PC to speak with the Guild-master and arrange for an improved prototype to be designed and built. After arranging for materials (certain illicit dwemer parts as well as mundane things like wood, steel,etc from the EEC(perhaps a quest to get the materials)) and craftsmen to build it, the Airship will be built.

NB: For a conclusion to the Airship quest, I was thinking of the Imperial Agent, or perhaps a Telvanni Retainer, stealing the craft and plans, before racing off towards black-marsh/skyrim(a link quest to next province?)

*Edit: Added extra quest parts: Edit*
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Post by fanfas »

Yes yes :lol: , it's a very good idea, please work on it and show us a little more of your idea...
Graff The Nord wrote:... so you will need to consult various alteration experts, as well as a craftsman (to give an engineers perspective (perhaps an armorer))...continued when i've got extra time.
This could include one or two "ESCORT like" quests to the crash site, so they can judge if it was or not reckless manslaughter. Or else you could go there catch some object for evaluation though this last idea implies putting new stuff near the crash site and i think that it would be against TR policy...

Anyway this was just a thought. :wink:
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Post by fanfas »

G.M.K. wrote:What about a quest that involves you having to infiltrate one of the telvanni strongholds through a forgoten underground tunnel system. To make this more of a mages quest you'll need a variety of spells to get through the old magical traps. I'll think of something more if the idea is liked.
Please do think in something more... I love the idea. Has for the traps they could be doors that just open with an unlock spell, and not with a key, some deadly pits that only with levitation could be passed through, and another "magic stuff only" traps... please tell us more.

I love mages.
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Post by Graff »

Funnily enough, that's the next part.I'll make a proper quest proposal form when I have the time.

Gonna try and edit my previous post and add what I've got.
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Post by fanfas »

...After 2 days of walking around the site while you protect them from wolves and bears appearing at random intervals, the guild-master will tell the PC he has finished making notes, and asks you to take them back to Firewatch.
I think that 2 days is too much time, maybe 4-5 hours.

Has for building the ship, if it's possible, cool, but if not, we could find the pieces and when they are all gathered, they could be stolen and you be sent to find what happen... (Leading to find evidence that they were stolen and taken to skyrim or Black-Marsh as you said).
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Post by Graff »

Hmmm...Thinking now, 2 days game time might be a a little too long(ahem), 4-5 hours should do it. Liking the idea of the pieces being stolen, perhaps simply the vital components, e.g. parts of the propulsion system, etc.
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Post by fanfas »

That could work... I think that we should get more opinions :D

So anyone else likes the idea? Or it is just me...
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Post by fanfas »

So no one likes this idea?

And Graff The Nord have you already made more progress in developing the idea a little bit more?
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Post by Graff »

Not really, I've got to finish the dialogue for the quest, and then the quest proposal form is finished. I might do a little conceptualising tomorrow (four day weekend, go on!!!) It's a little more advanced than as I wrote it here. Perhaps I should talk with the Lore Discussion people?
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Post by Anonymous »

if the player is not yet the archmage, could we set up a quest to allow them to step up as a steward of one of the branches of the mages' guild? then they could "give" quests to other guild members, sort of like having a mouth as a Telvanni
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Post by Graff »

Finally stopped procrastinating and made a quest proposal form.

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Post by fanfas »

Nice to see you finally manage to do it, i like it.

Ps: I've read it and i just want to know, How do you think the airship will be made? As i said before if that is to much work, we could simply make the thieves stole the plans instead of the actual ship. Or the Overseer could talk with you about the progress but you don't actually see it, and when they stole the airship you go to the warehouse and only catch one thieve that was left behind to take the original plans.
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Post by Graff »

Hmmm..good suggestions, if I can get some other members to take a look at this, I'll make some revisions...

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Post by Graff »


Anyone else read this????? Need suggestions, people!!

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Post by Majra »

hmmm sorry, Ive been busy with the Telvanni and Imperial quest lines

instead of writing up actual quest proposals, I would much rather see a storyline going that would show the ongoing tension between House Telvanni and all imperial presences. I like the idea of the competition of getting talented new magic users for early quests. Right now, we need the entire plot line, not just individual quests, once an idea has been made for Mages Guild, then the implementation of specific quests can be done in a coherent and logical method
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Post by Haplo »

I haven't been able to read the whole thing, so I don't know if this is included, but I saw Majra talking about getting new magic users for the Mages Guild. Maybe you could include them (MG) sensing the Telvanni growing strong and powerful, and the Mages Guild wants to be able to have a firm seat in northeastern Morrowind to be able to keep an eye on the Telvanni. They could possibly send out notices to every major city that does not oppose the MG for all those magi who are not accepted into House Telvanni to head for Firewatch, where they can be tested and accepted to bolster the ranks of the MG. You could include various quests that make this harder or longer than a usual trip.
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Post by Jacurutu »

This move seems a little too direct, and the Mages' Guild seems capable of at least some subtlety. If they did this, who knows how the Telvanni would respond. They might even organize an ambush on the Mages' Guild in Firewatch to kill or scare off any new recruits. No, the Mages' Guild needs to be a little bit more discreet about the whole operation, especially in the heart of the Telvanni lands.

I'm thinking that the Telvanni power in their own region has always been strong and static (why change a good thing?). However, if they were to note an increasing power in the Mages' Guild, that could create the tension you're looking for. The first quest, for example, could involve Telvanni guards harassing a new Mages' Guild recruit in his home. The player must go and convince (by some means or another) the Telvanni to piss off. It could escalate to burglaries, robberies, even murders.
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Post by Majra »

hmmmm the mages guild has always been a more upfront organization. They didnt resort to such tactics, sounds more like something Telvanni would do personally.
I think the mages guild would do something to promote how the empire is extravagent, and extraordinary. Like something peaceful but that shows their power. Im thinking the first quest could be simple like in Firewatch some sort of carnival atmosphere (obviously not named a carnival) of tavern owners and drinking and maybe a magicworks display from the mages guild, and your job would somehow be involved in such a thing.

Maybe the next quest could be something to do with the lecture room in the Firewatch library... and so on just put together some ideas on the type of trouble going on in the Mages guild... I like the idea of the mage's guild feeling in competition with the Telvanni, but on the side of the mage's guild it wouldnt be violent, because they are so forward in Dunmer territory if the imperials did such a thing there would be complete havoc and the armistice would be called off. Therefore it will have to be political, economic, and cultural competition
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Post by Jacurutu »

I meant that the Telvanni would be doing the aggressive things and that the PC would be defending the Mages' Guild members from their attacks.
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Post by Anonymous »

Well, you could draw out the airship part a bit. Like, for example, you get to the airship, and already some of the pieces are in the process of being stolen, and you could have a nice, fun fight between the mages guild, Great House Telvanni, the Empire, and whomsoever else. Then, each house manages to run of with something. This could even tie in with the other guilds, and could give plenty of quests for every faction.

For the other quest idea--
The more upfront-ish character could send out a notice, and deal with the repricussions (SP?) later, or they could spend their time and talk to all the possible recruits, being oh-so-careful not to alert the Great House Telvanni.