Great House Hlaalu

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Post by Túrelio »

Emperor87 that is something I have considered as well. Although we cannot have the Nerevarine in the plans as far as TR goes, because the houses don't really know he is coming, this does play into the future of Morrowind. The Nerevarine would be very insturmental in strengthening the Dunmer Hosues. I do think that he could definatly stop any open warfare if that could even happen. The more traditional House Warfare might be harder, I don't think he could directly order a stop to it as they are technically not troops and so not under his control, however the Nerevarine is more then just a General of all the Houses, so I am sure that he/she could persuade them to stop for a greater cause, or to put aside pointless conflict, and they would probably be wise to listen to him/her. Also, the remaining two Great Houses would likely be under the Nerevarine's control. The Temple is in favor and likely control(including the Ordinators) of the Nerevarine, and therefor so is House Indoril, and where Indoril goes Dres will likely follow.
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Post by Enlil »

Let's not forget that house Hlaalu did not get where they are now by being ignorant or weak. They saw fit to accept Imperial rule when they felt it would benefit them. This set them at odds with the other houses and strengthened the hate between them and House Redoran.
The Empire has thier dirty little fingers in their share of ebony as well.
As the fall of the Empire draws closer, House Hlaalu will use the wit and flexibility that has stayed them thus far to find new allies(most likely House Tellvani). The outlanders who belong to House Hlaalu will not quickly part. House Hlaalu is not known for its fear and cowardice; the outland members of the house will likley stand their ground.
Remember too that ebony is in their coffers and is a very valuable commodity.
IMO House Indoril will be subject to avoid having open dealings with House Hlaalu.
Open war is unavoidable. It is the Morag Tong that will set it off however.

And that is my take on House Hlaalu.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

House Telvanni allying? Umm... sure... whatever... not. House Telvanni does not interfere in politics or war, or anything else for that matter. They are only interested in being left alone.

Most of the outlanders which joined House Hlaalu did so for economic benefit. As the Hlaalu economy might soon experience a slump, they'll all run off to some other place.

House Hlaalu might also lose the ebony trade soon, House Redoran is threatening war specifically over how Hlaalu bribed the emperor to take full control of their mines.

Post by Anonymous »

Nomadic1 wrote:House Telvanni allying? Umm... sure... whatever... not. House Telvanni does not interfere in politics or war, or anything else for that matter. They are only interested in being left alone.
Not entirely true. They are VERY interested in politics, but they mostly focus on the internal (and extremely bloody) politics of their own House. On occasion they will take a solid stance on an important issue, such as when they allied with Redoran and Hlaalu in favor of surrendering Morrowind to the Empire rather than face the full might of the Legions.
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Post by Túrelio »

Hlaaly is like the stock market, when it starts to drop people get out of it. When the Outlanders start making less money then they spend they will leave for other economic chances. That doesn't mean they will be doomed, actually they will be better off without outlanders messing with the political choices.

Post by Anonymous »

I think it is very unlikely the the empire will pull out or VF but hlaalu let them in maybe just to take them out once they settled down so maybe they could take empirial town and also the empires share on ebony. I wonder what impact the morag tong assasinating The Emperor would have on Hlaalu chances of power
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

that is bullshit, im sorry (actually im not). the morag tong is illegal in every last province besides morrowind. why the hell would they want to assasinate the emperor anyway? he hasnt commited any crimes, except being old if you consider that a crime.
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Post by Túrelio »

The Morag Tong could attempt to kill the Emperor if they were payed too, they have before. It isn't if the Morag Tong wanted to, it is if someone else wanted to and had the money.

However the Empire will fall, that is certain.
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Post by Stalker »

sirwootalot123 wrote:that is bullshit, im sorry (actually im not). the morag tong is illegal in every last province besides morrowind. why the hell would they want to assasinate the emperor anyway? he hasnt commited any crimes, except being old if you consider that a crime.
Actually if you read 2920 series you will understand that:
a) Morag Tong assasinated Emperor once
b) it can kill anyone all around the Wheel (if the payment if high enough)

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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

Yes the empire will fall, and when it does, the house wars will break out, Redoran Grabs back its lands tha it lost to Hlaalu, Telvanni just grabs land. Hlaalu will fight but without the legions to back them up they will stand little chance.
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Post by Jacurutu »

Yinnie, are you ever going to post your plans for House Hlaalu here?! You said a very long time ago that you would make a post "soon" about the big plans for this house (around the time I was writing "Father" for BoT). So, what's the deal?
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Post by Garriath »

[quote="Stalker] it can kill anyone all around the Wheel (if the payment if high enough)[/quote]

Unless I'm very much mistaken, one of the terms negociated by Vehk and Talos was that the victims of the Morag Tong could only be Dunmer.
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Post by Yinnie »

Jacurutu wrote:Yinnie, are you ever going to post your plans for House Hlaalu here?! You said a very long time ago that you would make a post "soon" about the big plans for this house (around the time I was writing "Father" for BoT). So, what's the deal?
Don't be rude. I will when I am able. You try stepping in my shoes for one day and see...

Don't push me. Or I ever won't post. Then you can throw your books out of the window.

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Post by Suhn Tarsis »

theres no need to get angry, I'm sure he meant nothing rude by it.
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Post by Jacurutu »

Yes . . . relax . . . I was not trying to be rude. I apologize regardless.
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Post by Hermit »

House Hlaalu isn't due until we reach map 4 anyway. Before that, there's simply no use for a yellow book. Oh, and if you want to speed up the process, Jac (or anyone else), please compile a list of ALL Hlaalu towns and villages on maps 4, 5 and 6. That's nescessary for the book, and would help us a great deal in publishing it. :)
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