Bolt-Ons, can we...

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Bolt-Ons, can we...

Post by Negrodomous »

with TR bolt-ons, like FEP for example, can we use TR models, armor, weapons, and clothes?
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Post by Nairb »

i dont get what you are saying... can you clear that up? not using tr models for tr bolt ons?
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Post by Negrodomous »

Can we use TR models in TR boltons? yes or no?

Post by Anonymous »

Well, I am guessing we probably can. Maybe not the new Dres architecture, inlight of not so recent incidents, but besides that, I think we should be able. I mean, it is available to the public so there shouldn't be a problem.
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Post by Morden »

I think you should ask the modder because bolt-ons aren't actually a part of TR, and aren't moderated and reviewed like the main mod. What appears in OoT might not be meant for anything else. If i'm making something specifically for TR, i may not want it to appear in what is essentially, a bunch of non-TR mods.
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Post by Greybeard »

If it's any of my stuff, go ahead and use it. If it's someone elses, ask first. Each modder has his or her own preferences.
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Post by Inferno_str1ke »

a bolt-on is a TR mod - just not one which will be forced upon people who download the mod - when we do full releases, we will give the option to download just new TR content, or bolton content as well as new TR content. i dont know much about OoT, but from what I know if an item is put in there, it is essentially the province of the project, so anything within the project can use it. of course this does not extend to mods that are just on the recomended list, as these are either sourced from outside TR, or contain to many lore contradictions to bear the TR name.

and Grey, how is 6-39?
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Post by Negrodomous »

ok, so is that a yes or no?
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Post by Morden »

But pretty much anything can become a bolt-on. Whether official or unofficial. Lets face it.. anything that doesn't fit with TR gets the "bolt-on" treatment.
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Post by G.M.K. »

Mordens right, all you have to do is ask and its a bolt-on.

Post by Anonymous »

hm... perhaps. Unless it is so absolutely ridiculous. Stumpy has already menshioned to me that the imfamous "Scrib Worshipers of Sheagorath" proposal was a real hit. Yes yes, a real full fledged experience that will be.
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Post by Inferno_str1ke »

if it is a total lore contradiction then it wont be allowed - anyone who wants to replace Guars with dragons would be told to go away. also, anything that would spoil material already in the project would not be allowed. Saying that, stuff that only contravenes our lore ideas slightly would be allowed, we would just have to make up a suitable reason for it.

anyway, if youre not sure about using something from OoT, ask the member responsible for controlling OoT (not sure who that is now). if its not in OoT, ask the modder that made it.