Spam and Flame/Gooble and Stumpy

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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Rian, we all know that if we give you any reason to believe that the spirits of dwemer can return, then you will turn right back around and use that as 'proof' that Sotha Sil can come back.

And gooble, not only am I very irked about your coming back to the forums, but the fact that you have a banner again is even more distressing. Hence, my signature.
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Post by Gooblecakes »

yes, but my banner doesnt give people epileptic seisures. [img][/img]

why do you hate me, stumpy?
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Post by G.M.K. »

How about this, you are both a pair of flammers and therefor are competeing for territory (in this case TR). If I was TR's core you both would've been banned a long time ago. Just shut up and lets bring this back on topic.

The ghosts you find in the dwmerii ruins are simply monsters added to the game to fill in a gap. They died before Red Mountain and will wander around attacking anyone they find.
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Post by Vegor »

Stumpy, if it were a black guy who posted that image and it was Bush' face on the picture instead of Bob's, would it imply he hates all white people? I don't think so. However since he, if I recall correctly, had a nazi image in his signature some time before, I think we can safely assume it is indeed racist. Nobody else seems to notice or to care though.
G.M.K. wrote:If I was TR's core you both would've been banned a long time ago
Gooble, yes. A looong time ago, but I respect them for not doing it since it's a tool not to be overused. I never saw a reason to ban Stumpy, he might be a bit rude sometimes but that's no reason to ban him. Gooble's combination of racism, rudeness, spamming and ignorance on the other hand, seems reason enough to me.

Now, on topic, here's a quote from 'Ancestors and the Dunmer':
Spirits do not like to visit the mortal world, and they do so only out of duty and obligation. Spirits tell us that the otherworld is more pleasant, or at least more comfortable for spirits than our real world, which is cold, bitter, and full of pain and loss.

Mad Spirits

Spirits that are forced to remain in our world against their will may become mad spirits, or ghosts.

Some spirits are bound to this world because of some terrible circumstances of their death, or because of some powerful emotional bond to a person, place, or thing. These are called hauntings.

Some spirits are captured and bound to enchanted items by wizards. If the binding is involuntary, the spirit usually goes mad. A willing spirit may or may not retain its sanity, depending on the strength of the spirit and the wisdom of the enchanter.

Some spirits are bound against their wills to protect family shrines. This unpleasant fate is reserved for those who have not served the family faithfully in life. Dutiful and honorable ancestral spirits often aid in the capture and binding of wayward spirits.

These spirits usually go mad, and make terrifying guardians. They are ritually prevented from harming mortals of their clans, but that does not necessary discourage them from mischievous or peevish behavior. They are exceedingly dangerous for intruders. At the same time, if an intruder can penetrate the spirit's madness and play upon the spirit's resentment of his own clan, the angry spirits may be manipulated.
I think the same goes for Dwemer spirits. Some are bound to the mortal world because they have some mission or obligation (like Radac). That mission must be completed before they can return to the otherworld. Others are forced to stay in the world by unknown (magical) forces. Those forces have to release them before they can finally return to the otherworld. Therefor they turn into mad spirits, attacking everything they want.
Last edited by Vegor on Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gooblecakes »

Vegor wrote:Stumpy, if it were a black guy who posted that image and it was Bush' face on the picture instead of Bob's, would it imply he hates all white people? I don't think so. However since he, if I recall correctly, had a nazi image in his signature some time before, I think we can safely assume it is indeed racist. Nobody else seems to notice or to care though.
I had a nazi image? I did? please tell me what your talking about
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Post by Vegor »

Ok, I was stupid enough to get involved. Please keep this on-topic and stop this pointless argument. I seem to recall hermit saying you had a nazi image, but it could have been someone else as well. Please don't reply to this anymore, PM me if you have some other comment or whatever. Keep the thread on-topic.
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Post by Negrodomous »

i dont wanna get too involved, and im sorry if this is spam, but why do you think gooble's a racist? and against what race? ok, he doesent hate white ppl. i can prove that. he doesen't hate black ppl, i know that too. so wtf are you talking about?
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Stumpy, if it were a black guy who posted that image and it was Bush' face on the picture instead of Bob's, would it imply he hates all white people? I don't think so. However since he, if I recall correctly, had a nazi image in his signature some time before, I think we can safely assume it is indeed racist. Nobody else seems to notice or to care though.
Bush does not represent the American culture in the same way that Marley represents African Americans. It would imply that he hates republicans, and we would agree on something for once.

The fact of the matter is, banners are banned. They have always been banned. I never saw a place where that rule changed. My banner was created to show that if you break the rules in one case, you can break them in all cases. I would like to see Gooble's, mine, Lady Nerevar and Dexter's banners removed immediately.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

hey whats wrong whith my baner? ill make it smaller, but i will not remove it unles the core instructs me to!
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

What's wrong with your banner is that images have never been allowed in signatures. Until I've seen this rule change, I want them out. Period.

Gooble, if anyone, should be supporting me on this. He nearly got banned in the first place because he insisted on keeping an image in his signature. If his was removed, why isn't yours?
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

umm i have never seen a rule about imedges not bieng alowed........*goes to check FAQ for the 21358963068028-th time*
besides i bet my entier acount takes up less space than your baner.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

My banner is an ironic argument. It is made to show the reasons why banners are not allowed. And your entire account probably IS smaller.
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Post by Negrodomous »

i have dk in mine, but it's small, not like yours stumpy, plus yours will give ppl headachs.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

yes i think i have a head ache already. plus, what is thare not to love about a extra-fuzy morbidly obese squirel?
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

11982 bytes, and 143 pixels of vertical offset. That's what not to love about your fat squirrel.

And Negro, thank you for that brilliant analysis.

Yes. My banner will give people headaches. That's not all though.

My banner flashes and moves, which draws attention away from what is important.

My banner is a large file size, which takes up bandwidth.

My banner is haphazard, and overall degenerates the appearance of the forums.

My banner takes up more space than a normal signature, thereby not only increasing page lengths but also upsetting the table structures of the page.

The only thing my banner is not is offensive, partially because I do enough of that already.

Do you understand now why I made it the way I did? It is a monument to the reasons that banners were against the rules in the first place. And it is not going away until that rule is reinforced.
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Post by Negrodomous »

well, why doesen't someone just set a size regulation? just like there isa with the avatars?
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Because banners are not allowed.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

Stumpytheguar wrote:Thank you captain obvious for that brilliant analysis.

1)Yes. My banner will give people headaches. That's not all though.

2)My banner flashes and moves, which draws attention away from what is important.

3)My banner is a large file size, which takes up bandwidth.

4)My banner is haphazard, and overall degenerates the appearance of the forums.

5)My banner takes up more space than a normal signature, thereby not only increasing page lengths but also upsetting the table structures of the page.

6)Do you understand now why I made it the way I did? It is a monument to the reasons that banners were against the rules in the first place. And it is not going away until that rule is reinforced.
1) that can be solved by not making big flashy baners
2)+3) this could be fixed by limiting the sise of baners (like we do now whith avetars)
4)whates desegrating about it? i think its quite atracktive....
5)that too can be fixed by limitiong its sise(see 2+3)

and where the fuck does it say that baners are not alowed?!?
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Banners have never been allowed. Gooble was banned the first time for this very reason.

Gooble has taken the responsibility to remove his banner. If you two would do the same, then this unpleasantness would end.
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Post by Negrodomous »

mine is not a banner, it is a small 60X60 (i think) dk! remove yours and we'll ralk :P .

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Post by Lady Nerevar »

i htought he was baned forspaming and flaming :? ?
ill make mines smaller K? but im not removing it unless i get bored of it the core makes me. point made. loging of.
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Post by G.M.K. »

Wow, I tried to take this back on topic and look what happened. Would a mod/admin please close all this pointless spam and petty argument.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Save for acting like he is known to be above pointless spam and petty arguments, I agree with GMK. This is not the place for this argument. It does however need to be adressed immediately.

Out of respect for Gooble for making the right decision and removing his banner, I removed his name from my own.

Negro, you have my word that when everyone else has removed pictures from their signatures, mine too will go. And not a second before.
Last edited by Stumpytheguar on Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by G.M.K. »

Oh god. change it back to the one with gooble name or get rid of it. The old one was iritating but not siezure inducing.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

No. As long as banners are allowed, that is going to stay. If you have seizures, I want to hear about it.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

Not sadist. If nobody else is going to start changing things around here, I will, starting with the easiest and most simple rules we have. Images on the site should be kept to a mimimum. They take up alot of space and offset the tables. They distract and offend. They can cause seizures. There is no reason with an avatar to have another picture in your signature. There is no reason for your avatar to be larger than the allowed sizes. Why is it not understood? It seems that this forum is falling apart at the seams, and every time I turn around it gets worse. Fuck that. Play time is over, Andrew is not happy. Leaving is stupid, we all know that we're too addicted to ever leave, but I will not resume working until some semblance of order is distinguished.
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Post by Flufy »

look at presant I dont cair about your banner becouse it apears as a box with a little X in the corner but seeing as your argument is about banners please remove your avitar becouse I can see that and it is just a little over the top your last moving one was fine as it moved smothly. and what trigerd all the <edited to remove spam> stuf some of the forums are quite hard to understand when almost every other post has been as good as deleted!

now does anyone have anything sensable (or not it is better than reading this) to say about gosts and specters and their presance in morrowind?
if not this thread is likly to be deleted, and some of the posts desurve to be deleated anyway :|
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Post by Majra »

Stumpy, thats not why Goobles banner was not allowed. Now remove yours, Lady N I see no problems personally with yours, nor do I with Neg. So stumpy please stop being a distraction and remove it immediately.

If you would spend a quarter as much time standing on your podium as you do actual contributing and scripting you'd be a much better member. The core will deal with those who are obviously in contention with our rules, we dont need others who dont have the authority to tell others what to do with their account to do so. So please discontinue this rude episode.

Gooble, your banner is offensive and the core has given you alot of patience, the best thing would be to keep your opinions and banners to your self and maybe try to simply contribute.
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Post by Negrodomous »

Gooble, your banner is offensive and the core has given you alot of patience, the best thing would be to keep your opinions and banners to your self and maybe try to simply contribute.
for the record, gooble's banner was not meant to be offinsive to anyone, it was just like an inside joke that i and a few other ppl knew about. pm me for more info.
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Post by Zalzidrax »

I'm afraid it doesn't matter whether you think its insulting, but whether someone else feels it is insulting and has reasonable cause to believe so. And in this case, I think Stumpy, not being privvy to this inside joke had every right to feel insulted.

Now, about this banners thing. I personally am of the belief that rules are bad because they take away from people's ability to make reasonable decisions. They should only be implemented if necessary. Negrodomous's banner is so small I must admit I didn't notice it, so it is really not a problem. Lady Nerevar, in my opinion your picture could stand to be a bit smaller, but it is not overly visually obtrusive. So we really don't havea problem now that this other argument is ended (for now, at least).
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Post by Stalker »

One small thing everybody should notice: as soon as Yinnie dissapeared all these things have started.

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Post by Kothloth »

I am not interested in what you two have to say to each other, stumpy and gooble. Go get each others MSN and save us from your whining and pointless discussions.

And no one ever said that banners wasn't allowed. I'm fine with them aslong as they're not clogging up the forums.

And no, I don't believe the factor we're looking for is Yinnie's well-deserved break. It's because you guys keep bringing these sort of subjects up. One day when I'm not feeling that nice I'm going to ban all of you, so unless you improve (and this is not directed only towards stumpy and gooble) you might be up for a little surprise.
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Post by Greybeard »

I'd like to make one comment: the animated banners and icons hang up the terminal that I use at work. It gets quite irritating when I spend 15 min's of my half-hour break waiting for them to load. - and now let's get back to work.
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Post by Negrodomous »

that's why there should be regulations for banners. size limits ect.
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Post by AlphaFemale »

I know I don't post much, so some of you may think that I am not an active member. However, some of us don't have to be in the top 10 forum posters to be classified as "active". I try to stay on the sidelines, and not get involved in stupid arguments. However, this is rediculous. Here is what I have concluded by looking at this whole matter:
Stumpy "left" because he was told to stop spamming and flaming. It was worded as "all you do is spam", which he took great offense to. In an effort to go out with a bang, he changed all his posts to "edited to remove spam content". Or whatever it was.
But, he would still post in threads, and ten minutes later he would edit his post. This is when it stopped being an act of defiance, and crossed into the realm of true assholeism.
Now, we can jazz it up as much as we want. We can say that Stumpy and Stalker are "flaming", or that Negrodomous and Gooblecakes are "spamming". But the bottom line is this:
Grow the fuck up! Seriously! So somebody says something that hurts your feelings. Do you cross your arms, fight back tears, and throw rocks? Or do you realize that you are not the center of the universe (and not even the center of TR) and stop your bitching and moaning?
What the hell is wrong with you people? This is supposed to be a community of experienced modders, and you are all up in arms about the most trivial of things. And even worse, you are infecting everyone else here with your insignificant dribble, and turning it into a forum issue.
I suggest that everyone who spends all this time whining about who said what, who spams and who flames shuts their mouth (and stills their fingers). Take a break from the forum, look in the mirror, realize what a complete dumbass you are being, and either change your attitude, or leave.
Now everybody calm down and find a speck of maturity in your personas, or I swear I will send Dexter on a beating spree, with each and every one of your front doors as a stop along the way.
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Post by LordGothren »

*mouth hanging open in shock* lol.

I completely agree wth you AlphaFemale this argument is ridiculus and its all in the past so we should forget about it and go on with things.
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Post by Eraser »

A little harsh of a way to put it, but correct.

Stumpy, you say you are trying to bring about change, well its working, but its a bad change. We were trying to make the forums a more peacful respectful place and this thread isn't helping. I know of elementary school aged children who behave in a more mature manner than some people here.
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Post by Majra »

btw this thread was split from another thread by me, because of its heavy spam and flame content, and I left it to stand for those to see how some people are acting like children.
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Post by sirwootalot123 »

stump, I thought you were above this. as hillarious as the gooblecakes banner was, this thread is pointless.
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