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Post by xeth-ban »

It worked quite well, but there was one ghost there at day, one single ghost, and that seemed to confuse Ri'gi a bit.
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Post by Starcrunch »

xeth-ban wrote: 1.When the race is over, and you lost, and if you either refuse to pay Ri'gi or do not have the money to pay him, he is supposed to attack you, right?.

Well he refuse to attack, he goes into combat mode for about a second after dialog is ended, going into hand to hand mode and everything, but after that he just stands there.

He wouldn't even attack me if i attacked him, and i got a bounty for doing so.
Without looking at any scripts, this is almost certainly caused by Ri'gi receiving an AI command every frame such as being ordered to StartCombat player every frame (or AIWander every frame, ect.). It could also involve other business, such as being given multiple AI functions in the same frame (like calling an AIWander and StartCombat function in the same frame; this is unlikely as he should still fight back if you attack him).

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Post by xeth-ban »

Errrm, where exactly do i get the Telvanni Mouth quests? they refuse to give me the quests(the topic does not even appear), even if im a member of Telvanni

Oh and what i have gained from my testing of the Firewatch Quests:

I didn't get any journal entries from this quest, but there seems to be a problem with a quest involving a guy who summoned a clannfear that he could kill to gain the love of a bosmer woman. It does not give any journal entries, and i never officialy gained the quest.

Also, in that quest involving raiders, which i cannot remember the name of, there is a very large problem;
I can get the journal entries from the various merchants in town, but when i went to talk to the dunmer clothier guy that the two other merchants directed me to, he kept saying that i was not a seasoned warrior or something, that i could not do anything against the raiders etc.

Even though my test character had every stat and skill maxed out, a reputation of 100, level of 50, some insane numbers of health mana and fatigue and a full suit of daedric armor.

The very odd quest involving an imperial that had a very odd name for Hackle'o worked though.(but it left me with a "wtf" feel"
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Post by groza528 »

Apologies for the lack fo journal entries? I thought I checked that one.
Anyway, for Highway Robbery, his response is not based on skills and stats. It's based on level. So if your test character is level 1 with everything maxed through the console you won't get the quest. You need to be at least level 12 ("player->setlevel 12" is the command, I think)
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Post by Haplo »

I don't think they're added yet, are they?
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Post by xeth-ban »

My test character was at level 50 : )

And i think the Firewatch quests are added, it says so on the download for the Map 1 Quests(same with the telvanni mouth quests, atleast some of them)
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Post by groza528 »

Haplo: Lud put up a second run of quests, so FW is in there now.
I don't know what's going on with Highway Robbery but I'll take a look when I'm done with FG and starting to fix stuff. For now, you should be able to progress by the console command "journal TR_m1_FW_HighwayRobbery 10" (At least, I'm pretty sure it's 10-- try increments of 10 if that doesn't work)
Also, no clue on the Telvanni. I didn't work with them. Are you a member of TR_Telvanni, or the Vv House? It's actually a separate faction: "PCRaiseRank TR_Telvanni" I think
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Post by xeth-ban »

Im only a member of the Vvardenfell house, but since it didn't seem like any possible way to join the TR one yet i assumed you didn't have to
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Post by Lud »

I'm sorting out a guide to map1 quests at the moment. I was going to have it up already, but I just plain forgot.
Expect it tomorrow. :)
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Post by xeth-ban »

(note to self;write down quest names)

Anyways, in the Mudlap and Mosslog Quest, when Mudlap is supposed to show up outside the Council House in Port Telvannis, he doesn't

The first time i tested nothing appeared, and the second time i tested only the mudcrabs appeared (fun quest btw)

And then the quest with the Indoril Noble guy in Port Telvannis, he only speaks in the old tongue yes yes.
Every single one of my characters would understand him, since they are all native dunmer, but how could a nord barbarian understand him? or an imperial rogue?
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Post by groza528 »

I think it's based on intelligence. If you want to try it out, "enableracemenu" will allow you to change your race. Note: You can only use this once or it can crash the game; I'm not sure if reloading is enough or if you actually have to restart to do it again. Also, this function has been known to reset your spellbook (due to racial spells and abilities, etc.) so save before you try.
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Post by Starcrunch »

xeth-ban wrote: And then the quest with the Indoril Noble guy in Port Telvannis, he only speaks in the old tongue yes yes.
Every single one of my characters would understand him, since they are all native dunmer, but how could a nord barbarian understand him? or an imperial rogue?
The rules that determine if a translation appears:
  • If the PC is Dunmer it is always translated.
  • If the PC is Altmer with Int >= 60 it is translated (there is supposed to be a link between these languages)
  • If the PC has Int >= 90 it is translated
xeth-ban wrote:Im only a member of the Vvardenfell house, but since it didn't seem like any possible way to join the TR one yet i assumed you didn't have to
Quests are given from the council house in Port Telvannis. Each mouth has two quests (well actually only 8 are in this release, I'm making the other 4 and they haven't been released). You need use the console to join the faction for now (we haven't implemented joining and raising dialog yet and need to sort out how Vv ranks translate). Also note that the second of Rathra's mouth quests requires you be a higher rank.

Last edited by Starcrunch on Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by xeth-ban »

What the heck does Intelligence have to do with understanding of language? I have never met anyone able to understand Russian because they are very very smart.
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Post by Starcrunch »

Simple. It must be based on something, otherwise it isn't as fun (when I first implemented this quest about a year and a half ago I was told point blank it had to be done in such a way that it was conceivable that all reaces get the translation). Would you say agility makes more or less sense than intelligence? How about willpower? Luck? It's not that intelligence is closely linked to knowledge of a language, but it's surely more closely linked than the other six choices.

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Post by xeth-ban »

Perhaps make use of the Speechcraft skill as well?
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Post by Starcrunch »

I may change it to use the speechcraft skill, but I'm not convinced, and I certainly won't change it unless I have to fix some real bug in this quest or another quest in PT. Consider that your invitation to find errors :P then maybe I'll change the filters to Speechcraft.

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Post by xeth-ban »

I was thinking of using both actually, intelligence and speechcraft
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Post by Starcrunch »

It increases the filtering complexities. It's just not worth it. To make it dependent on both means I need to add dialog entries to Greetings 1, it's not worth the trouble and each variable we toss into consideration causes an exponential increase in the dialog entries that have to be added, and this is already a very, very complicated piece of linked dialog (between multiple entries that make sue only some dialog is translated and ensures a slightly different JE depending on how the PC knows Dunmeri). It's not just a matter of writing a few words to insert a more complicated filtering system for these entries. If this had been mentioned when this was a proposed quest rather than an implemented one it would be done, but to change it now means spending a lot of tedious time making sure it all still works right for a change no player will ever notice (you wouldn't know except I told you how it works :) and I already spent a lot of tedious time testing that the current implementation works).

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Post by Andres Indoril »

Or maybe just only use Intelligence and blame it on this being Tamriel, where a smart person knows how to be everything and nothing at the same time.
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Post by groza528 »

Would you say agility makes more or less sense than intelligence? How about willpower? Luck? It's not that intelligence is closely linked to knowledge of a language, but it's surely more closely linked than the other six choices.
/Vote luck :)
Imagine my insult to find that "Raw Glass has no effect on you." I became very huffy at the implication that my intelligence could not be lowered further. Then again, I did just eat a piece of glass.
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Post by xeth-ban »

Ok, i did a test of the mouth quests, quite nice if i may add. Please note that i did not do a very "deep" test and all variables have not been tested.

House Telvanni:Uncharted Waters
I did not discover any bugs with this, but arent the reward a bit overpowered? i mean all you do is climb/levitate to the top of a tower, swim around in the waters of Oblivion for a while and then get teleported back to the tower.

And for this very easy task you get a very powerfull daedric dagger, which is odd.

House Telvanni:Ingredients for Lord Dral
Ok, this quest was fairly straightforward and easy, but it could cost you quite a bit of money. I think the reward in this quest is a bit to weak.

House Telvanni:A message from Vvardenfell
The second journal entry in this quest reffer to the messenger as a he, when the messenger is infact a she.

House Telvanni:Cencus in Ranyon-Ruhn
When returning to the one who gave you the quest, i decided to tell the truth about the imperial n'wah, but when i did this an error came up

Script TR_m1_q_Nevrile
Syntax Error Line 2.
Could not find variable "expelCartil".
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Topic "census"
"That incompentent bufoon! I really must consult with the @Council# about raising our entry standards, and I'll have Cartil expelled from @House Telvanni# immediately. I will not tolerate such fools."

Also, the councilors seemed way to nice for Telvanni councilors, i mean they were not rude to me one single time, they never insulted me or anything. Thats not the Telvanni spirit!
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Post by Starcrunch »

Uncharted waters has the only good reward for the mouth quests. All other quests have rewards you will find relatively disappointing. Lord Dral doesn't link the amount of work you did to the reward given, he simply isn't that kind of guy (think of it this way, as the player you took an enormous risk, that risk entitles you to a reward).

Rewards will be weak for the Mouth quests aside from the one above. Also bear in mind there are quests on Vv for Telvanni where you are given 10 gold pieces...for the return of the best robe in the game (well until BM came out it was the best).

JE: That will be changed, thanks. There is a second quest after that one which is quite fun, but you need to raise your rank a bit (you have to be ready to start the MQ Lud is working on).

Census: If it's spelled Cencus in our quests that's a typo! That looks like an error in the dialog results box; line 2 for that choice. I'll leave it to Bloodthirsty to sort that out.

Niceness: They use default dialog for now. So they are as nice as everyone else. It is beyond the scope of questmaking to change that but I agree it should be changed (in addition making them NoLore NPC may not be a bad idea). That will have to be Lud's call.

Note: There are 4 more Mouth quests.

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Post by Lud »

Niceness: They use default dialog for now. So they are as nice as everyone else. It is beyond the scope of questmaking to change that but I agree it should be changed (in addition making them NoLore NPC may not be a bad idea). That will have to be Lud's call.
More dialogue is always good.
I was working on full personalities for all the Telvanni Masters, but that project kind of fell by the wayside.
If there are any NPCs that you would like to make some dialogue for, just tell me.
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Post by xeth-ban »

@Starcrunch: I thought all the quests were fun, i have completed them all( i had when i wrote the report)

They sure like to be mean to that Telvanni noble(the one in the manor with half of it's interiors copied from Tel Fyr)

The plague rat quest was expecial fun

Oh, and i probably just mispelled Census, i do that all the time.
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Post by Starcrunch »

xeth-ban wrote:@Starcrunch: I thought all the quests were fun, i have completed them all( i had when i wrote the report)

They sure like to be mean to that Telvanni noble(the one in the manor with half of it's interiors copied from Tel Fyr)

The plague rat quest was expecial fun

Oh, and i probably just mispelled Census, i do that all the time.
Excellent, I'm glad you like the plague rats quest :p . We aren't done with poor Bal Gernak...

If Bal Gernak's manor is copied from Tel Fyr that needs to be changed (and now that you say it I recognize it too). Man I hate the old days...

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Post by xeth-ban »

What kind of medling is it that Bal Gernak have done with the Parliament of Bugs anyways?

Anyways, i tested the two Bahrammu quests.

The price of Wickwheat
Elammu still asks you if you have found out what the price of Wickwheat is after you have completed the quest(and if you decline the task to)

If you decline the task he will still ask you through dialog topics if you weant to do a task for him

Thats all in that one, no big surprise seeing as how small and simple that quest was.

The widow and the sea
Everytime Gavis corpse is activated the "Your journal has been updated" message box pops up.

After finding the corpse of Gavis, i decided to go speak to Lliretha, and even though i don't even have the ring yet, her dialog seems to think that i have already given her the ring and completed the quest

There is no journal update when Vedram attacks or dies, i don't know if it was supposed to, but i think it should.

Ok, why is Vedram foolish enough to attack me with guards all around? shouldn't he just say something like "you will pay for this" and then try following you when you leave Bahrammu?(to kill you)

Why does a little sleepy town like Bahrammu need all those guards anyways.
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Post by Starcrunch »


Word document in second post on linked page has details about Bal Gernak. Spoilers are found there...including what more will happen there.

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Post by xeth-ban »

Yeah, it took me an hour finding any other Port Telvannis quest than the one with the Indoril Guy, but here is the result of testing the one other quest i found.

A disobediant husband
Quite a fun quest, but i was dissapointed to realize that none of the assasins would ever do their job after being hired.

I even tried waiting a few days, still no result.
It's hard to find good help these days :P
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Post by Starcrunch »

What do you mean? If you hire the guy near the council house he should have no trouble killing the husband (and the woman in the Avenue will succeed about 70% of the time, the assassin at the docks has no hope of killing the husband). What happens when you return to the Resano House after hiring an assassin?

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Post by xeth-ban »

Thats the problem, nothing at all happens whatsoever. I hire an assasin, the assasin dissapears when i walk out and in of a cell, and is never seen again. The quest can't be completed
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Post by Starcrunch »

And when you enter the Resano House?

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Post by xeth-ban »

The Resano house is the place you get the quest, right? well nothing happens, the husband just walks around as usualy, with no new dialog topics, the wife stands where she usualy does without any new dialog topic.
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Post by Starcrunch »

Looks like the NPC AI fixes were merged after Q59 (and they were definitely made before Q59). I've reassigned all of the scripts to their proper NPC's for these quests and checked all of my own other quests for unassigned scripts. Principally this repairs breaks in Murder and Intrigue and A Disobedient Husband. My other 3 quests in PT don't assign scripts to any pre-made Map 1 NPC's.

Changes to this upload:
  • TR_m1_Trelo_Resano was assigned TR_m1_Q59_ADH_script_7
  • TR_m1_Venira_Resano was assigned TR_m1_Q59_ADH_script_8; she was brought down to a reasonable level and equipment
  • TR_m1_Varrac_Odrethi was assigned TR_m1_Q59_MaI_script_3
  • TR_m1_Tinera_Odrethi was assigned TR_m1_Q59_MaI_script_3
  • TR_m1_Rantela_Irenam was assigned TR_m1_Q59_MaI_script_8
  • TR_m1_Inera_Ilneram was assigned TR_m1_Q59_MaI_script_6
  • TR_m1_S_Oka-Tei was assinged TR_m1_Q59_MaI_script_4
  • Changed pronoun in Journal Entry for Rathra's first mouth quest (he --> she; second JE).
I've uploaded a fixed version of the esp with the above changes. I'm not sure how Lud wants to handle it, but it makes no sense to re-merge quests just to fix a small problem of assigning some scripts.

Lud, if you want me to take the file down, just say the word and I'll leave the fixes to you :P .

EDIT: File Removed, Lud has uploaded a new version of the ESP in the internal downloads for M1.

Last edited by Starcrunch on Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lud »

Fixing will accomplished by making new esps that are reliant on the main file changing NPCs, scripts, etc. (But with me moving the refs as before)

Many thanks for this update, Starcrunch. I'll assign it a version number and replace the older version.

And here's the quest outline file.
Use it to find all the quests.
Map1 Quest Overview.doc
(112.5 KiB) Downloaded 219 times
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Post by Theo »

Have Gah Sadrith quests been merged as well? You seem to miss them in your file.
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Post by xeth-ban »

Oh god i hope not, from what i have seen of Gah Sadrith so far im not expecting much from the quests.

Most of Gah Sadrith is not even close to the quality of the rest of TR
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Post by Haplo »

A simple yes or no would suffice, in the future. (Please don't be so offensive & quick to judge things)
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Post by Lud »

Yeah, Gah Sadrith quests were missed, my bad.
I'll sort out a new version, give me a minute.

(I knew I'd miss at least one set of quests :P )
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Post by xeth-ban »

Haplo wrote:A simple yes or no would suffice, in the future. (Please don't be so offensive & quick to judge things)
Well, it is kinda true. The exteriors look nice and all, though possibly a bit undetailed.

But Eldale considering me mentally retarded because i could not answer a riddle? a tax collector taking bribes, where you have to respond in very weird ways(also, the values of gold is reffered to as gp, so 500 gold would be 500gp)

And a rumor going something like "*altmer guy* is trying to forge the perfect blade, those freaky altmer!"

Also, about 70% of the doors don't lead anywhere, and the entrance to the upper tower is actually further down in the tower.

Im assuming Gah Sadrith is very unfinished
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Post by Haplo »

There are better ways of bringing it to our attention than that, however. Just please be kinder next time you bring up errors is all I'm asking.
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