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Post by Nanu »

Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i3-107-Ind (#598)
Faction: Indoril
Parent claim: TR_3-16-Ind (#120)
Claimed by: Nomadic1
Status: Approved (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(2927, -3956):0
Files: TR_FR_i3-107.rar; TR_i3-107-Ind_Nanu Ra_1.esp; TR_i3-107-Ind_Nomadic1_1.esp


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Post by Haplo »

No problems loading the interior.
Everything fits. Although the entrance is facing north, and should be facing west. (Rotate the northmarker to fix this)

Upper Floor - Dresser. The top is an uneven surface, and the Goblet and Chest are floating on it.

Same room - Circular Table - Bowl.
The Kwama Eggs are bleeding through the base into the table.

Same room - Sack on the floor leaning against the storage crates is floating.

Same room - Small Urn in corner is bleeding into Larger Urn.
Bottom Floor - Shelf by itself - Jug on the middle rack is floating.

Same Shelf - Books on bottom - Bleeding into the rack. Books on middle/top, floating/bleeding as well. Almost all of them. Also, small clay pot on the middle rack is floating.

The short end of the counter does not reach the wall.
Both books on counter are bleeding into it.

On second thought...Go back and check ALL of your bookshelves. You're on too good of terms with the 'F' button. When placing items on shelves, it's ok to use the 'F' button, but afterwards, make sure that the objects are truly resting on the shelf, and not bleeding with it slightly, or floating slighty.
Yes, should be in TR.
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Post by Starcrunch »

A vast number of small errors.

Formal review attached.

Review of (i3-107).txt
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Post by franky702702 »

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Post by franky702702 »

I've just started college this year and i'm almost always out of time so if someone else want to fix it to get things faster I wouldn't mind. I've already fixed half of it but the next things might requires some desing change which I don't have time to elaborate. I'll post the fixes i've done and if someone wants to finish it go for it. Just warn me though so I don't loose my time doing it when it's already been done.
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Post by Massalinie »

Revoked - modder innactive
claimer can use the file provided is desired
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Post by Nomadic1 »

A fixing job. Should not be too difficult. And if it is, I'll just scrap it and start from scratch. This is not a big interior so it won't wear me down.
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Post by Massalinie »

Granted and happy modding.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

This is done. :)

I had to redo the entire top floor. The bottom floor was 4 x 4 (BS made theirs 5 x 4, but they had stairs on both sides and it looked stupid) but the top floor was 3 x 3. It looked worse than it sounds.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

BUMP! Done.
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Post by Massalinie »

Submitting to reviewing
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Post by Serric »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No



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Post by Nomadic1 »

Was there not one single error? :D
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Post by Andres Indoril »

Serric seems to be using IE :P
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Post by Indoril »

Here's my review.


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

-Object chest_small_02_misc is bleeding into Object de_drawers_02_mclothes4 somewhat obviously in the south western bedroom of the top floor (according to your north marker).
-Object furn_planter_01 is also bleeding into Object de_drawers_02_mclothes4 in the same room.
-Object "silver flameblade"; it's blade is floating while the handle is touching. Tilt it slightly on it's hand guard.
-Object misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01 is bleeding into Object furn_de_p_table_04 in the north west bedroom of the top floor.
-Object bk_HouseOfTroubles_c is bleeding into the same Object furn_de_p_table_04 in the same room
-Object furn_de_p_table_01 (in the north east room on the top floor) is floating on two of it's legs. Bleeding other legs into carpet slightly might fix this, or you could use the rich rather than poor furniture because it is even in the way it is shaped.
-Object Misc_Quill is floating above Object de_p_desk_01 on the bottom floor.
-Object bk_BookDawnAndDusk is bleeding into Object de_p_desk_01 on one side, and floating on the other side.

-The bottom floor south east corner is rather empty. I suggest the addition of a piece of furnature or something.

Rating: 9/10 Very well done.

Comments: Very good job. I would say that I especially liked the way you made a majority of the books religious, as this is an Indoril interior. Again, good job.
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Post by Serric »

Well, here it is (again :D) Lets hope it works this time...


Fits Exterior: Yes

Northmarker Set:
Yes, and facing is correct

Loading Errors:
Into CS: Yes
- Missing object "TR_de_bot_bar_AA01" for reference during cell "TR i3-107" load.
Into Game: Yes
- Missing object "TR_de_bot_bar_AA01" for reference during cell "TR i3-107" load.

- The cell 'TR i3-107' needs renaming to 'i3-107'.
- The objectID 'TR_M3_i107_chest01' needs changing to the form 'TR_m3_chest01_i3-107' (unless they change the naming convention AGAIN...)

Cell TR_i3-107:
Upstairs, south bedroom:
- 'chest_small_02_misc' bleeds a little too much into the 'de_drawers_02_mclothes4'.

Upstairs, main area:
- The 'food_kwama_egg_02' bleed into each other and the 'misc_de_bowl_white_01' too much.
- 'furn_de_tapestry_13' bleeds into the wall. Also, would you really leave a burning candle that close to a tapestry?

- 'bk_BookDawnAndDusk' floats from the 'de_p_desk_01'.
- I believe that the 'bk_AncestorsAndTheDunmer' and the 'TR_bk_HealersTale' are upside down...

Near perfect, its got to go in...nice work Nomadic1! Need to fix the missing object though...

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Post by Lud »

Leave the cell name as is, fix everything else.
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Post by Serric »

done and attatched...
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: God! this int is terrible! everything either floats or bleeds and gridsnap obviously wasn't used... just kidding. PERFECT

Comments *continues feeling useless*

Rating 10/10
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Post by Nanu »

Gah, another one found its way into Finished.

I'll let it stay.

Approved, use top version for merging.