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Post by Pythearon »

Area: Map 5

Place: Blacklight City

Reason: Exterior practice

Work Type: Defensive and Economic Architecture

Yeah this is work that i started that I guess can sample as a work in progress.

EDIT: If someone wouldnt mind telling me how to add photos to this thing, I would much rather just add photos of my work so that not everyone has to load this up. I am not well aquainted with TESAME, so I would like to just post photos of both my interior and exterior city work that way no one has to load this unless they want a closer look.

EDIT: This has been removed because I want to attempt to make TR modder in the next century so ill just do something basic. Can anyone give me an idea of how to use TESAME?
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Post by PoHa! »

Well, if you're still around Pythearon, I'd suggest you do one of the interiors suggested in the sticky.

To upload photos, its best to have them hosted elsewhere, like imageshack or photobucket. Once hosted, you use this format:

[img]*url of photo goes here*[/img]

However, someone will have to actually download and look at your work, to tell you what needs to be fixed, worked on, etc., so you'll need to upload it.

To use TESAME:

1. Open up your .esp in TESAME.
2. Click (or ctrl+click for multiple things) on any items that appear, that are Bethesda's stuff, including cells, items, etc., but not including any terrain textures (which won't show up unless you do an exterior) or the first one, I believe, which just says ESP... or something like that... its been a while, actually.
3. Once you have all those things highlighted, hit the spacebar, then hit delete.
4. All that should be left in the list is your cell(s), the ESP thing, TR items (I don't think you're suppose to clean those out, I could be wrong... seems like I probably am, actually), and any new objects that you created for the interior (by copying Bethesda's stuff).
5. Click save. Save your file, all done.

Anyways... here's to hoping you show up again... that was a lot of typing :lol:
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