question or two

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question or two

Post by Lintewathion »

Ive Just been accepted into the TR project and i have a question about claiming an interior.

lets say ive found one i could do, now what do i do from there? is there somewhere im overlooking where i just go "HEY THIS ONES MINE IM DOING IT!"? i know people are attempting to finish out the indoril, but id rather like to start small lol and from what i can tell the Hlaalu INTs are more at my level
so would there be a problem with me doing one of these?
Taking Break from TR for a while. ill still occasionally pop in and help out in showcase tho :P
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Post by Sload »

Click the "Claim ->" button in the upper-righthand corner of the thread. Fill in the post with how you'll make the claim and that sort of thing that makes them want to grant it to you. It will be automatically moved to Pending where Massey or another mod will see it and probably grant it, then it will be in claimed. From that point on you make it, update the claim with information, and then upload it. Once the finished claim is uploaded, it will be moved to Reviewing and reviewed then approved. How we review is something we're currently discussing in another thread and subject to change.
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Post by Morden »

This thread may also be of some help to you.

You're the second person to ask in the last week or so.. which leads me to believe we should make a new FAQ.