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Be gone for two months.

Post by Indoril »

Well, as the topic name says, I'll not be able to mod for about two months. I just started college. The biggest problem is simply the study time involved and my work hours. However, Early on in November, two of my classes finish up, so then I'll be able to help again. At that time (as a side perk for my degree), I'll actually also know how to design graphics and do scripting (as a side perk for my degree), so I hope I will do better for TR when I come back.

I've already contacted the propper people, so I would like to formally anounce that I am also resigning as a reviewer. When I come back, I'd rather just do modding and general stuff like story concepts.

So, with that, I give you a heartful adieu. See ya'll in a month.

P.S. I'll still be checking my PMs if you need me.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

hey! another entering freshman! Good luck with college.
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Post by fanfas »

Good Luck and cya soon.
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