Joining the Dark Brotherhood

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Joining the Dark Brotherhood

Post by Kiruvi »

I was trying to join the Dark Brotherhood, so that I could be rewarded for my wanton slaying of random people. The Speaker told me to go kill Rufio, so I did, and then slept, and he told me to go to Cheydinal and try to open the door in the basement of the abandoned house, and when questioned answer Sanguine my Brother. So, I did thusly, went in the basement, activated the door... and nothing happens. The name in the corner blinks, and then continues to do nothing. So I start hitting space bar multiple times, and the door does nothing multiple times. Have I missed something? Or have I hit an insidious little bug?
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Thrignar Fraxix
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

try reloading and trying again. Failing that I have no idea. It is a bug. Perhaps a better place to ask this would be the [url=]ESF[/url]
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