Goldmoor Upper Class Exteriors

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Goldmoor Upper Class Exteriors

Post by Upsilon »

>Goldmoor Upper Class Exteriors v.1

Alright. From now on, I'll use a special template for officially submitting concept art. Why? Because sometimes, I'll just mindlessly throw ideas on the table, but other times I'll submit things with more work behind them. When I use this more organized template, you'll know my concept art is the final version of the idea. It might sound overzealous, but then again I'm hopelessly bored these times... So here goes!

The concept art

Further Explanation

In an attempt to keep architectural consistency, I inspired myself with the castle/palace render in [url=]NexUmMonastica's showcase thread[/url] - and also because it's very good ;).

For this situation, I considered the upper class to be very very rich, capable of owning a small palace.

I had the idea to add pools to the property. In the warm, arid weather of Hammerfell, pools represent wealth, and since we're talking about upper class here, that seems appropriate. I guess it's reminiscent of the Taj Mahal.


The front of the house can be populated with different ornamental vegetation and the house surrounded by walls... but I say it'd be better of we kept this arbitrary to the modder, in order to create diversion throughout the upper class houses.

I'm looking forward to hearing your suggestions,

Here is the somewhat chaotic source file for the Cinema 4D mesh of the house. It almost certainly cannot be used in game, with more than 40 000 polys, but if it can be of any help, here it is...
(820.37 KiB) Downloaded 92 times
Should you need 2D hi-res views of the house, they are included in this archive.
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Last edited by Upsilon on Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by aro101 »

Very nice :) But don't you think that the pool will take too much space? Oh, and El Scum has already presented some concepts for the UC, but they aren't so specific:
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PoHa: I know! we'll shoot an Aro at them
Aro: you have only one Aro missile!
PoHa: yes, but its heat seeking and quite possibly indestructible

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El Scumbago
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Post by El Scumbago »

Very nice indeed, but not a bit like the initial wall concept. However, to keep this consistent with the rest, the walls and archs must be like the ones in the 'reference pic' or at least very similar.

This however is really not like the rest of Goldmoor buildings.
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Post by Upsilon »

Alright folks. Update time!
El Scumbago wrote:The effort you've put in it is visible and the style of the building is very nice. Generally I tend to keep concepts and models that are nice to use for something else, so I believe that one of the next regions will be a nice place to use your work.

Nothing really good is to be wasted.
Whatever next regions will be made, someone let me know if my concept will be used, alright?
El Scumbago
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Post by El Scumbago »

No one can answer this for sure. I for one had made a full city architecture set and threw everything away to make it all over.
Harke the Apostle
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

Your Concept looks usable. I do think the key hole arches on the bottom floor need to be altered to fit in with the rest of the architecture.
Also, I picture this to be more of a palace pavilion than an upper class building.