Morroblivion MOD at your service!!!

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Morroblivion MOD at your service!!!

Post by Oblis »

Morroqind in Oblivion Engine?

I have found a mod (named Morrowoblivion) that coverts the map of vhanderfell .esm to mod for oblivion. The klandscape is ver good using oblivion graphics.

It is beta version so all faces/clothes are the same. It stucks many times and others.

Could ypou people make a version of your wrk in that machine in the future, to give back cyrodiil of oblivion, morrowind of yours + vhanderfell of morrowind and hammerfell to us?

Sorry about my bad english. I hope you got the point :)
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Post by aro101 »

This has been proposed here many times already. If anyone wants to see Morrowind by Tamriel Rebuilt on the Oblivion engine, he has to do it by himself. The copyright do not allow us doing such a thing.
PoHa: how can we best this trio of trouble? who will save us from this menace of sub-par models? what will we do?
PoHa: I know! we'll shoot an Aro at them
Aro: you have only one Aro missile!
PoHa: yes, but its heat seeking and quite possibly indestructible

How to do not become a modeller - by Stryker:
[00:13:]Stryker: no tutorial, no no no