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Hillbilly Man
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Post by Hillbilly Man »

I would like to help you. I have made a plugin that has several exterior and an interior cell. I am most interested in exterior. In my showcase I have made a nord island north of Vvardenfell. I would really like to help. Please tell me how I can help and do better. To get to the island take the boat from Khuul that you take to Solstheim[/quote]
Northern Expansion Islands.rar
File for plugin
(169.15 KiB) Downloaded 247 times
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

welcome :) can you provide the coordinates of your island for easier testing?
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Showcase Morrowind

Post by Hillbilly Man »

the island is located at 2,27 and 1,28
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Post by kebra »

Welcome Hillbilly,

I just had a quick look to your esp, i will not comment the Int because i'm not a Lore master but they seems technicaly Ok.
The Ext should be detailed a bit, add rocks, grass, shadows(vertex)... to make the landscape alive. You are on the good way.

You could maybee start a little Int respecting Lores just for the showcase. Don't be afraid, your work is Ok.
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Thanks for the Advice

Post by Hillbilly Man »

Thanks for the Advice. I will make the map more detailed and build a interior for that island to the north of the main one.
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New Screenshot

Post by Hillbilly Man »

I have added some more detail and an interior cell to the house to the North of the island. I made it where it was attacked by daedra. I added some rocks to the exterior. Some of the rooms from the top floor are pictured in the screenshots. Some of the Mead Hall still needs some work.
Picture of the woods.
Picture of the woods.
Exterior Picture
Exterior Picture
This is one of the rooms from the top floor of the mead hall
This is one of the rooms from the top floor of the mead hall
This is the house attacked
This is the house attacked
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

its looking good :) ill get around to doing a full review on the next file you post. some notes as to what i can see in the screens:
-make sure to smooth your land.
-vertex shade under objects that cast shadows (eg. trees and rocks) and around texture borders to make them blend better.
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New Download of The Nordish Island

Post by Hillbilly Man »

Sorry it took me so long. I had to do my homework and feed my guar. I have now added shadows under every tree and rock. All the land is more smooth and detailed now. I didn't add shadows to the island to the north but did spend more time on it's interior cell. Once again I am sorry it took so long.
Northern Expansion Islands the 2nd.esp
Here is the island.
(904.64 KiB) Downloaded 226 times
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

3 days aint long :) fixings give me time to stare blankly at my screen while bitching at myself to get to work :P ill review this tomorow.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

yey review time.

-mod is dirty. to clean it, get TESAME and deleat all referances not pertaining to your mod. the TES3 tag and textures shouldnt be deleated.

isle of thunderthorn
-good on the vertex shading. i also recomend adding some where major textures meet though. it makes the transition more natural.
-you should probably add some rocks on the cliff by the meadhall. it will make it look more natural and add detail.
-there were a couple of floaters and caspers (when the model is showing its nonexistant underside). this is probably cause you smoothed stuff out. there arent too many though.
-there was an unsmoothed, flat part of the coast

isle with golden saints
-no vertex shading. add it around objects with shadows and texture seams.
-this isle also has floaters and caspers.

Thunderthorn Mead Hall
-lighting is at default settings. go to world/interior cell and set it to something similar to the thirks hall.
-several objects, like the dresser and the chest, float and bleed into the walls of the rooms.
-the bowl on the fireplace floats. it needs to be rotated to match the angle of the fireplace stone or moved to a more flat location. the combery in it also bleeds through the bowl.
-the candles on the mead shelf bleed into it. you should also vary the arangement of the mead somewhat, curently it looks really static and fake.
-the throne bleeds into the floor
-the bench floats on one side, it should be rotated.

over all, these are definatly a good start. watch out for physical errors such as flating -- especialy in the interior. you are well on your way to moddership :)
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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Mistakes are fixed. I should have looked a little closer at that shelf. It looked aful. Here is the new one. Shadows have been added to the island and rocks to the mead hall. Sorry for the wait.
Clean Northern Expansion Islands.esp
This is the clean file. Revised Revised file of Northern Expansion
(928.04 KiB) Downloaded 226 times
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"truly special 10's are to be saved for truly special occasions (like the night you try to get in her pants)" - Lady Nerevar
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Missed a spot.

Post by Hillbilly Man »

Sorry about this. I forgot to smooth this one part of the coast that was a little rough. I figured you would rather have me show a picture of the spot instead of showing you a revised revised revised plugin of Northern Expansion. I am sorry about the trouble. I smoothed it now. If you need me to I also have another island built if this one is not very good.
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"truly special 10's are to be saved for truly special occasions (like the night you try to get in her pants)" - Lady Nerevar
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New Map

Post by Hillbilly Man »

Here is a new island. This island is much smaller than the last one I made. Morrowind is the only master file used in this mod.
It is located at (-1,-17)
You can't get there by boat so you will have to use a water walking spell.
Clean Small Island.esp
Clean Small Island
(321.11 KiB) Downloaded 233 times
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"truly special 10's are to be saved for truly special occasions (like the night you try to get in her pants)" - Lady Nerevar
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

-you should vertex shade the area where textures meet
-you had plenty of grass, but no flora (container plants). adding some of those would give mode details and interest to the island.
the island could also use a little more detail in general, we strive for atleast 100 referances per cell. this is a rough criteria though since your island is spaced between several cells.

im glad that you decided to make a new island though, i think you have improved greatly :) adding a little more detail in really your main "problem", other then that this isle is good. add some more rocks and a few plants and youll have an exterior promotion.
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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Thank you for the advice. I added some flora and some rocks. All three cells have more than 100 objects in them and shade has been vertexed.

Here is the update, same cells as last time
Small Island the 2nd.esp
Updated island
(361.97 KiB) Downloaded 260 times
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"truly special 10's are to be saved for truly special occasions (like the night you try to get in her pants)" - Lady Nerevar
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Post by Hillbilly Man »

If you looked at the Northern Expansion Islands I discovered a flew flaws. The terrain on the northern half insn't smoothed in one corner. Here is the picture. The main one I worked on recentley was the new island. It is the better and smaller than the other.
Missed a spot
Missed a spot
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

i typed this up a little while back but didnt have time to post it.

the island looks good :) in the future i think that you could be broader with your vertex shading (use a higher radius and more sporadic movements). it plays a very subtle role in game so making it exact dosnt mater as much. other then that, promoted for exteriors.
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

Congratulations Hillbilly Man!
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Thank you

Post by Hillbilly Man »

Thank You Thank You Thank You:):):):))

I can't wait until I can get to work.

Now what do I do.
Does this mean I am allowed to make exeriors? How do I claim them.

Thank you Lady Nerraver for reviewing. I think you should be elected president of the forums. I love you:):)
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

go to the exteriors: unclaimed forum and find something that looks good. (maps 1-6 are mw)

In the upper right hand corner of the thread is a button that says "claim"
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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Thanks, one more question though. How do I get the sides to match the rest of the land. Are there screenshots of the edge of the claim and how do I know what the land is soposto look like. Sorry for all the questions.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

download the relevant map, and the claims surrounding it. load all files at the same time with your .esp set as the main file and mod away.
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Does that mean I download the big maps like map 2 or 3. Where do I download them at. Once agin sorry for all the questions. :)
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

download the claim your map is on. (downloads can be found in the member downloads section) If your claim has claims around it that are not finished then find their respective thread in the exteriors: claimed forum and download the latest WiP. If your claim is on the border with another province, then you are SoL and you have to raise that part of the terrain yourself.

*another note: if your claim is on a border between maps then you will need to download the other map too.
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Thanks Thrignar Fraxix, I can't wait to get started claiming and working.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Glad I could help. If you have any more questions just ask them here.
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The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by Hillbilly Man »

WIPs are works in progress right? If I am modding in one of the maps can I run around and check it out? One more thing, where is the unclaimed exterior forum> :)
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

WELL THEN, it appears that you were not ACTUALLY promoted. I changed your title earlier, but didn't even think to check whether you were in the user groups.

Anyway, you are ACTUALLY promoted now so you should now ACTUALLY be able to see the forums.

You can run around the maps and the WiPs as much as you like. in fact its always a good idea to do so just so you know how everything looks.
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by Hillbilly Man »

nevermind. The main Forum Menus just doubled in sise. I found Unclaimed Exteriors. :)
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

gah, sorry. typed the thing but forgot to press the buttons.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

just so you know, if there have been no new posts. and there have only been 8 minutes since your last post in a thread please edit your post next time. I know I posted in between your two posts, but I know you didn't know that when you wrote that.

did that make any sense?

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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by Hillbilly Man »

Sorry, I know now and only edits for now on in cases like that.
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Interior Showcase

Post by Hillbilly Man »

I've been meaning to make an interior showcase for a while now but I've just now gotton around to it. This showcase is one simple small house just north of Balmora. The houses name is Showcase House. I already play tested it and didn't find many problems. I found a couple of floaters but thats been fixed so hope you like it.
Clean Interior Showcase.esp
Showcase House
(64.55 KiB) Downloaded 250 times
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"truly special 10's are to be saved for truly special occasions (like the night you try to get in her pants)" - Lady Nerevar