Prison on Morrowind Mainland

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Prison on Morrowind Mainland

Post by AnAdoringFan »

This idea may be received poorly, however, I'm just shooting it out anyways. How about creating a large prison somewhere on the morrowind mainland. Surely a landmass of such proportions would have a manageable system to deal with crime. Necromancy, bandits, murderers, rogue wizards, etc. should be locked up securely outside of imperial forts, away from civilization. BTW i am quite new to the forums, but I believe this is a good idea. Perhaps located in the far south-east of the province?
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Post by immortal_pigs »

Did this by any chance have anything to do with the start of the new Prison Break season :P?

Regardless, most crime is usually dealt with on a regional/factional level in Morrowind. Most of the prison cells are inside the Imperial holdings, but all the factions would likely have a different response to crime. With the Telvanni you'd be harshly punished, unless your more powerful than the reigning authority. With the Dres [which would be south-east], any non-Dunmer would likely be enslaved. But a prison for Dunmer might make sense. The Redoran would be the most likely to have a large jail, due to their nature.

But how would you envision such a prison?
Last edited by immortal_pigs on Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AnAdoringFan »

Well, the way I see it, it would be a large building, perhaps in Redoran Architecture, (nice suggestion), maybe even a large hollowed out emperor crab (the thing skar is made out of in Ald-ruhn,), with those slave pen cages for cells, (although an experienced modder could most likely come up with a better idea), however, I found it odd that the majority of prisons were imperial and contained only three cells, all of which were empty most the time. Or perhaps it could be subterranean, and the inmates could be restrained using magic barriers, in the Old Mournhold style perhaps. Or in the Dwemer architecture even, using an old forgotten ruin to lock up the most dangerous cold blooded criminals in Morrowind. Quests could include real time jail or helping to co-ordinate a 'prison break' of sorts. It could be located beaneath a city, or even in the wilderness.
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Post by AnAdoringFan »

would you mind to tell me why, I suppose some of my ideas were a little off with TR's goals, but the original idea of a prison I thought was pretty good!
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Post by gro-Dhal »

Although drawing real-world parallels is a dubious business, traditionally societies at that level of technological and social development have made do without big old prisons. Bear in mind most MW crime is either 1. Unreported, 2. Dealt with via fines or 3. Dealt with violently and swiftly.
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Post by AnAdoringFan »

Ah yes a good point you make, one that I overlooked, the caste and hierarchical systems implemented in Morrowind would be much to unforgiving as to let the culprit live! Escpecially in houses Telvanni and Redoran, although an ANCIENT and ABANDONED dwemer prison as a ruin may be a good idea methinks!
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Post by Zalzidrax »

Though the fractious nature of Morrowind's houses would prevent an organized prison system like the empire has with cells in its forts, I imagine that, for instance, Telvanni mages might have a personal dungeon. Of all the houses I imagine that House Redoran would be the most likely to have a larger prison type structure at one of their forts or enclaves, as they are lawful and hardline; less likely to support wanton punishment like Telvanni, or handle things through bribery, like Hlaalu. Indoril and Dres both might do such things, though Indoril would probably go for the harsher punishment type thing. Dres is more of an open question as it has not been developed as much as the other houses for obvious reasons and is more open to speculation.
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Post by Chin Music »

Now that I think about it it does seem strange that prisons are limited entirely to the Imperial presence in Morrowind. You'd think with a system of Great House rule there would be some kind of local prison and we know there are private dungeons/cells.

I suppose it's just easier to get the Morag Tong to get rid of people you're not fond of rather than capture and imprison them.
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Post by Tyrion »

The only prisons on Vvardenfell were in Imperial Legion forts. While various factions can keep their own dungeons (the Telvanni come to mind) the player won't actually get sent there. Just like Beth made Morrowind I don't think we should change it. The system of Imperial fort/prisons works fine and I see no reason to change it. Besides, the Legions are the Empire's symbols of law and order in the provinces, it's their job to take care of criminals after all. The various houses usually have ulterior motives when they detain people (again, the Telvanni come to mind).
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Post by Kovacius »

The local Imperial Forts have a couple of cells to deal with purely local offenders. Serious crimes against the Empire would be dealt with in Cyrodiil, with the suspect being sent there for trial and execution or incarceration.

The Dunmer have a couple of systems in place, including slavery, banishment to the wastes, and various physical punishments, including execution and a possibly longer-than-life sentence as a tomb guardian. Other than the Telvanni, who might use it for any of several reasons, there's not a lot of purpose behind a Dunmer prison.