Cliches to avoid

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Cliches to avoid

Post by RaJevir »

I bring this up since I've noticed that we have a bit of a problem with cliched quest ideas. Here are, in my opinion, the most common cliches we fall into.

1. Evil planning to take over the world:
AVOID AT ALL COSTS!! It's one of the most common cliches out there. Also, it conflicts with the theme of Tamriel.

2. Secret conspiricies:
When in question, consider if there's a way the said conflict could occur without some conspiricy. If so, KEEP IT OUT. Particularily, keep out anything involving evil conspiricies. These simply don't fit into Tamriel. Still, this has a bit of potential if done right, particularily with all things involving daedra. Just keep it to logical things like assassinations though.
"Scrib specimen number two escaped from its pen today. Again. I shall have to find some other way to limit its mobility, as building higher walls seems to have little effect" -Mistress Rathra