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[TUTORIAL] Region Tutorial

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:57 am
by wererat
Tutorial on creating regions in TESCS and editing their properties.

Creating A Region

What Is A Region? A region is a selected group of exterior cells that share the same attributes. These attributes are as follows: Region ID , Region Name , Sleep Creature , Weather Chances , Ambient Sounds , and Map Color

Region ID - the name of your region in the 'Region ID Box'. the ID is used to locate your region when you wish to edit or delete it. you may only use a name once, which means you can not have two seperate regions with the same ID

Region Name - the name of your created region. you may have a duplicate region name, which means you can use a region name more than once

Sleep Creature - whenever you rest in an exterior cell there is a percent chance that your rest will be interrupted by a creature. the Leveled Creature selected in this field is what will be used to calculate what creature awakes you

Weather Chances - the chance of a specific weather type occuring. the total amount of the chances may reach only 100. if you were to have clear 60 (60% of the time) and ash 40 (40% of the time) then you have reached your limit since the two numbers equal 100. this means that you may not change foggy, overcast, etc.

Clear - the chances that the weather will be clear
Cloudy - the chances that there will be large clouds in the sky
Foggy - the chances that a fog will cover the region
Overcast - the chances that small clouds will be in the sky
Rain - the chances of a light rain
Thunder - the chances of a heavier rain along with thunder & lightning
Ash - the chances of an ash storm occuring
Blight - the chances of a blight storm occuring
Snow - the chances of a light snow occuring
Blizzard - the chances of a heavy snow along with strong winds

Ambient Sounds - the sounds played throughout your region
Chance - this is the percent chance the sound will play
Priority - if two sounds are called at once, the sound with the higher priority will play
Sound ID - the ID of the sound file

Region Map Color - different colors can be assigned for the Region Map, which can be accessed by clicking on the 'Region Paint' button. this brings up a new window showing the exterior world. highlighting a region in the list on the right brings up the region’s information below; clicking on exterior cells on the map to the left then includes those cells in that region. the cell's color on the map will change to match the region color.

Creating A Region
first start your TESC and open the data file (.esp , .esm) that you wish your region to be in. to do this click File -> Data Files -> double click the file -> click 'OK'

next, when the file is completely loaded, click the World button on the top of your screen. then select 'Regions . . .'

a new window should pop up. in this window you will see the components described above.

click 'New' at the top of the window. another window should appear that allows you to type in your desired Region ID. do so then click 'OK'

your region should be selected in the window. to tell which region is open, look at the 'Region ID Box' in the upper-left corner. the current region's ID should appear there. if you click on the box's arrow you can browse through all of the regions

now name your region. this name does not have to be the same as the ID but it eliminates confusion if it is

next choose your Sleep Creature, if any

after you have chosen your Sleep Creature start editing your weather chances. the lower the chance percentage the less frequent the weather type will occur. the highier the percentage is the higher the chance of occuring. do NOT put the % symbol after or before the number


next do your ambient sounds. to add sounds open the 'Sounds' archive by pressing the speaker picture in the menu bar (not in the window). drag the selected sound into your ambient sound chart. the 'Chance' works the same way as in the Weather Chances. the 'Priority' is a selected number, 1-x, the lower the number the higher the priority. if two sounds are called at the same time, then the sound with the higher priority will be played

when done with the sounds create your region color. do this in the lower-left hand corner using the color chart. when desired color is created click 'Region Paint'

a new window will appear and in it will be a map. the map displayes vvardenfall's region colors. the color match with the ones in the list to the right of the map

choose your region by clicking it's color in the list. when chosen the region's color, name, and weather information will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. click on the map while you region is selected. a square of your region's color will appear where you have clicked. that square is a cell that now follows your region's information (sleep creature, weather chance and ambient sound). color the boxes that you wish to be part of your region

note - only white or already colored cell squares can be edited. black squares can not be changed

now click 'Done' then 'OK'.

now save your file

your region is now complete. to access it go back to the region window. the region will now work in the game as long as you have it saved and the file activated

writen by wererat
if you have any questions / comments please PM me on the Tamriel Rebuilt Forums