
Old and generally outdated discussions, with the rare hidden gem. Enter at your own risk.

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Location: My computer


Post by CXA26483 »

Telvanni Library, Eastern Tower: Lower Level 4890 6903 14050
"Dont you mean... Youll put the ghostgate down? Someone needs to either remove the name on the activator, or change it."

Telvanni Library, Passageway 3823 4003 13632
"Is there no way you can add the splashing noise to these types of activators?"

Boethian Mountains Region (31,7) 256139 60613 771
"Im not real up to date on my Tamrielic Lore, but the usage of these giant arching rocks seems a little excessive to me... If its really like that, then fine. If not, then itd probably be best to simply make this some more mountainous/rocky terrain."

Boethian Mountains Region (37,7) 303831 64474 328
"This rock isn't all the way on the ground"

Jherun Egg Mine 4413 12066 14824
"No splashy. Also, no underwater effects..."

Syn-Jugalla 1023 7779 5514
"Pink square is showing... Kinda wondering why there are bubbles here anyways =/."

Syn-Jugalla 1000 7872 5442
"I've also noticed that if a creature/body is underneath this water, I can't get to it."

in_lava_rock_20 Syn-Jugalla 1011 8447 5648
"This pits pretty hard to get out of."

Hassulsallusalkit, Shrine: Sunken Vaults 5248 6784 14336
"Whatever this is, it appears to have the un-collisioned side showing. (not flush with anything)"

Mephalain Mountains Region (22,-4) 182146 -27181 -1699
"this isn't flush with the wall"

Inner Sea Region (21,-3) 179228 -17971 2038
"This isn't flush with the wall"

Kemel-Ze, Vels 8144 -2816 -12
"Why is this door in the ground?"

Kemel-Ze, Vels 8147 -788 20
"this has no collision..."

Kemel-Ze, Vels 5991 -3387 50
"This is showing through the wall."

Kemel-Ze, Karkanch -131 -1953 7194
"Bet you didn't think I'd notice that this moves through the cauldron did you?=D"

Kemel-Ze, Karkanch -321 -20 5796
"apparently I can somehow make these disappear... I can't really tell you what I did except that I threw the power lever making the lights come on in one area, raised the cauldron here, emptied the water from bassin, then threw three cranks in the previous area (I believe)... I dont even know what any of this stuff does yet!! But now that I know it might be screwed up, this distresses me ='[. In short they followed the same path as when I first arrived, but moved through the wall."

Kemel-Ze, Fzekic 5091 -1423 61
"Ceilings a little low to pass through here."

Kemel-Ze, Karzanch -2548 1575 -73
"Unless there's something back here behind this wall, you should probably lava_black square over it."

Kemel-Ze, Karzanch -256 -1264 -80
"This is just an aside, but where the **** are all of the Dwemer Coherers!? I haven't found a single one yet! >_<"

Kemel-Ze, Dzuran 32 -4096 672
"This doesn't go all the way to the reactors edges (or I assume that's what it is)"

Kemel-Ze, Dzuran 1883 -2049 696
"If your intention is to block this off, you should block more of it."

Kemel-Ze, Chefidz Bassin 6198 3883 15495
"Just put a coherer in the box... Not powered still...?"

Kemel-Ze, Chefidz Bassin 6128 2753 14994
"Why is this water falling... underwater...?"

Kemel-Ze, Azmvat 7335 -6623 319
"Lever says *Cant move this CRANK any further*"

Kemel-Ze, Azmvat 5552 -9216 102
"I suppose its important to note that if you intend to use the MPP (Morrowind Patch Project).esp, you need to install it before you install TR. While on the opposite side of this wall, after installing the patch, it gets reset. I dont know why, but I guess the MPP effects a bunch of scripts. =/"

Boethian Mountains Region (33,-1) 277414 -4090 -526
"This boat has no interior...? Interesting..."

Boethian Mountains Region (37,7) 303831 64474 328
"This rock isn't all the way on the ground"

Jherun Egg Mine 4413 12066 14824
"No splashy. Also, no underwater effects..."

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:36 am
Location: Davis, CA

Post by zhukant »

Cell: Kemel-Ze (22,-2)
Location: ex_ropebridge_2048_01
188396 -13840 3321
Error: Cannot walk through rope at either end of this bridge. It is too low. Should either be edited higher, or have its collision script removed at those points. However, there is enough space to jump onto it from the side.

Cell: Kemel-Ze (22,-2)
Location: ex_t_platform_02
187292 -14115 3487
Error: This platform is located too low. Walking from Dithrasa Nerthul's house, you can't get onto the wooden plank leading down to the rest of Marog. Walking from the plank towards Dithrasa's house is fine, however.

Cell: Marog, Tel Onoria: Marog Registry
Location: TR_m2_bk_Ma_records_book
8 -532 69
Error: This book, as well as all the crates and other containers in this house are completely empty. Usually there's at least SOMETHING. This seems unfinished."

Cell: Marog, Tel Onoria: Marog Registry
Location: ingred_comberry_01
212 -474 327
Comment: Finally, an actual meal in somebody's plate instead of just one ingredient! This is great! =]

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Aster
Location: in_dwrv_doorjam00
704 832 0
Error: This is too close to the staircase. Can't get in or out of this short cell segment most of the time.

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Karzanch
Location: in_dwrv_gear00
2047 1847 276
Error: For some reason you can walk straight through this huge gear. Something must have happened to its collision scripting.

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Vels
Location: centurion_spider_dead00000002
5514 -1087 25
Error: This Centurion Spider is floating in mid-air.

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Vels
Location: In_Lava_Blacksquare
5991 -3387 50
Error: Strange sheets sticking out of the wall here

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Vels
Location: TR_m2_KZ_VelsTD
8144 -2816 -12
Error: Something happened to this door's textures, they've disappeared.

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (22,-3)
Location: terrain_rock_gl_05
187878 -18937 4185
Error: This rock is not properly sealed with the ground - you can see inside of it.

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (22,-3)
Location: Terrain_rocks_GL_01
187575 -19720 4407
Error: These rocks are also not reaching the ground.

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (23,-4)
Location: terrain_rock_gl_12
189693 -24823 2855
Error:The ground here has a rip.

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
Location: Terrain_rocks_GL_01
200418 -27641 1577
Error: These rocks are floating

Cell: Indalas Ancestral Tomb
Location: TR_furn_skel_jaw
720 5354 -786
Error: Is this random jaw supposed to be here? =P

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (25,-4)
Location: TR_active_sign_Dragon_Glade
212465 -30983 2190
Error: This sign should not have an underscore

Cell: Tel Muthada (27,-5)
Location: ex_t_door_01
224516 -35698 5361
Error: This wood and iron door is a golden door on the inside. Unless it's two-layered, it should match.

Cell: Tel Muthada, The Note In Your Eye
Location: in_t_housepod_pole_03
-1248 80 -624
Error: Can't get through to the last table in the room because of this 'housepod pole'.

Cell: Tel Muthada, Soren Uveran: Gatekeeper
Location: in_t_housepod_door_exit
-128 -192 0
Error: When you exit this door you are stuck in midair.

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (26,-5)
Location: active_sign_Vos_01
216448 -33344 2176
Error: This sign says 'Vos' in all directions. I'm pretty sure Vos is on Vvardenfell.

Cell: Tel Muthada (27,-5)
Location: ex_t_door_slavepod_01
222617 -32871 2475
Error: This 'slave door' collides with the eating pod above when opened. Also, it would be nice if there were a couple slaves in the pens on the ground, not just way up in the air where you can't see them.