Sacred East 1.6 update checklist

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Sacred East 1.6 update checklist

Post by arvisrend »

OK, it's getting time. Some people had a 10/10 release date in mind, but this seems increasingly unrealistic; don't let the numbers fool you into it becoming 11/11, though. Any date will do.

The bad news is that I'll be even less useful than with the preceding updates, in that I am so much behind my (RL) work that I probably won't even find the time to review the remaining quest claims in detail. Someone else would have to do that. I'll still be able to merge them.

I think the current idea is to release the updated SE 1.6, the alpha of maps 3+4+5 minus Alma, and a recruitment post for modellers and NPCers simultaneously, so as to avoid one of these overshadowing the others.


- [Swiftoak] Finish M3A8 exterior redesign. This is extremely important and we cannot release until it's finished.

- [Swiftoak?, Nemon?] Finish fixing the world bugs reported in [url=]the world errors thread[/url] and [url=]the script errors thread[/url].

- [?] Review [url=]q2-32 (some EEC quests)[/url]. I've asked Zobator by email yesterday if he is still planning any changes.

- [arvisrend] Merge q2-32 once reviewed.

- [arvisrend, Haplo] Add the [url=]Dunmer Law Primer[/url] to TR_Data.

- [Rats] Finish [url=]q2-29 (Akamora FG grand finale)[/url].

- [?] Review q2-29 once finished.

- [arvisrend] Merge q2-29 once reviewed.

- [arvisrend] Merge [url=]i3-738[/url], an int connecting Mainland with m3a8.


- [Nemon?] Fix [url=]reported map 4 bugs[/url], specifically the ones which are not inside or near the borders of the following NPC claims:

[url=]4-1 (Andothren) Sload[/url]
[url=]4-3 (Bodrem) Sload[/url]
[url=]4-13 (unnamed plantation) Rats[/url]
[url=]4-14 (Teyn, Ancylis) Rats[/url]
[url=]4-26 (south Thirr) Yeti, now in reviewing[/url]
[url=]4-37 (coast north of Kartur) unclaimed[/url]
[url=]4-38 (Verarchen) BC[/url]

- [Adanorcil] Finish the Dreugh variations and use them sparingly on the Mainland.

- [rot] Finish [url=]q2-17 (Walk the Talk)[/url].

- [Adanorcil?] Find a replacement for "Handbook for the Devout".

- [arvisrend?] Add all finished new books to TR_Data.


We need to make it and the best time to do so is while releasing an update. I'd say the most important place for it should be [url=]the Fliggerty forums[/url] (best audience ever), the TR forums (duh) and then probably the officials (lots of modders but too many kiddies). I'm not sure if the Nexus is any good. Other than that, of course concept artists can be anywhere, but will they want to make art for Morrowind? I don't know.

Fuck. I'm out of time and ideas to write even a rapid prototype of the post we need. Here is rot's list of stuff we're looking for on the modelling front:
rot wrote:[url=]Regarding recruitment,[/url] I think a good recruitment post will need: (aside from obvious general info & links to mod screenshots)

- a few specific examples of what TR currently has:
models: [url=]Dres set[/url], [url=]various props[/url] [url=]from beth CA[/url], the [url=]Hoom[/url]...
art: [url=]seancruz[/url], some art that's been used for plant models ([url=]othreleth[/url]), the [url=]nix-mount[/url], the [url=]velk[/url], old awesome art from Myzel ([url=]Indoril warrior[/url], many more at the bottom of [url=]this post[/url])

- specific examples of models TR needs:
models there's already concept art for: Velk female, Shalk [url=]from beth CA[/url], skyrender...
and a healthy backlog of less detailed ones if enough modellers bite,
[url=](animated?) skyrender nests[/url]
[url=]Small velothi shrines?[/url]
maybe this [url=]Dres robe? (Myzel)[/url]

- concept art TR needs:
imagine a body to [url=]this toad/otter/reptile/ferret[/url]
- Argon jungle: ambient CA, props
- [url=]Argonian and Slave clutter[/url]
maybe props for the ash swamp, [url=]or is this enough?[/url]
Deshaan: ambient CA (rocks and colours, see OP), don't forget [url=]those two[/url] , [url=]pieces from Myzel[/url]
- Dres interiors (fitting MWGek's exts, concepts and pieces, possibly some more inspiration in [url=]this thread[/url]?)
- Dres farming props and ambients?
- Dres irrigation system, [url=]though that could probably be figured out from IRL material[/url]

There is a list in this thread's OP, but it needs to be updated and organised for this purpose (what already has functional concepts, what would need them very soon...)
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Post by rot »



- [???] Fix the unfinished area (done) and world bugs reported in [url=]the world errors thread[/url]. Also, still some old reports in [url=]the script errors thread[/url].

- [?] Wrap-up, review & merge [url=]q2-29 (Akamora FG grand finale)[/url].

- [rot] Merge [url=]q3-14[/url] & [url=]q3-5[/url] (Tondollari's Gorne misc quests). - done

- edit: also had forgotten about
[url=]q3-11[/url] - was quickly reviewed? simple enough either way, I think just needs merging
[url=]q3-6[/url] - basically reviewed
[url=]q2-16[/url] - needs review

- [arvisrend?] Review [url=]q2-17 (Walk the Talk)[/url]

- [?] Add the [url=]Skylamp Night[/url], [url=]Kni-Fi[/url] and new OE books ([url=]Mystery Play[/url], [url=]History[/url], [url=]Visions[/url]) to Data


- [wolli] Fixed ndib trees, reducing lag in forest areas. Possibly other mesh fixes?

- [?] Cleaning some [url=]terrible generic dialogue[/url]

- [Haplo?] Data update

- [Haplo? TF?] Getting the primary exteriors/interiors tutorials updated(?) and back up - [url=]temporary re-up of the old ones[/url]

- [Adanorcil?] Find a replacement for "Handbook for the Devout".