Funding? And other possibilities

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karl-bertil johnsson
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Funding? And other possibilities

Post by karl-bertil johnsson »

Hello everybody!

I'm new to the forum. I've been following the project for several years, dropping in and reading the news every now and then. Years ago I played the Telavannis release and really enjoyed it. Morrowind is my all time favorite game and I literally can't wait for the project to be finished. I think this is one of the greatest fan contributions to the gaming community to date.

I really admire your patient and all the effort you all put in this project. With this said I want to help to make sure you got the resources you need to hopefully be able to release the finished product in the near future. Sadly I don’t have a big enough pile of money myself laying around to be able to pay you to quit your day jobs. Instead I wanted to discuss some other possibilities.

I’m sure this already been up for discussion, but I searched the forum and didn’t find anything concrete. Is it possible to crowd fund the project (or parts of it) via Kickstarter or similar sites? Or are there legal issues with this solution? If not, I do believe you could collect at least enough to keep one or two persons working 40h a week for some time. Maybe you could raise more.

Attract more modders, or/and gain more publicity
I don’t know if you already have as many developers as you wish to work as efficient as you want. If not, one possible aid could be to attract more developers. This could be done by reaching out in lots of different forums, net forums and by gaining publicity in game media. Maybe even by launching a social media campaign.

Attract investors
Surely there is one millionaire out there who really enjoyed Morrowind and would like to see this happening. Maybe this is the least likely option...

I hope you understand that I only want to help, and that I not in any way am trying to offend or degrade you. If I it was possible for me to start working in CS I would do it right away, but neither do I got a PC at the time or the finesse to make the world of Morrowind justice. I have worked some with campaigns on my free time before and love to help you with things like that if needed and wanted.

Have these matters been discussed before? What do you think of these options? Can you think of some other? It would be great to hear from you. Keep up the good work!

Allt the best!
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Post by rot »

Nice thought but anything involving money would turn this into a legal problem for Bethesda, so it's not even an option.

The publicity thing though, that has been tried a couple of times (with how much success I don't know)
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Post by gro-Dhal »

The only thing I can imagine us needing to spend money on is maintaining the server. We do just fine as volunteers I think. Thanks for the enthusiasm though!