prengllet's Interior Showcase(s?)

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prengllet's Interior Showcase(s?)

Post by prengllet »

Yo, I'm new.

I'm submitting an interior showcase for Tamriel Rebuilt. It's a damn good mod but deep down I've always been kind of bugged by the fact it definitely won't be finished for a good while. So I'm going to try to help fix that in a small way, at least, with this showcase. I'm not particularly great with the Construction Set but, hey, feel free to take potshots.

This interior is a two floor Velothi house home to a Dunmer couple, say in, Vos or something. The patriarch of the house is a writer who has found himself with a skooma addiction, stashing moon sugar and empty vials of the stuff all over the house. His wife is an avid chef who has invited over a guest tonight for some good old fashioned Morrowind style crab meat and cookies, and is growing more and more concerned with her husband's newly-found moon sugar addiction by the second.

Again, I'm not a wizard with the Morrowind construction set, and I think my rotation may leave a bit to be desired. Criticism is really welcome, and I hope eventually I'll be able to do some stuff for the TR team. Thanks again.
morrowind interior garbage
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Post by Seneca37 »

Welcome prengllet. It's nice that you want join our team.

I've taken a quick look at your showcase. The concept is good. The file is clean, you have the north marker, you've adjusted the light settings, and the grid snapping is very good. Thanks for positioning the first piece at 0,0.

As for positioning items, you do need a bit more practice. At this point, I don't see the need for me to give you a giant list of items that need to be fixed. Instead, I suggest you do the following:

Please, carefully read over all the guidelines in the following link:

Also, read through the Item Placement and Rotation Tutorial found at the bottom of this link:

Once you've done that, then go through your showcase, item by item, and fix as much as you can. Currently, we don't have any interiors to work on, so take your time with this showcase.

Also, here are a couple of fixes that need to be done that are specific to your showcase.
1) Replace the TR_furn_com_p_bkend(s) with TR_furn_de_p_bkend(s).
2) Scale the large closet (de_p_closet_02_de_mclot) to be a bit smaller - be sure all 4 feet rest on the floor, and do not bleed into the angled baseboards.
3) Move the Furn_de_rug_big_02 away from the wall.

Once you've done this, I'll be glad to review your updated showcase.