Over the course of Tamriel Rebuilt's history, hundreds of developers have created some fascinating works of art in order to bring this project closer to completion. In respect towards developers that are still here, as well as those who are long gone, this thread will display some of the finest interiors made from Tamriel Rebuilt's contributors. This hall of fame can hopefully become a place where new and experienced developers alike can gain inspiration and new ideas.
How does a claim end up in the interiors hall of fame? For one, the claim must thoroughly follow the [url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24594]Interior Rules and Guidelines[/url]. Second of all, the claim must show a strong, creative approach to modding. Typically, we look for claims that were made with a love for Morrowind, and that break away from the 'norm' of how certain interiors are made.
Here's the first collection of Hall of Fame interiors. Over time more will be added to the list. Also, feel free to recommend a few that you might find worthy of addition.
Nov 1, 2015:
[spoiler][url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=22767]i4-391-Red[/url] -- Imperial border fort in the Velothi Mountains
Developed By: Osidian
Quite inspiring for almost any interior developer, almost every corner of this fort was made with a pure love for Morrowind. A sewer with combined Imperial and cave assets is perhaps the most inventive part of this interior.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=12341]i3-279-Imp[/url] -- Manor of an eccentric Imperial in Old Ebonheart
Developed By: Bero
With doors leading to nowhere and upside down clannfear heads, the weirdness in this Imperial home really led to something special and distinct.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24180]i4-471-Hla[/url] -- Dwarven ruin on the shores of the Thirr River
Developed By: Seneca37
A unique and masterfully created chamber in the depths of this bandit-infested dungeon really makes this claim a gem.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=12202]i3-151-Ind[/url] -- Important manor of the Indoril stronghold, Seyda Vano
Developed By: Andres Indoril
Perhaps the most unique of all Indoril manors, this interior is suitable for all types of players. Anyone who completes the Indoril questline will be satisfied with this fantastic and well-earned award.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=22648]i4-367-Red[/url] -- Cave in the Armun Ashlands
Developed By: Scamp
This inspiring piece of work is filled with detailed and grandeur sights definitely worth checking out. A huge and almost unreal waterfall in the depths of this cave is almost certainly the main highlight.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=22620]i4-351-Red[/url] -- Daedric ruin in the southern Armun Ashlands
Developed By: Praedator
A great ruin worth thorough exploration, it really brought out a sense of connection with Oblivion.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24198]TR_i4-489-Red[/url] -- Home of a scout who frequently explores a nearby Daedric ruin
Developed By: adamantum
A house that really feels like it belongs to an adventurer. The basement in particular was made in a very creative way.
[url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=16457]TR_i4-112-Hla[/url] -- A tavern used as a dodgy hangout for criminals
Developed By: EJRS
A rather simple yet fantastic interior that carries out its purpose in a very original way.[/spoiler]
A file has been created where you can access all hall of fame interiors in-game. As more interiors are added to the list, they will be put into this file as well. To get to the access cell, type, "coc "TR_HoF"" in the console.
Interiors Hall of Fame
Moderator: Lead Developers
Interiors Hall of Fame
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Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. -Ayn Rand
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. -Ayn Rand
This is a really good selection of well-executed, well-balanced and well-designed interiors that integrate really well with the style of the original game while still providing something new and interesting. Good pick!
Most of these I hadn't seen before, very inspirational!
(And I am more than a little bit flattered to have authored something that gets to stand in this good a company)
Most of these I hadn't seen before, very inspirational!
(And I am more than a little bit flattered to have authored something that gets to stand in this good a company)