are we really lore nazis???

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are we really lore nazis???

Post by Rian »

you tell me, it just seems that there has been alot of this kind of talk going around lately. and most people who post these accusations say thier leaving in the same sentence. i agree that some of these people seem to be jerks but perhaps they have a point.

so what do you think, are we lore nazis?? i mean, we have to stick with the existing lore due to the fact that this is a mod, but perhaps we are becoming too violent in our enforcement of this lore.

like i said, you tell me...
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Post by Stalker »

No. Current TR let's say dislikes lore. If we were lore Nazis such ideas like bringing back the whole Dragonbone set and Dwemeri Sub (yes, yes I'm also talking about MY ideas) would get locked and users banned.

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Post by Rian »

you amke a good point, perhaps lore dictators is a more appropriate term.
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Post by Gooblecakes »

sometimes we can be lore nazis. Doomdrum just left because he thinks so, but he had a idea that wasnt all that apropriate with lore, and when he was called out on it, he flipped. we werent being harsh, he jjust took it that way.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

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Post by Gooblecakes »

yeah, i was with him 'till he flipped. but it was just easier to type 'we' instead of 'everyone but me' (the english language needs a word synonimous to that), so i typed we. BTW, i like your sig :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Zalzidrax »

I believe that some people are too strict and some people are too lax (different people depending on the circumstance) but in teh end it all evens out.
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Post by Vegor »

Lore is the only way to go. If we would allow some things that go against lore, we must allow others as well to make no priviliges. It will end up in total mayhem and will have a detrimental effect on the projects quality. Anything not stated in lore must be small-scaled to make it plausible that it's not mentioned anywhere.

There can be discussion on how to fill in gaps within lore and whether to make up new lore in some occassions, but mostly we must go with what's given by Bethesda. Especially in Morrowind since so much is known about the province.

If we get to Skyrim, there are plenty of gaps to fill and things to make up, but even then only the people how know a lot about Elder Scrolls lore should be involved in this. Just for the record, that doesn't include me at all. If you'd want to make up new lore, you'd have to know a lot about lore and follow the line Bethesda set out. There are few that can.
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Post by Kothloth »

We have been harsher then this though. I believe myself that we're currently pretty lax, but well, that's just my opinion :P
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Post by G.M.K. »

I don't think TR members are lore nazi's in the least because if we were the mainland would be a rigged and dry place. The Great Houses wouldn't be joinable along with most of the other factions. Most of the cities we created wouldn't have been and almost all of the monsters/items/plants wouldn't exsist either.
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Post by Hermit »

We want to make a plugin that blends seamlessly with the original game. Basically, an expansion, a fan-made expansion, to the game of TES3. We aren't against adding things so long as they neither are against lore nor destroy the atmosphere, gameplay balance or add ridiculous things to the game.

If that makes us lore nazis or lore dictators, so be it.
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Post by Colostriph »

I second what hermit said. We aren't in anyway lore nazis Doomdrum was an ideot. Just because he couldn't have his "dremora love" story, he took a fit. TR doesn't need people like him. And if he just wants to have something that's complete crap and makes absolutely no sense, he can start his own project. I'm sorry but he insulted all of TR. Although no one should be offended being insulted by a lowlife, immature person like him.

We aren't lore nazis. We are very balanced. At least from certain things I've seen. And infact, I think we're doing fine. My words are to keep it up. The mass wave of new members probably just dropped a few rotten ones along. That's all.

Post by Anonymous »

hey guys... I over reacted this mourning.... I’m really sorry...
I shouldn't have called you lore Nazis, that was way too harsh. I was feeling sarcastic about it when I wrote it, I was in such a good mood this mourning that after reading all the dissing on my idea I just got kind of cheesed off. But the truth is I really think what you people are doing here is amazing, it’s a really good idea, and it will be fun even without all the juicy adventures like I love, just to go around and see what physical representations of this whole living world of Tamriel, you guys are bringing to life inside my computer.
When I first discovered TR I was blown away with the work that has been done and I thought, wow their are some very talented people on this project. When its finished I will enjoy the site seeing alone so much it might make any quests seem like a bonus even.
I thought about it after looking through the imperial library today and I realize how important lore is, its not really the lore that got me though, its the fact that there are all these holes in the lore in which if the people on this project (who I respect as good people, and nothing like Nazis) wanted to we could find away to justify pretty much anything we did here. I feel like people here don't care to look at lore as a way to bring original ideas to life hard enough. they jump too quickly to using lore to batter peoples ideas and flame them. The devs break and bend lore all the time, and plus, the lore inside the imperial library is written like it is media from Tamreil, actually written and thought of by the people of that world. why do you think the devs wrote it like that? Well, how much do we think we know about our world but don't? alot, alot, alot. The devs or whoever puts that site up, do it like this because they want to be able to stretch the rules that they lay down in the imperial library in case they ever need to. they can always justify what they do no matter how against lore it might seem, because they can always use the excuse "well, they were wrong then wern't they?"
The only lore breaking I think is dangerous in TR is making something happen that could mess with where the devs take Tamriel later on in the future, like us bringing Sotha Sil to life now when the Devs plan on him coming to life in sixty years from now, that kind of thing would make us look unprofessional and disconnected from the real world of Tamriel, I understand that and feel stupid for suggesting the terrorist thing because I realize now that it could end up thrashing with future history.
The coolest thing in the world I think would be for TR to get in contact with the devs and arrange some kind of agreement where things that are done here at TR that don’t happen to thrash with their ultamite plans could be included in the future timelines they make of Tamriel History. I mean they recognize us, we’re on their links list.
Again, im sorry and if you never wanna speak to me again, I understand. I just wanted to leave on a less hostile note and give a more adult reason for being upset somewhat by how things are run around TR. For my insult I openly except any and all pummelings and/or insults anybody here wishes to cast upon me.
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Post by Colostriph »

Apology accepted. I am forgiving. Just try not to lose your cool. Although apolagising like that was very responcible. Try to make up with making an interior or two?

Post by Anonymous »

I would love to do that. If I could I would. Im out of school in two weeks for christmas break and when i go back home i will have time and also reasorce to learn to script. doing some actual work on this would be great.
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Post by Stumpytheguar »

I can almost guarantee that your willingness to learn to script will fade when you get started.

Everybody tries at one point or another. I'm not even good, I can barely compare with some works I've seen, and even then my little knowledge is considered alot by the average TR member. It's just hard stuff. Good luck.

Note that more scripting would get done if someone took the time and energy to actually make a useable request/claims area, where people could look for scripts that are needed and get to work on them.
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Post by Eraser »

What hermit says describes our lore stance PERFECTLY.

We want TR to blend seamlessly with morrowind, tribunal and bloodmoon(maybe Oblivion in the future) if the devs would not have likely made it in their world, chances are we won't. We aren't nazis, we are strict, yes but lore was what TR was founded on.
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Post by Anonymous »

yeah i've looked at the CS and it kinda cunfusses me. All i can really do at this point is make additional races and classes for the Morrowind Mod. but i dont know how to give my new races any kind of body. So far the only thing ive made that i can justify to myself in game is a shadowy elven race i invented called Ethirial Elves or the Erilmer. (They look really cool in Glass armor) :twisted:
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Post by Eraser »

Your sig says "Storyteller" maybe you would like writing for books of tamriel? you don't really have to know the editor :)
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Post by Anonymous »

do you know what kinda things they need books about right now? or who i could pm to find out?
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Post by Majra »

doomdrum, I thought you were leaving

secondly, TR will have plenty of space for lore
however in Morrowind we have been given a ton of lore about the lives and culture of Dunmer and morrowind residents, therefore we will be developing new lore much less for this province than for future ones. People need to stop suggesting crazy ideas that make no sense to Dunmer life style

In morrowind we have lore detailing, not creation.... I say detailing because I dont even believe it should be expansion of lore (except in cases of the dres) the point being, in map 1 and 2 (the only place where quests and things should be discussed for the moment in my opinion) the lore is well set. End Story
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Post by Eraser »

Pretty much any writing is needed to some extent. What we need the most are books about the world, the lit. forum should be more detailed, check the stickies there.
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