Making Npc's Attack For Theft

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Making Npc's Attack For Theft

Post by TrevorDemented »

How do I make an Npc attack me for theft?

I have a bunch of guards in a guard tower that don't do one damn thing when I swipe their stuff.

I have tried to make all of the items in the interior property of the cormaris guard including statics which maybe the problem.

How do I make the guard act like guard and other npc attack me if I steal stuff and not just stand around cursing me?

Do I change the AI, their alarm,flee,fight or hello?

Help me.
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Post by Geowulf »

Under AI, you need to change the "Alarm" to a high value (like 90 for example).
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Post by Nazz »

Like Geowulf said you need to set their alarm value to something high. I would set it to 100 just to be safe.
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Post by Kakarot »

That's right, but you should only set the alarm to 100 with Guards, shopkeepers and people with higher level, not with the common folk, cause they don't usually have alarm at 100 in the Morrowind game.
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Post by Anonymous »

The value in the Alarm setting is the value added to the Fight setting when the NPC witnesses a crime. If the Alarm setting is 100, then the NPC will report any crime the player commits.

Note that an NPC does not need to have 100 in Alarm for the player's crime to be reported. When the player commits a crime, the NPC shouts out an alarm, and any NPC within a certain distance will hear it, and shout out an Alarm as well. If any of the NPCs that hear the Alarm happen to have an Alarm setting of 100, then it gets reported as a crime.

If you want to make up a new crime, the easiest way is to use the Player->ModPCCrimeLevel ## function and then apply SetFight 90 to any guards that were in the area. This prevents the player from "Getting Away With It" but still duplicates the same functionality as before. Guards that see the player will run up to the player with weapons drawn and then accost him.

I'm still not certain if NPC guards automatically reset their Fight settings within the hard-coded PayFine function, however. If not, it might be necessary to go into the dialogue script and add the SetFight 30 instruction after the PayFine instruction.