T_Bk_EtiquetteWithRulersTR territoy -> territory T_Bk_FallOfTheUrsuperTR legent -> legend hesistancy -> hesitancy T_Bk_LusAnimalGodTR protrayed -> portrayed T_Bk_NotesForRedguardHistoryTR a ebony -> an ebony T_Bk_OfJephreTR fruther -> further T_Bk_TheSageTR those a -> those of a T_Bk_ScholarGuideToNymphsTR indisciminate -> indiscriminate wherebouts -> whereabouts T_Bk_GhraewajharpiesTR tranformed -> transformed truthin -> truth in T_Bk_FoolsEbonyTR_V1 Playwrites -> Playwrights T_Bk_FoolsEbonyTR_V2 Gold -> Ebony T_Bk_FoolsEbonyTR_V4 every been -> ever been playwrite -> playwright T_Bk_FoolsEbonyTR_V6 Playwrites -> Playwrights playwrite -> playwright its -> it's playwrite's -> playwright's Playwrites -> Playwrights T_Bk_AlchemistsGuideToSkoomaTR present -> present. T_Bk_AssassinationOfPelagiusTR where there -> were there Dark Brother where -> Dark Brotherhood were they where -> they were alwaysfollows -> always follows There where -> There were less then -> less than T_Bk_LamentationsTR Reguard -> Redguard T_Bk_CharityAndLeadershipTR Morrowinds -> Morrowind's T_Bk_DresSlaveTradeTR it's -> its T_Bk_TheFaithfulTR it's -> its (x16) T_Sc_MoonsugarPoemTR discernable -> discernible T_Bk_KingEdwardTR_V01 that make -> that made T_Bk_KingEdwardTR_V12 vistor -> visitor T_Bk_VampiresIlliacBayTR_V1 masoleum -> mausoleum T_Bk_RedguardsTheirHistoryTR 2253,a -> 2253, a T_Bk_TheTormentKlauseinTR_V1 audience contemplate -> audience to contemplate on this -> of this T_Bk_TheTormentKlauseinTR_V2 made do -> make do T_Bk_HistoryOroynyonFamilyTR neice -> niece marrage -> marriage T_Bk_HlaaluPlansTR populous -> populace (x2) T_Bk_MineralsOfMorrowindTR and well as -> as well as then -> than (x2) amours -> armors T_Bk_GospelOfSaintOlmsTR woman''s -> woman's T_Bk_GospelOfSaintSerynTR a old -> an old T_Bk_RemanSonOfReman suprise -> surprise and and -> and T_Bk_RemanadaTR_V1 estrangment -> estrangement T_Bk_SongOfPelinalTR_V5 Parvania -> Paravania T_Bk_SongOfPelinalTR_V8 existant -> existent T_Bk_FateOfTheSnowelvesTR collage -> college T_Bk_EasternQuarantineTR be be -> be T_Bk_HoundsOfHircineTR no even -> not even beast -> beasts Mamaca -> Mamaea T_Bk_SkinDeepTR only though -> only through T_Bk_ArkhonlimTR millenia -> millennia T_Bk_AssassinsDiaryTR during night -> during the night This a -> This is a T_Bk_CowardiceOfTheEnemyTR it's -> its T_Bk_DalgorJournalTR be thief's -> be a thief's T_Bk_OnPurityTR occured -> occurred millenia -> millennia T_Bk_DryMetaphorTR Dessication -> Desiccation perjorative -> pejorative T_Note_ImperialTaxNotice the Uriel -> Uriel uninamously -> unanimously exeeding -> exceeding T_Note_ImperialDecree DECISISIONS -> DECISIONS it is involves -> it involves T_Bk_originashyamTR taxonamy -> taxonomy T_Bk_MapsM1-1TR and T_Bk_MapsM1-2TR Swapped text Renamed T_Bk_MapsM1-2TR Maps of The Telvanni Isles -> Maps of the Telvanni Isles Renamed T_De_Molecrab_PauldronR_01 Telvanni Molecrab RightPauldron -> Telvanni Molecrab R Pauldron Renamed T_De_Molecrab_PauldronL_01 (to match right pauldron) Telvanni Molecrab Left Pauldron -> Telvanni Molecrab L Pauldron