Ground Textures: -Sand - underwater -T_Mw_TerrDaeStoneSH - in daedric ruins -T_Mw_TerrDirtMudSH - around water, as a transition from sand -T_Mw_TerrDirtRockSH - use around cliffs -T_Mw_TerrDirtSH_01/2 - main dirt for the region, use as you would use grass in other regions -T_Mw_TerrGrassTV - use in fertile valleys, such as narsis -T_Mw_TerrRoadSH_01 - Stone roads and town cobblestones -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_01 - lowland rock texture -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_02 - highland rock texture -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_03 - uncommon peak/VM transition rock texture -T_MW_TerrScrubSH_01 - use in infertile valleys and close to the arnesia border Rocks: -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_** lowlands rocks -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp1_** lowlands rock groups -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff01_** bottom layer cliffs -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_CliffS01_** small bottom layer cliffs for covering gaps -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock2_** highlands rocks -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp2_** highlands rock groups -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_** top layer cliffs -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_CliffS02_** small top layer cliffs for covering gaps -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock3_** uncommon peak/VM transition rocks -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp3_** uncommon peak/VM transition rock groups -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff03_** uncommon peak/VM transition cliffs -T_Mw_TerrRockSH_CliffS03_** uncommon peak/VM transition cliffs for covering gaps Static Flora: -T_Mw_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_** - sparingly around rock clusters, can be more frequent in fertile valleys -T_Mw_FloraOW_TallMush_** - maybe, use on the OW border sparingly at least -T_Mw_FloraTV_Grass_** - in fertile valleys -T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeGeran_** - main tree of the region, as seen in kaziem's concept art -T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeZifa_** - in fertile valleys -T_Mw_FloraSH_Brambles_** - not made yet Container Flora: -T_Mw_Flora_DesertRose** - made for SH -T_Mw_FloraAT_OranMoss** - could work? maybe just in the fertile valleys. -T_Mw_FloraAT_Uracia_** - maybe, use in shaded areas -T_Mw_FloraSH_BlisFom** - shelf fungus -T_Mw_FloraSH_Tanna** - common crop, pending redo/touch ups -T_Mw_FloraSS_VeilUrn** - made for SH -T_Mw_FloraTV_SpoLotus** - use in fertile valleys -T_Mw_FloraTV_Weepveil** - use in fertile valleys, remember to pair with a bc mushroom light -flora_plant_05/6 - desert cactus, maybe -flora_plant_08 another cactus, more likely to be used Vertex Shading: -Under statics: 118,88,88 -Between textures: 131,111,111