- Noirgrim posts a picture of himself - Dexter: Jesus Noir, all this time I thought you were a big geek. You're a grade-A cool guy. - Eraser: What about me and majra? - Majra: to decide who is the coolest guy in the core, we shall have a fight off. Last man standing is crowned coolest of the cool START BITCHES! *gets in car drives to Baltimore to fight dexter* - Haplo12345: This will be interesting to watch. While Majra may have the dodgeballs of fury at his disposal, Dexter is quite gifted in the bodyslam technique. - Devon8999: I hope the core does'nt include all of the Honorary members too..... That would be one HELL of a fight..... God Majra will probably take a few heads off with those dodgeballs and I'm sure lady N is at a Disadvantage Cuz' She's 13.... I could take you all on with my karate fists of death though Unless I got teamed up on *Cowers in corner as the core approaches* - Majra: dexter outweighs me a good 100 pounds, but Im quick, and my punchs land hard. And yes, I do have dodgeballs of fury. It truly would be a good fight. or, me and Dex could just team up, and take out all of the core, MWAHAHAHA - Eraser: hah Good luck taking me down, I'm a formidable opponent. Haven't lost a fight yet. - Vyvara Araenae: Hmmm... How in the samhell did this nice quaint thread turn into a core deathmatch challenge? - Dexter: Now you're all in big big trouble. You've seen this before, but this time, instead of associating it with Wooty, just picture the victim as a representation of the collective Core. * Posts picture of him strangling “collective core * I'd take you all on at once. Most of you I'd just kill with my mind bullets. The tougher Core members (like Lady N and Hermit) would be folded in on themselves multiple times, then shoved up each others anal cavaties - Vyvara Araenae: *trembles meekly and drops her cookie* I'm really scared. Hold me. *cries* - Dexter: It's purely hypothetical, I assure you. Except the part about Lady N and Hermit being the toughest members of the Core. And me, of course. I'm so badass that this one time I was at a Gwar show, and they were playing Slaughterama, and I sneezed, and they stopped singing to say "God bless you" and give me a Kleenex. They stopped spraying blood and feces into the audience and all that. Even the dinosaur looked worried that I would start shooting lasers out of my nostrils. True story. - Indoril: *Imagines Hermit and Lady N. put to their Dexterous fates.* *Shivers* - Graff: Dexter. God amongst insects. Fact. - Devon8999: That was interesting.... Dexter prevailed and Majra got turned insde out..... Shit! - Lady Nerevar: know where you live dex! anyhow, i dont realy have to fight, because yall sayd "the tougthst guys in the core" and im a girl. so i take the price for best curent female core member by default. I'll still fight though..... - Dexter: You only know the general area where I live. Within a dozen blocks or so. Anyways, you're right, you're easily ten times tougher than Majra. - Commonsnat: Oh, it looks like this is going to get even MORE interesting. I can't wait. * Grabs popcorn, soda, and hides in the bunker. * - Majra: *puts spikes on dodgeball* *throws furious fire spiked dodgeball at Dexters nutsack* My fury shall not be diminished!!! - Haplo12345: No fatalistic wounds please, the gaps in the core may have to be filled by sirwootalot or myself. - Commonsnat: Besides, I don't think its safe for this much power to be released on the forums... They could explode! Better watch out Dex, Majra's got your number. - Dexter: Pfft, Majra's drunk, he couldn't hit me in the nads from three feet away. - Indoril: *Calls a doctors for the core. Calls a witch doctor for Dexter.* As fun and educational as this all is for me, though I'm begininning to get it, It is all very disturbing. Maybe the entire core should rush Dexter at once, using stumpy as a distraction. To further distract him, have Sirwoot comit the happy new members dance in front of him. He'll charge like a bull. As for me, I'll be hiding. - Dexter: If the Core gets to use outside interfearance, then I get to have Serra next to me with her switchblade. And if I get that, they're all dogfood. - Devon8999: Ok this is getting violent - Timito: And as for Dexter, I'll just sneeze in his face. In the state i'm in now he'll be in bed for a week or so... damn, out of paper towels again. *Joins commonsnat in his bunker, brings a bag of crisps and a bottle of Pegasuis* - Commonsnat: Are you guys seriously just gonna let Dexter win? This was getting interesting too... - Morden: “To further distract him, have Sirwoot comit the happy new members dance in front of him.” I thought we swore never to speak of this again. - Stalker: Oh shit. Now we're in trouble. Wooty's dance is...ummm...undescribable. - Majra: ewwww Eraser take it back, I dont live in maryland, I live on the good side of the Potomac HAHAHA TAKE THAT BITCHES *throws a cured virginia ham at you* just remember one thing all of you Guns dont kill people, dangerous minorities do. - Majra: ok ok, Im gonna back up all these pictures, and then delete this thread today - Dexter: See that, he's embaressed that he was destroyed by me and my awesomeness. - Sload Lord: I have to admit, Dexter's avatar could kill Majra's any day of the week. - Graff: I'm sure Dexter actually a big softie in RL. C'mon Dexter, you know you want a hug!! - Lady Nerevar: aw deleated? *starts to cry. then, kicks majra in his balls* hehe! got ya! *runs away gigling* oh, and BTW, my avatar could kick all of yalls any day of the week. - Graff: Fear my Emo Yoshi!!! This little XSceneX Prop would elimate you all with his Ultra-retro shades and evil scarf. - Graff: *Converse trainer, marked with "Liberation from OAFs Army" can be seen moving very quickly towards Dexter's middle* Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No...it's 6ft emo guy with the intention to... *Delivers a sweeping kick to Dexter's nutsack, followed by a dodgeball of fury from the "Persian Diversion"* Fear my Emo might! *Runs* - Stalker: *Door opens from the kick of metal leg* *Dwemeri Centurion walks in. He has a big Golden Star on his chest and Liberation from Oafs Army insigna on his shoulder* I heard that some guy called Dexter here needs some serious tutoring in communications with senior people. Dwemeri Centurion ST-15-AL-10-KR is designed for efficient tutoring, communication and eliminating hostilities. This model is equiped with balls-squashing device which is bulit-in into the right hand. Left hand is designed for holding the vict...object of communication. ST-15-AL-10-KR will commend it's main function now... *Grabs Dex and uses his right hand for it's main purpose* ST-15-AL-10-KR reports complete destruction of target's balls. ST-15-AL-10-KR is shutting down... - Techie_girl: Dexter, Heres a punch in the nuts, courtesy of the Liberation from Oaf's army - Majra: Dexter, whats the capital of Thailand? *punches you in nuts, then slashes your face with my mohawk* BANGKOK BITCH ARISE ARMY OF THE FORSAKEN!!!! - Darth_blade: *Gets off the couch* *Kicks Majra* *Falls asleep* Zz... don't you dare... zz... Zzzz... forgot to kick Dexter too... zzzz... - Stalker: “*punches you in nuts, then slashes your face with my mohawk*” Corrections: Target's nuts are eliminated completly and without a chance of retreival. ST-15-AL-10-KR unit is designed especially for nuts elimination and serve's it's purpose for many years. It was build by High Priest Kagrenac during Nordic invasion to Resdayn. - Graff: Then may I suggest a swift kick up the jacksy? (Translation: Arse). - Dexter: You evil conniving whores. That's it, now you're all in trouble. *Runs off to get Serra* - Timito*Calls all of his friends who are also in bed with a fever, brings a bag of carrots. All raise LfO Army flag and saltue it. Everybody stands in front dexter, chewing all the carrots to pulp, sneezing right in dexter's face.* - Majra: SHORE UP THE LINES!!! THEY ARE GONNA ATTACK!!!! Timito Stalker cover the left, Techie cover the right, all the rest prepare for impact! - Alphafemale: Ninja Flip Mode: GO! *Castrates Majra with switchblade* Anyone who messes with my big oaf is going down! - Majra: ha, little do you know that I am wearing ultimate steel nut protectors of glory! - Graff: *Kicks Dexter in the shins* Shit, that's not gonna work... *Runs* - Darth_blade: Why don't you all just go to sleep, huh? Think that it's half past three somewhere... zzz... - Divayth fyr: *Hits dexter in nuts with an apricot* FOR THE GLORY OF THE ARMY!!! *runs away* - Alphafemale: *Hurls knife into Graff's spine* I'm less than half my boy's size, but I'm ten times as mean, and now, I am on the computer. *Waves butterfly knife at amassed goons* - Kothloth: *sigh* You guys do nothing but goofing around all day. It wouldn't hurt to see you actually do some decent work around here. Grab a shovel and help me dig this trench instead of picking at each other, sheesh. - Stalker: Query: Enter new target for ST-15-AL-10-KR unit. Previous target also know as "Dexter's balls" is already eliminated and added to the list of gloriful nuts elimination this unit has commited. - Graff: My tight t-shirt and scarf will protect me!! Quick Majra, Dodgeball her!! - Majra: Dodgeballs dexter and alpha at the same time! Koth, don't desert the army! we need you!!!! (its just a little fun, I promise after we are done playing I'll clean up the toys ) on a side NOTE BUILD A TRENCH!!! WE SHALL FORCE THEM TO COME TO US!!! - Graff: But digging would ruin my scarf... Can't we just kick them in the... Shit. Alpha has no nuts, our weapon's are useless against her!! Run! *Runs like a little girl* - Darth_blade: And even the sound of a thousand warriors clashing cannot wake me up... peace, guys. Sleep well and have nice dreams. *Activates lazy@$$ aura* - Majra: NO, DONT RETREAT!!!! CHARGE!!!! attack alpha with mental head games!! GIRLS HATE THAT!!! as for dexter he, much like sampson, IS WEAK WITHOUT HIS HAIR! ATTACK!!! - Graff: Statement: Target receive. Commencing trench building... Trench is 78% complete...87%...95%...100%. Reporting succesful building of the trench. Mounting Dodgeball launcher of Uber Doom. Viva la Resistance ! - Alphafemale: Pfft, Dex left to make me lunch. He wanted to stay and help, but ten thousand of you ninnies couldn't handle my left index finger as it is. *Stab's Majra in the shoulderblades* He can't stop me, he's too fat. - Graff: *Pulls Dexters Hair* *Promptly seized by Alpha, and hung up by his scarf* No matter, I can still taunt you!! Na-na-na-na-na! *Gets free* *Runs for trench* We shall send the expendable ones over to tire them. Why are you all looking at me like that? Graff. - Majra: yea, but on average my gender makes 20% more than yours in comparable career positions Anything that bleeds for multiple days and doesnt die must be evil... ATTACK!!! WE NEED REINFORCEMENTS, I URGE ALL TO JOIN IN THIS BATTLE AGAINST THEM!! - Alphafemale: Yeah, and on average, you die ten years before we do. Time's up fatboy! *flipkicks Majra in the chin, and boots Graff in the balls* - Stalker: Simulates EVA voice*Reinfocements has arrived *A group of corprus badgers appear on the battlefield* - Graff: We need expendable...errr...I mean dependable people for our cause!! *Limps off to find ice* Quick, fire the n00b cannon!! - Uldar: *dons semi automatic dual howitzers* I gotcher back Alpha right anyone of you bitches moves and we'll be picking the bits of you outta the dirt for weeks - Graff: *Nudges Sload Lord* - Uldar: Sorry graff, told ya not to move. *Graff is turned into nothing more then a smoking crater and a pile of goo* - Stalker: Corprus Badgers start eating Uldar's cannons and end up eating Uldar. - Darth_blade: Zzzzz... - Majra: *Runs to my bunker in the trenches* GUARD THE DOOR STALKER! *hovers over supreme adminstrator forum bomb button* I shall not use this unless completely neccessary! *sends out signal to new members* Attention, anyone who can hear my voice, the tide of our battle has turned, but the war is not over. We need reinforcements, help us, you're only hope *transmission cuts out* *deletes graffs username, and readds him, therefore regenerating him* - Veet: arives with backup *Picture of “Die, Nerd-boy!” Puppy* - Garriath: You stand not alone! *howls at corprus badgers to turn around back onto Stalker* - Alphafemale: *Severs the tubes and wires in Stalker's Centurion neck.* - Graff: *Quicksave function* *Toggle God Mode* Mwa-ha-ha-ha!! You can't kill me!! Hit this!! New Member Dance - Uldar: Corprus Badger's WTF!!! Get em off! *sheds the howitzers - runs back to the ammo bunker for more goodies* - Majra: DONT MOVE ALPHA! ONE STEP CLOSER AND THIS ENTIRE FORUM GOES TO SMITHERINES!!! - Stalker: Statement: Whoooaaaa. I can see my eye-sockets ! - Graff: *Runs to handy bunker* *Throws out n00bs with beer* *Drags beer back in * - Graff: Aside to Majra: We have the Holy TR Balls-blowing Hand Grenade. - Kothloth: *presses supreme adminstrator forum bomb button* Loud voice: "Self destruct ETA 5" - Graff: *Runs Away* - Alphafemale: Wimp! I declare myself to be the grand victor of this war. Majra's reliance on 14 year olds cannot withstand my howitzer-weilding jazz musician and bellowing cynic. And none of you can step to my awesone ninjaflips. Serra = 1 Majra = 0 - Majra: 5 minutes till explosion!!! DAMN YOU KOTH!!!! youve damned us all!!!! - Stalker: Uses his Overmind powers to unleash Zerg waves on enemy lines. Query: How do you like that meatbags ? Query: Will somebody fix my sight ? - Kothloth: Sorry, big red buttons scream out "press me" Loud voice: "Self destruct ETA 4" - Majra: GENERAL VEET IS A SENIOR MEMBER!! HIS GLORY FAR SURPASSES ALL! *3 minutes to explosion* however, we must find a way to stop the explosion! or else we are all doooooomed To Graff-General Koth has lost his mind! We need to find a way to stop the explosion! - Graff: *Runs back* *Gives Dexter and Alpha's hair a tug* Perhaps we could throw b00bs at the bomb? - Darth_blade: *Throws orange lightsaber at Stalker* Revolution, huh? *Proceeds to fry Stalker with Force Lightning and finishes him off with an ion grenade. Painted orange.* I'll show you revolution. *falls asleep again, surrounding himself and the remains of Stalker with an iron curtain* - Garriath: Shoots stalker, causing Zerg hordes to turn amongst themselves and their allies. Also appears in front of stalker. "I am Revan! I am your master!" *triggers Stalker's stimuli and assassin core and turns him against Majra.* - Majra: Stalkers destroying of button only increases timer speed! *2 minutes to explosion* NOOO it cant end like this!!!! - Kothloth: If we stuff all howitzer-weilding jazz musicians and bellowing cynics into the reactor, I'm sure something would happen Loud voice: "Self destruct ETA 2" - Majra: *Takes garriath and darth blade and stuffs them into the forum bomb reactor with koth. Listens as they scream in horror*! Well that didnt do anything.... but it was fun! - Graff: Sorry Uldar, it's for the good of everyone else, that'll comfort your descendants. *Throws Uldar at the bomb* Another! *Crazy Eyes* Haha, I'm seizing control of this army, Majra. *Stuffs Majra into the reactor* - Kothloth: I will remember this! *argh* - Uldar: *Uldar swoops down on the carnage in his shiney new A-10 Warthog, followed by a whole flight of wingmen, all carrying bunker busting and incendiary bombs* EAT HOT FLAMING DEATH DIRT BAGS!!! - Majra: IS THIS THE END OF TR!? BROUGHT DOWN BY A SELF DESTRUCT BOMB!? - Uldar: was I too late? - Majra: *REACTOR EXPLOSION EMMINENT!* *Comes out of the bunker, stands on the battlefield with his fallen army* FOR THE GLORY OF THE ARMY!!!! *stabs himself through the chest with his own sword* - Darth_blade: Now look what you've done! These were my favorite boxers - now they're all charred! Hyyyyeargh! *Sends hordes of lemmings over Majra* *Does evil with Majra* *Stuffs a hundred-watt lightbulb in Majra's mouth* There you have. - Uldar: *runs for the hills* - Graff: *Majra's mohawk causes the Reactor fold in itself, effectively ending the countdown* Now I rule here! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!! - Alphafemale: *Points and laughes at Majras corpse, and logs off, avoiding death* - Majra: 3-2-1 followed by all 3 admins posting in a row for the first time ever - Kothloth: ...and it 'twas a sad day for TR - Noirgrim: ...Noirgrim get's last word... - Kothloth: Oh no, you don't - Majra: people,.... can you please pretend atleast to have died... your ruining the effect Also... I get last word