
Indoril Palanquin

A palanquin intended to be carried by two slaves for Indoril fast travel. Should be shaped similarly to the attached reference image. Rich wood with Indoril-styled detailing.

The CA should also have poles for carrying, unlike the reference image.

[HR427] Direnni Tapestries

Direnni Tapestries


Direnni Tapestries for use in Direnni Ruins (torn) or in contemporary Direnni holdings (complete). 

Textures included below as a zip found when following this link:

Pictures are just samples from the zip folder.

Would probably need a hanger if such a thing is not already made. 




[HF] Bull Beetle

Bull beetle


A small scrib or iron toad sized creature found throughout Hammerfell. 

Should work in a similar way to the scrib or the iron toad. 


Mesh w.i.p  can be found here. 




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