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Dreugh set piece issue

Liliana discovered an issue in a Dreugh set piece, T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 . The top hole dosent line up with T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoomEntranc_01 and shows a small gap at one point on the perimeter. The entrance piece lines up with other room pieces fine, so my assumption is that the T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 has a mesh issue around the top.

T_Rga_FurnP_Table_01 lighting issue

T_Rga_FurnP_Table_01 (hf_furn_rga_p_table01.nif) isn't affected by lighting correctly. The legs of the table are fine, but the tabletop is only affected by lighting when the candle is in very specific places, and looks very strange, and in most places a light simply won't affect it whatsoever. I have checked in game so it's not just a CS issue.

Imp_SetNord_I_Lighthouse 3 and 4 ceiling too low to reach top of the stairs

The gap between the top floor and the stairs in the Imp_SetNord_I_Lighthouse set is impossible to walk through without tcl. I've attached a screenshot of the gap I'm referring to. Models are tr/i/tr_in_nor_lh_03.nif and tr/i/tr_in_nor_lh_04.nif

Old book "House Hlaalu Stronghold Plans" feels moddy

There is much wrong with this old book, "House Hlaalu Stronghold Plans" (made in 2005, here First, it feels It's like the book is unnecesarily trying to mention or explain every detail of the ingame implementation of the Hlaalu stronghold.


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