Dunmer female names should not end with -ah





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Almost every Dark Elf female name in Arena and Daggerfall ends with -ah, as one of the internal setting rules, but no Dunmer female names in Morrowind end in -ah except for Barenziah, who was imported from Daggerfall. Thus, ending a Dunmer female NPC's name with -ah confirms it was based on Arena procgen rules, not Morrowind's names.

The attached plugin makes the changes:

  • Morah Savil -> Morisa Savil
  • Odairah Folvyn -> Odera Folvyn
  • Taviah Uvel -> Tavani Uvel
  • Aliah Saryni -> Alina Saryni
  • Elivah Baryon -> Elvynu Baryon
  • Releniah Dren -> Relena Dren
  • Dariah Vervul -> Darusa Vervul

There might be more examples of this in other section files, but it caught my eye in Narsis.



I disagree that we should

FlinSunset's picture

I disagree that we should entirely abandon it. Barenziah is not the only -ah name in lore, there are Morgiah, Katariah, Karliah (from TESV, but still) and Vermothah. Also such ending doesn't feel out of place because there are male Dunmer names ending with -ah, like Odaishah.

My personal headcanon is that female -ah names became archaic before 3E427 and only old Dunmer or Ashlanders still have them. That's why I gave Mama Dren the name Releniah, and I think that could work at larger scale if we don't make npcs with such names too common.