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The Indoril bells in the Romithren Monastery chapel have Master's Armorer's Hammers lying beneath them, implying that those hammers are used to strike the bells. In the vanilla game, the Sixth House, which has bells very similar to these, have special two-handed and very heavy hammers to strike their bells with (and they make great trophies to commemorate all the Dagoths you've slaughtered). Why does the Sixth House, which has essentially no blacksmithing potential as far as we can see, get neat, unique bell hammers while all House Indoril (truly the house mourned) gets is lousy little armorer's hammers? Certainly they don't need to be big-daddy ones like the Sixth House two-handed mauls, but at least a unique hammer of one-handed or two-handed variety would be appropriate and evocative, and might encourage a little fun with a novelty unique ornamental hammer.
Such a good idea! I read this
Such a good idea! I read this and made the mod.
Comparison with 6th house bell hammer:
Dont suppose you would be
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"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
mm, i just don't know how to
mm, i just don't know how to do it. you see, it was my second post on the forum)
but i don't mind if it will be used as an asset.
also, there is another version of the hammer, on the base of vvardenfell ordinators armor textures:
should i post them both in the asset browser section or only team members can do it?
No dont need to be a member
No dont need to be a member just head on over to the asset browser https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset and hit "contribute asset". Feel free to post both, though not to be too picky it would be nice if it matched the green of the bells rather than the ordinator colours, not essential by any means but would be nice all the same.
Also, not to nag but please do join the discord.
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
done but there are 3 versions
but there are 3 versions now, actually)
as player, i'd prefer it matches the armor... but i can make a retexture for the bells too)))
In an ideal world there would
In an ideal world there would be a sort of armor in that green shade anyway.
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
The Indoril bell hammers made
The Indoril bell hammers made their way into data but save for Roa Dyr most bell sets still have other hammers placed by them
The attached esp switches those in the following cells out for Indoril bell hammers:
- Ules Ancestral Tomb
- Sinramen Monastery
- Romithren Monastery, Chapel
Patch File: