20.02 Bug Fix Release

Download Tamriel Rebuilt 20.02: Main Mirror | Morrowind Nexus

  • CRC-32: 1b63ac86
  • SHA-1: 686cfed12f9e1ced3b400ecf2e18408e59a7d315
  • MD5: c7aed0cf6b3784894689332566f641f5

Tamriel Rebuilt is pleased to announce the release of build 20.02.

20.02 is mainly a bugfix release, requiring the use of Tamriel Data v07.01 or later.

While the focus was on various fixes to recently released quests and the usual corrections of floaters and bleeders, a few minor additions to dialogue and landscape were included as well. These additions include a few new replies to generic topics, a shortcut to Roa Dyr from the other river bank, and Windbreaker Keep, one of Uriel V's abandoned forward ports, in the Padomaic Ocean.

Windbreaker Keep on a typical day

Our next planned release, "Dominions of Dust", with an estimated release date of 2021, will finally see Tamriel Rebuilt reach the western border of the province. The release will focus on three regions: the Ascadian Bluffs, Roth-Roryn and the Armun Ashlands, with parts of the Velothi Mountains thrown in for good measure. Andothren, a major Hlaalu settlement, Teyn, an Imperial holding, and various minor towns and settlements will be the focus of the release. Two Ashlander tribes and two vampire clans will spice things up for those of an unusual and, dare we say, heretical disposition.

If you are interested in making Mainland Morrowind a reality, join us! Tamriel Rebuilt is always looking for new members, even those completely new to modding. We have plenty of helpful guides on our website and friendly people ready to teach you the ropes on our Discord server.

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