Skyrim: Home of the Nords

A Guar's Life

A farmer in the Thirr River Valley area has a prize guar able to dance, do tricks, and even the limited ability to speak. This guar is the talk of the region and has even won the attention of dunmer nobility. Naturally the farmer's first thought was to breed the guar and sell its offspring for a massive profit. Unfortunately the day after mentioning this, the guar disappeared. "Bandits!" he thought, "They've stolen my prize guar! I see it's footprints going to the southwest!" At this point the player arrives and the farmer explains the predicament.

The Voice To Calm Me Down

A small Indoril village worries about their healer, Nelyn Fethis, who after a certain incident went crazy and since then furiosly attacks everything with a dreugh/adamantium club that crosses his line of sight (the npc would have zero luck and zero skill in blunt weapon, so you could stand there indefinitly, minding your own business, while he tries to stab you. Also it would be required that he does not speak, because he’s mute, meaning some scriptingwork is required).

Haivin and the Mountain of the Gods volume 2

Haivin and the Mountain of the Gods
Part II A feast for two Ravens

The air felt so unnervingly cold… almost damaging to his essence. His legs would barely move when trying to step forwards, through the thick and heavy fog that encircled him.

He knew that he had to keep moving, he had to.

Strange sounds started appearing all around him, piercing through the fog, none of these he could specify.

A Bard's Tale

--changed IDs to match TR naming conventions, getting rid of all “KS_” prefixes
--changed “baby clothes” to “t’lonya”, a term out of vanilla lore
--tweaked names of the bard and random audience woman to better match Dunmer naming conventions
--mod file cleaned, is now ready to be reviewed to be merged into the next release. YAY!


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