TR_Kragenmoor_04_The Restitution Busy Tavern ran by a Dunmer/Outlander couple. Caters both to traders and the tourists along the main road. Ample booze & food for hungry shoppers. Include a small stage for an entertainer. Include a room for the publicans and a few rooms for hire. Make use of a basement as needed.
TR_Kragenmoor_03_Indoril Merchant Residence Residence of a merchant and his wife - both hail from Indoril lands. The merchant runs the stall outside. He is involved in illicit punavit trade, which he supplies to interested nobility/rich merchants coming from the heartlands.
TR_Kragenmoor_02_CountingHouse A place of education of those looking to learn the ways of accountancy & trade. The institution handles accounting for local businesses and also distant clients who seek a neutral third-party to audit their ledgers for any irregularities. This work is completed by poorer students seeking to earn their education via tiresome intellectual labour on the sweatshop-esque upper floor. Velothi especially seek education here, those from out of Kragenmoor are hosted in the basement dormitory.
Request for medium and large bulletin board static furniture assets to post announcements, quest hooks, advertisements, etc.
Ideally there should be four assets total, medium size boards for de_p and de_m, and large size boards for de_p and de_m. Please see photos for cork and wood trim texture styles. Boards should be made to put on the side of walls, not free standing.
The leader of the Ja-Natta Syndicate should have an outfit based on the grub druglord concept from Michael Kirkbride. Due to Sloads being creatures rather than NPCs, this will require working off of the assets provided on the sload asset page and exporting it with the sload as its own creature.