after long time of lurking I’ve finally decided to register and try to join TR.
So, there’s my interior showcase (basically, it was used as showcase for Project Tamriel – I’ve fixed some stuff; I hope you don’t mind reusing this file).
It’s using full vanilla assets, so, I’m not sure why I loaded Tamriel_Data.esm but I decided to leave it here.
(Reply #1) Posted on Wed, 2016-11-09 23:48
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hi Aleister, welcome to TR.
Re-using your PT showcase should be fine.
I’ve given the int a quick look-over and other than some placement issues it all seems good; I’ll give you a proper review in a couple of days.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Thanks for submitting a showcase, it’s a nice little interior.
You've got all the important stuff down; Northmarker is present, "Illegal to Sleep Here" is set, cell lighting is good and no stylemixing present.
Some things of note:
'misc_de_lute_01_phat' is a unique easter egg, replace it with an ordinary lute.
Both of the 'in_hlaalu_door' instances need to be shifted to the other side of the doorjamb; at the moment, they bleed into their doorjambs when open.
Your layout doesn't quite match the shape of any of the hlaalu houses (the closest is 'ex_hlaalu_b_05'), but I assume the intention is that the rear of the house is built into the ground somewhat.
Below is a list of general placement issues that should be addressed. Fix these up and I’ll give you a second review.
apparatus_j_alembic_01 (205.485, 375.535, 7.832) - Bleeding into shelf.
apparatus_j_mortar_01 (204.662, 534.768, -54.839) - Bleeding slightly on one side.
barrel_01_cheapfood20 (479.418, 1020.200, -345.745) - Bleeding into barrel_01_cheapfood20.
bk_RealBarenziah1 (576.000, 384.000, -262.517) - Bleeding into bk_realbarenziah2.
bk_realbarenziah2 (576.000, 384.000, -268.489) - Bleeding into bk_realbarenziah3.
bk_realbarenziah3 (576.000, 384.000, -274.462) - Bleeding into bk_realbarenziah4.
bk_realbarenziah4 (576.000, 384.000, -280.434) - Bleeding into bk_realbarenziah5.
bk_RealBarenziah5 (576.000, 384.000, -286.406) - Floating.
bk_tamrielicreligions (571.235, 338.850, -273.732) - Bleeding into shelf.
bk_truenatureoforcs (572.658, 356.777, -270.454) - Floating.
bonemold_bracer_left (576.990, 244.106, -334.655) - Floating.
BookSkill_Alchemy2 (559.923, 323.048, 36.769) - Bleeding into wardrobe.
BookSkill_Alchemy3 (564.185, 318.659, 43.067) - Floating.
BookSkill_Alchemy5 (570.581, 347.794, -272.576) - Floating.
chest_small_01_gold_ran (564.611, 256.126, 39.667) - Bleeding into wardrobe.
chest_small_02_ingfine1 (208.000, 352.000, -76.833) - Bleeding into shelf.
chest_small_02_ingredie (209.115, 296.309, -75.056) - Bleeding into shelf.
com_sack_01_ingred (201.310, 299.324, -108.557) - This one is bleeding too much into the sacks below it.
expensive_shoes_02 (204.570, 164.890, -90.015) - Bleeding into chest.
food_kwama_egg_02 (274.285, 320.911, -302.484) - Bleeding into bowl.
furn_de_cushion_square_07 (454.547, -36.696, -123.167) - Bleeding into furn_de_cushion_square_07.
furn_de_p_bench_03 (240.000, 832.000, -356.793) - Bleeding into floor.
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 (208.000, 320.000, -47.516) - Bleeding into floor.
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 (576.000, 320.000, -300.270) - Floating, bleeding into wall.
furn_de_p_table_05 (528.000, 520.000, -347.973) - Bleeding into rug.
Furn_de_rug_big_09 (384.000, 640.000, -378.888) - Rectangular rugs like this should bleed about halfway into the floor.
ingred_bc_coda_flower (307.992, 566.290, 14.183) - Bleeding into vase.
ingred_bread_01 (304.982, 353.603, -308.395) - Floating.
ingred_guar_hide_01 (569.188, 379.574, -333.936) - Floating.
ingred_guar_hide_01 (576.483, 392.751, -334.037) - Floating.
light_de_candle_05 (240.757, 567.810, -7.261) - Bleeding into desk.
light_de_candle_blue_01 (568.078, 59.170, -84.115) - Bleeding into chest.
light_de_candle_ivory_01 (584.367, 399.090, -234.597) - Floating.
light_de_lamp_02_128 (576.000, 448.000, -247.327) - Bleeding into light_de_lamp_02_128.
misc_com_bottle_01 (145.214, 508.611, -304.460) - Floating.
misc_com_bottle_01 (147.842, 510.289, -254.627) - Bleeding into winerack.
misc_com_bottle_02 (148.476, 527.987, -268.444) - Bleeding into winerack.
misc_com_bottle_05 (146.783, 527.663, -293.374) - Floating.
misc_com_bottle_05 (146.832, 490.727, -319.228) - Bleeding into winerack.
misc_com_redware_vase (307.949, 566.887, -5.124) - Floating.
misc_de_basket_01 (308.311, 262.012, -312.307) - Floating.
misc_de_bowl_glass_peach_01 (274.834, 319.796, -313.018) - Base is bleeding a bit too far into bench.
misc_de_goblet_06 (408.765, 533.862, -55.968) - Bleeding into table.
misc_de_lute_01_phat (578.899, 157.065, -93.294) - Bleeding into floor and wardrobe.
misc_de_pitcher_01 (573.797, 279.257, -230.870) - Floating.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 (579.739, 357.703, -243.812) - Floating.
misc_de_pot_glass_peach_02 (570.479, 377.719, -243.316) - Floating.
Misc_Inkwell (288.781, 535.399, -47.621) - Floating.
misc_shears_01 (584.895, 356.459, -333.387) - Floating.
misc_skooma_vial (568.995, 36.129, -119.241) - Floating.
p_burden_c (203.664, 390.556, -19.124) - Floating.
potion_comberry_brandy_01 (143.611, 563.466, -263.662) - Bleeding into winerack.
potion_comberry_brandy_01 (146.640, 509.870, -276.889) - Bleeding into winerack.
potion_comberry_wine_01 (147.495, 526.795, -365.595) - Floating.
potion_comberry_wine_01 (148.241, 508.991, -327.980) - Bleeding into winerack.
p_restore_magicka_b (216.870, 296.787, -22.628) - Floating.
sc_invisibility (209.206, 565.258, -18.553) - Bleeding into desk.